Finally, a day without rain (so far) and I was able to get the ECM temporarily in place. I tinned the wire ends with a soldering iron and shoved the tips into the stock connectors to make it easy if there was something out of place.
Here is the very first start up. It sounds bad because I missed the MAP sensor wire, but once I got that connected it ran OK. I used the stock $a1 code/chip (from a FWD Lumina '7727 ECM), so the idle was high, and I may have a fan wire crossed because it never turned on and started to over heat - might need to be on the secondary fan pin instead of primary, but I will have to look at the .bin on the chip to see for sure...

Here's the spaghetti mess I started with...

and during the "swap"...

Not that alot of this means anything to you guys, in the end I guess I just wanted you to see what I was going through to get here :jest:
Next I will pull the pins out of the '7727 connectors and solder in the wires directly from the car harness and iron out the bugs. Once I have this one in and running properly, I will disassemble the stock '93 ECM and use the connectors so that I can offer up the adapters. That way whoever buys the adapter will send their old ECM to me so the next guy can have one made and so on.
One other thing I have to iron out is the difference in the way the A/C turns on. The "older" ECM's only had a request signal and a clutch control. The F-body uses a different turn on function than the more common OBD1 ECM's, but that will be overcome between the next couple days.
My datalog cable took a dump on me, so I couldn't datalog this first startup, but the new one should be here any day.
Any suggestions on the fan and A/C conditions I am experiencing?
Here is the very first start up. It sounds bad because I missed the MAP sensor wire, but once I got that connected it ran OK. I used the stock $a1 code/chip (from a FWD Lumina '7727 ECM), so the idle was high, and I may have a fan wire crossed because it never turned on and started to over heat - might need to be on the secondary fan pin instead of primary, but I will have to look at the .bin on the chip to see for sure...

Here's the spaghetti mess I started with...

and during the "swap"...

Not that alot of this means anything to you guys, in the end I guess I just wanted you to see what I was going through to get here :jest:
Next I will pull the pins out of the '7727 connectors and solder in the wires directly from the car harness and iron out the bugs. Once I have this one in and running properly, I will disassemble the stock '93 ECM and use the connectors so that I can offer up the adapters. That way whoever buys the adapter will send their old ECM to me so the next guy can have one made and so on.
One other thing I have to iron out is the difference in the way the A/C turns on. The "older" ECM's only had a request signal and a clutch control. The F-body uses a different turn on function than the more common OBD1 ECM's, but that will be overcome between the next couple days.
My datalog cable took a dump on me, so I couldn't datalog this first startup, but the new one should be here any day.
Any suggestions on the fan and A/C conditions I am experiencing?