I'm really interested into trying to tune and data log my 87 blazer. I'm a complete noob at this and the more a research the more I think I'm confused. I know I have a 122749 ECM and have been told I need to swap it out but I haven't been told why or what is better. I'm still running the TBI but might be interested in swapping to a 2.8 f-body MPFI if its easy enough. I really don't wanna rewire the entire truck for the extra injectors and what it has is working fine.
This is the best pin out for my ECM I can find
A1 Green/white Fuel pump relay
A2 Dark brown A/C clutch control
A3 ***not used***
A4 Gray EGR control
A5 Brown/white Service Engine Soon light
A6 Pink/black 12V switched power
A7 Tan/black TCC or shift light
A8 Orange/green Serial data at ALDL
A9 White/black Diagnostic input at ALDL
A10 Brown VSS input
A11 Purple MAP ground
A12 Black/white System ground
B1 Orange Battery 12V
B2 Tan/white Fuel pump signal
B3 Black/red HEI ignition module ground
B4 ***not used***
B5 Purple/white HEI reference
B6 ***not used***
B7 Black ESC signal
B8 Dark green A/C signal
B9 Brown EGR switch signal
B10 Orange/black Park/neutral switch
B11 ***not used***
B12 ***not used***
C1 Pink/black EAC solenoid (Federal)
C2 Brown EAC solenoid (California)
C3 Green/black IAC Coil B low
C4 Green/white IAC Coil B high
C5 Blue/white IAC Coil A high
C6 Blue/black IAC Coil A low
C7 ***not used***
C8 ***not used***
C9 Purple/white Crank input
C10 Yellow CTS signal
C11 Light green MAP signal
C12 Dark blue/white ETM
C13 Dark blue TPS signal
C14 Gray 5V reference (MAP, TPS)
C15 ***not used***
C16 Orange Battery 12V
D1 Tan/white System ground
D2 Black MAP ground
D3 ***not used***
D4 White EST
D5 Tan/black EST bypass
D6 Tan Oxygen sensor ground
D7 Purple Oxygen sensor signal
D8 ***not used***
D9 ***not used***
D10 ***not used***
D11 ***not used***
D12 ***not used***
D13 ***not used***
D14 Light green Injector drive B
D15 ***not used***
D16 Light blue Injector drive A
I know for data logging I'll need the cable and I'm looking to buy a new laptop. What programs will run with the windows7 OS?
If I need to swap to a newer computer for the TBI what do I need to look for and do you have a pin out for it if I have to move wires around?
This is the best pin out for my ECM I can find
A1 Green/white Fuel pump relay
A2 Dark brown A/C clutch control
A3 ***not used***
A4 Gray EGR control
A5 Brown/white Service Engine Soon light
A6 Pink/black 12V switched power
A7 Tan/black TCC or shift light
A8 Orange/green Serial data at ALDL
A9 White/black Diagnostic input at ALDL
A10 Brown VSS input
A11 Purple MAP ground
A12 Black/white System ground
B1 Orange Battery 12V
B2 Tan/white Fuel pump signal
B3 Black/red HEI ignition module ground
B4 ***not used***
B5 Purple/white HEI reference
B6 ***not used***
B7 Black ESC signal
B8 Dark green A/C signal
B9 Brown EGR switch signal
B10 Orange/black Park/neutral switch
B11 ***not used***
B12 ***not used***
C1 Pink/black EAC solenoid (Federal)
C2 Brown EAC solenoid (California)
C3 Green/black IAC Coil B low
C4 Green/white IAC Coil B high
C5 Blue/white IAC Coil A high
C6 Blue/black IAC Coil A low
C7 ***not used***
C8 ***not used***
C9 Purple/white Crank input
C10 Yellow CTS signal
C11 Light green MAP signal
C12 Dark blue/white ETM
C13 Dark blue TPS signal
C14 Gray 5V reference (MAP, TPS)
C15 ***not used***
C16 Orange Battery 12V
D1 Tan/white System ground
D2 Black MAP ground
D3 ***not used***
D4 White EST
D5 Tan/black EST bypass
D6 Tan Oxygen sensor ground
D7 Purple Oxygen sensor signal
D8 ***not used***
D9 ***not used***
D10 ***not used***
D11 ***not used***
D12 ***not used***
D13 ***not used***
D14 Light green Injector drive B
D15 ***not used***
D16 Light blue Injector drive A
I know for data logging I'll need the cable and I'm looking to buy a new laptop. What programs will run with the windows7 OS?
If I need to swap to a newer computer for the TBI what do I need to look for and do you have a pin out for it if I have to move wires around?