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nAst1: Progress and Concepts Thread

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  • Originally posted by robertisaar View Post
    two things:

    sorry for taking so long to answer Dave, but if you want RPM to be the compare done to 34A, then in the TP hex editor(or any other you might use) change DDFF(5DFF) to $62 for RPM X 25(if you shift under ~6400) or $76 for RPM X 50. you can safely draw up to ~1 amp with that circuit, wouldn't try drawing any more than that, i've tested 1.5 amps for short periods of time without issues, but i wouldn't push it.

    also, bugfix version coming VERY soon, i actually didn't realize i had two serious issues, one with the idle VE table, another with the 5200-8400RPM spark table. i have quite a changelog for this release, unfortunately i don't have it 100% tested yet, so no release ATM.
    I just discovered you sent me a nast1 version of the 8F code. I believe I was distracted by the problem I was having at the time that has since been corrected. Is there anything special I need to do to start working with it as I don't see any flags available to select the extended/ported tables and disable the original table to avoid any conflicts.


    • IIRC, i put an updated version of the enhanced 8F code on the TGPforums a while ago, it probably is a little more stabile than the one i sent you a while ago, you might want to look into it.

      also: here is nAst1 1.05, check the release notes people, lots of hidden info. i don't have all of the mode 4 stuff tested yet either, but just be careful with the ones that sound like they could cause issues, like commanding 5* ATDC spark advance, stuff like that. i'll have to document that later.
      Last edited by robertisaar; 07-26-2012, 09:09 PM.
      1995 Monte Carlo LS 3100, 4T60E...for now, future plans include driving it until the wheels fall off!
      Latest nAst1 files here!
      Need a wiring diagram for any GM car or truck from 82-06(and 07-08 cars)? PM me!


      • Originally posted by robertisaar View Post
        IIRC, i put an updated version of the enhanced 8F code on the TGPforums a while ago, it probably is a little more stabile than the one i sent you a while ago, you might want to look into it.

        also: here is nAst1 1.05, check the release notes people, lots of hidden info. i don't have all of the mode 4 stuff tested yet either, but just be careful with the ones that sound like they could cause issues, like commanding 5* ATDC spark advance, stuff like that. i'll have to document that later.
        I did get 1.05 from you and am currently doing a desktop calibration of the VE tables to try out on the car soon. I'd probably be a little scared to run all out with it at this point.
        I finally got the driveablility problem under boost figured out. I suspected spark blow out but didn't know why. Once I realized the very same motor had run 7 psi detonation free with 212 deg inlet temps on mid grade fuel and a poor tune I knew I shouldn't be having problems with 180 degree inlet temps, on 93 octane, a decent tune and alcohol injection.

        When I compared an old tune in TP5 I realized the undiagnosed bad knock sensor had caused me to chip away at boosted timing to the tune of as much as 9 deg and it was when those spots were hit abruptly the sudden delay in ignition was probably allowing the spark to be drowned out as AFRs were dipping into the low 9s and has gone as low as 8.

        Since that was cleared up the car is running like mad and although it's still in the car the alcohol has not been necessary for 10 psi but is set to come on at about that point where a slight drop in power is felt because I have a pre and post turbo nozzle. The post turbo nozzle is placed after the air temp sensor so the apparent ~30 deg drop in inlet air temps at 11 psi are the result of the pre turbo nozzle.

        Timing has been brought to within about 3 deg of the original timing at 7 psi but after that is about 5 deg lower because initially the engine had twin turbos and wastegates with 7 psi springs and wasn't intended to see more than that at the time. Now a single 35 mm 7 psi wastegate can't handle the boost bypass so the engine has climbed accidently into the 12 psi range without a lick of detonation. Fortunately I anticipate the problem and setup the boost multiplyer and spark table to accomodate this which they have done.

        The car has run very strong since the problem was resolved and what's left to do now is get on it with the cam retarded. I sent you a message a while back explaining that when I activate the VVT module the exhaust note mellows out a little more and the tone drops a little and the AFR drops about .4 while idling. Hopefully a positive difference can be felt under boost. I have to finish wiring in the Zeitronix WB unit so that I can use the logic circuit to activate the VVT at around 4000 rpm. I'll make a trip to radio shack for a 5 volt relay to set it up.

        You've been more than a great help. Appreciate it.
        Last edited by Guest; 10-09-2011, 01:57 PM.


        • Apologize if any of this was addressed. This is a long post to take in at once and I might have missed some stuff.

          -use the 5V MAF's that everybody else except for GM uses. Many more options and a 5v signal is probably easier to scale then a frequency
          SR20DE MAF 91-94 Sentra SER, part # 53J00 50mm 250 WHP-----------Bored 54mm 290 WHP SR20DE MAF 91-99 200sx SER, part # 53J01 50mm 250 WHP-----------Bored 54mm 290 WHP SR20DE MAF 00-01 Sentra SE 325 WHP 91-94 Pulsar GTIR, part # 54C00 50mm 290 WHP-----------Bored 54mm 345 WHP, Aveneir...

          -drop the boost multiplier idea for the VE/spark table. The tables themselves are more then capable of handling it and those values are redundant
          -use a single MAP

          I got the 2 BAR MAP code for you that I did a while back for $DF. Might be good for comparison purposes. Ran it for over a year with boost so I know it works. I got it work fine with a single 2 BAR MAP, thus saving the A/D channel for other purposes.
          Last edited by brian89gp; 10-11-2011, 08:54 AM.


          • This post and everything below are for BHAK/BCFA $DF

            The dummy $4b value came from running the car and looking at the normal pressure value. Took that and hard coded it.

            delete the AC pressure transducer
            C720 @2 ldaA #$00
            C722 call LF04E
            C725 staA L014C
            C728 ret

            D067 ldaA L014C
            D06A cmpA #$D0

            E74B ldaB L014C
            E74E cmpB 226, X

            F0BB @2 ldaB L014C
            FOBE cmpB 0, X

            C720 01 @2 nop
            C721 01 nop
            C722 01 nop
            C723 01 nop
            C724 01 nop
            C725 01 nop
            C726 01 nop
            C727 01 nop
            C728 39 ret

            D067 86 4B ldaA #$4b
            D069 01 nop
            D06A 81 D0 cmpA #$D0

            E74B C6 4B ldaB #$4b
            E74D 01 nop
            E74E E1 E2 cmpB 226, X

            F0BB C6 4B @2 ldaB #$4b
            F0BD 01 nop
            FOBE E1 00 cmpB 0, X
            Last edited by brian89gp; 10-11-2011, 04:15 PM.


            • 2 BAR MAP sensor (notice I reused L014C from the a/c sensor) The idea is you have your stock 1 BAR value, then you have your 2 BAR value. Everything uses the 1 BAR stock, you change the tables you want to use the 2 BAR (L014C)

              9907 ldaA #$30 ;load a/d channel
              9909 call LF04E ;a/d read routine
              990C staA MAP ;store result
              990E staA L0054 ;store result

              the others are similar, just a different a/d routine is called

              modified: (due to legacy, the 2 BAR MAP sensor is on the a/c sensor pin, #$00 instead of #$30
              9907 call FE2E ;jump to routine
              990A nop
              990B nop
              990C staA MAP ;store result
              990E staA L0054 ;store result

              9CC9 call FE2E
              9CCC nop
              9CCD nop
              9CCE staA MAP

              C51E call FE3C
              C521 nop
              C522 nop
              C523 staA MAP

              FE2E ldaA #$00 ;a/d channel
              FE30 call LF04E
              FE33 staA L014C
              FE36 ldaA L014C ; load 2bar
              FE39 cmpA #$7E ; see if it is 1 or 2 bar
              FE3B bcs @+3 ; if <7A then jump (1 bar)
              FE3D ldaA #$FD ; else load max 1 bar value
              FE3F ret
              FE40 ldaA L014C ; if 1 bar
              FE43 lslA ; multiply by 2
              FE44 ret

              FE45 ldaA #$00
              FE47 call LFD5D
              FE4A staA L014C
              FE4D ldaA L014C ; load 2bar
              FE50 cmpA #$7E ; see if it is 1 or 2 bar
              FE52 bcs @+3 ; if it is 2 bar
              FE54 ldaA #$FD ; load max 1 bar value
              FE56 ret
              FE57 ldaA L014C ; if 1 bar
              FE5A lslA ; multiply by 2
              FE5B ret


              • 2 BAR spark table
                A0B1 ldaB MAP3
                A0B3 ldX #$8129
                A0B6 ldaA NL_RPM_INDEX

                modified: (notice it is using L014C variable now) This is messy and doesn't need a call anymore, it was legacy from previous versions when I had 2 MAP sensors running at once.
                A0B1 call fe27
                A0B4 nop
                A0B5 nop
                A0B6 ldaA NL_RPM_INDEX

                FE27 ldaB L014C ;2bar var
                FE2A ldX #$8129 ;spark table
                FE2D ret

                The kpa scale is roughly this now: 10,21,33,45,57,69,81,93,105,116,128,140,152,164,17 6,188,200
                Last edited by brian89gp; 10-11-2011, 04:09 PM.


                • The BPW boost multiplier. I would not suggest doing it this way. Extend the VE table to 2/3 BAR, perhaps 32 cells wide, and do all the boost fuel tuning in the VE table itself. Provided here only for reference.

                  B7D7 @1 stD L008F
                  B7D9 stD L0159
                  B7DC ldaA CTS2

                  B7D7 @1 call LFE4A ;F77 table addition
                  B7DA nop
                  B7DB nop
                  B7DC ldaA CTS2

                  FE4A stD L008F ;bpw
                  FE4C ldX #$9620 ;F77 table
                  FE4F ldaA L014C ;2 bar variable
                  FE52 ldab #$79 ;offset to start at, $80 = half
                  FE54 call LF6FC ;2d tbl lookup
                  FE57 ldX #$008F ;bpw
                  FE5A call LF7F8
                  FE5D lslD
                  FE5E stD L008F ;bpw
                  FE60 stD L0159
                  FE63 ret

                  The BPW table is located at #1620 in the binary file, it is a 1 column x 11 row table. The rows are 100kpa to 200kpa in 10kpa increments.


                  • Independent baro sensor. Waste of an a/d channel but here for reference. (unless you have spare ones, then why not)

                    Take note that the BARO sensor is on the original MAP a/d of #$30 and the new MAP is on the original a/c transducer a/d of #$00

                    F1E1 ..............bunch of stuff


                    F1E1 ldaA #$30 ;a/d channel
                    F1E3 call LFD5D ;a/d read routine
                    F1E6 staA BARO
                    F1E8 clra
                    F1E9 staA L01F4
                    F1EC ret
                    F1ED-F27C nop
                    Last edited by brian89gp; 10-11-2011, 04:36 PM.


                    • Good to see you around again Brian


                      • Originally posted by SappySE107 View Post
                        Good to see you around again Brian
                        I'll second that
                        -60v6's 2nd Jon M.
                        91 Black Lumina Z34-5 speed
                        92 Black Lumina Z34 5 speed (getting there, slowly... follow the progress here)
                        94 Red Ford Ranger 2WD-5 speed
                        Originally posted by Jay Leno
                        Tires are cheap clutches...


                        • Howdy Ben.

                          Holy tables batman! Well, I guess you can't ever complain about not having fine enough RPM resolution anymore. How hard is that to tune?

                          I hate to suggest it (because I know what you would do with the tables....48x48...2304 cells/bytes...) but I would drop the boost BPW modifier and boost spark retard tables and convert the main VE and main spark table to 3 BAR. More accurate that way and easier for a less experienced person to just pick it up and start tuning. Probably would have to move down to 32x32 tables just to get them to fit.

                          Can the P4 PCM's read the extra space in 512 chips?


                          • Its not too bad but its a lot more specific for RPM vs MAP with all those cells and it can become a game of wits if you chase every cell individually.


                            • I see a large block of free space between 1FEB and 10E0 (3851 bytes) on the stock AXKK bin, enough to fit three 32x32 tables (VE, Spark, MAF AFR) with 800bytes left to spare. 32x32 should be enough for decent RPM resolution and 3 BAR.

                              Or if you so choose, enough to put your two 48x16 VE/Spark tables in sequential order. Would make it easier in the tuner to have one large table vs three of them.

                              Not nitpicking I swear, just brainstorming.


                              If you are concerned about loss of resolution, you could make the first 16x32 (or 48 if you prefer) the 1 BAR area, column 16 would be 100kpa. The second 16x32/48 would be 100-300kpa (column 17-32)

                              And thank you greatly for bringing IDA to my attention.
                              Last edited by brian89gp; 10-11-2011, 10:40 PM.

