I wanted to get into tuning a long time ago, but never wanted to pay a lot for what I could build myself. Just recently, I got some MAX232 "sample" chips in the mail, and started going to work. When I finally got a working circuit, I took out my center console, and wired the thing up to my car, along with my old power inverter because the battery in my laptop sucks. I am using Tunerpro RT right now, but I don't have the definition file for it so that it can data log or even talk to my car, so for logging I use FreeScan. Does anyone have a copy of the $DF aldl definition that I can get a copy of? Here is some pics of my install. I tried to upload, but for some reason I got an error twice...

I had to take this pic of my dog, lol.

PC, chip burner, and serial cable all plugged in and on

laptop hooked up, and freescan running

But anyways, can someone hook me up with what I need to data log with Tunerpro? BTW, I know my bench is messy :P

I had to take this pic of my dog, lol.

PC, chip burner, and serial cable all plugged in and on

laptop hooked up, and freescan running

But anyways, can someone hook me up with what I need to data log with Tunerpro? BTW, I know my bench is messy :P