fuel economy calc change:
now 20 gallon tracking, so it will update twice as quckly and with better accuracy. the downside is that if you somehow are planning on using more than 20 gallons of fuel before shutting off the ignition, the counter will rollover, so you'll need to account for that in that situation. i don't think that will be much of a problem.
for an example:
i'll skip a bunch of math, but using LQ1 injectors since they're middle of the road at 22.4lb/hr, every 4.68mSec of injector on-time will increment the counter once. this is regardless of single-fire or double-fire. it's just simply on-time.
now, 4.68mSec is not a lot of time. assuming you idle at 1.17mSec(in double-fire), 4 revolutions(and injections) later, the counter will increment. at an 800RPM idle, that's 13.33 revolutions per second, so the counter will increment 3 times per second. if you log at 9Hz, it will take once every 3 frames to increment. that's at idle, so that seems like a decent rate to me. faster than most, if not all of the trip computers available back in the day, some even now. most are either 1/2 or 1 second updates, not 1/3 second. at higher fuel flow rates, expect it to be proportially faster, up to the rate of your logging equipment.
and here is the interesting part i decided to impliment...
i'll have an adjustable value to wait longer between updates at the benefit of increased accuracy. instead of incrementing that value once every time it should be incremented once, a longer sampling period can be selected. instead of 4.68mSec per increment, can choose a 10X sampling period and the increments will be by 10 counts. sounds odd(and that it won't actually do anything), but it will reduce the amount of positive or negative error that will continuously stack when rounding is necessary. so you'll be able to choose your own compromise between update rate and accuracy. of course, you'll be able to skew the value in the ADX to better match what you see in the real-world as well, since accounting for the effects of injector voltage and min PW offsets into a fuel economy calc isn't a 100% science.
now 20 gallon tracking, so it will update twice as quckly and with better accuracy. the downside is that if you somehow are planning on using more than 20 gallons of fuel before shutting off the ignition, the counter will rollover, so you'll need to account for that in that situation. i don't think that will be much of a problem.

for an example:
i'll skip a bunch of math, but using LQ1 injectors since they're middle of the road at 22.4lb/hr, every 4.68mSec of injector on-time will increment the counter once. this is regardless of single-fire or double-fire. it's just simply on-time.
now, 4.68mSec is not a lot of time. assuming you idle at 1.17mSec(in double-fire), 4 revolutions(and injections) later, the counter will increment. at an 800RPM idle, that's 13.33 revolutions per second, so the counter will increment 3 times per second. if you log at 9Hz, it will take once every 3 frames to increment. that's at idle, so that seems like a decent rate to me. faster than most, if not all of the trip computers available back in the day, some even now. most are either 1/2 or 1 second updates, not 1/3 second. at higher fuel flow rates, expect it to be proportially faster, up to the rate of your logging equipment.
and here is the interesting part i decided to impliment...
i'll have an adjustable value to wait longer between updates at the benefit of increased accuracy. instead of incrementing that value once every time it should be incremented once, a longer sampling period can be selected. instead of 4.68mSec per increment, can choose a 10X sampling period and the increments will be by 10 counts. sounds odd(and that it won't actually do anything), but it will reduce the amount of positive or negative error that will continuously stack when rounding is necessary. so you'll be able to choose your own compromise between update rate and accuracy. of course, you'll be able to skew the value in the ADX to better match what you see in the real-world as well, since accounting for the effects of injector voltage and min PW offsets into a fuel economy calc isn't a 100% science.