So tonight was yet another frusterating & unproductive night.
First off, swapped on my spare set of coil packs. The datalog was showing a lot less knock, occuring not nearly as often. The car still felt the same, though. Cutting out, Popping on decel, etc.
So I did some leaning out of the base VE table, since BLM's were still showing rich. Datalogged & all the knock was back! So I reverted the VE table back & then richened it up some to see what affect that had. BLM's changed a tad, but otherwise everything was pretty much the same.
So I reverted back to the programming from right after I changed the coils, and all the knock was back. So I dunno why it showed less knock in that first log
Well, I was still getting those weird jumps to 23000+ spark advance in my logs. I datalogged the '92 to verify it wasn't just a Freescan glitch, and no such advances were being shown. BLM's on the '92 are in the 110-115 range, and it runs pretty decent for 166k.
So I swapped in the entire ECM from the '92, using my custom prom in the 92's memcal via my adapter. Datalog still showed the weird spark advances and spark knock. That rules out the computer & knock sensor circuitry in the Memcal.
So tomorrow night I'm gona try the CPS. Then swap the entire ignition module & coils from the '92. Then procede to push the '94 into the river
First off, swapped on my spare set of coil packs. The datalog was showing a lot less knock, occuring not nearly as often. The car still felt the same, though. Cutting out, Popping on decel, etc.
So I did some leaning out of the base VE table, since BLM's were still showing rich. Datalogged & all the knock was back! So I reverted the VE table back & then richened it up some to see what affect that had. BLM's changed a tad, but otherwise everything was pretty much the same.
So I reverted back to the programming from right after I changed the coils, and all the knock was back. So I dunno why it showed less knock in that first log
Well, I was still getting those weird jumps to 23000+ spark advance in my logs. I datalogged the '92 to verify it wasn't just a Freescan glitch, and no such advances were being shown. BLM's on the '92 are in the 110-115 range, and it runs pretty decent for 166k.
So I swapped in the entire ECM from the '92, using my custom prom in the 92's memcal via my adapter. Datalog still showed the weird spark advances and spark knock. That rules out the computer & knock sensor circuitry in the Memcal.
So tomorrow night I'm gona try the CPS. Then swap the entire ignition module & coils from the '92. Then procede to push the '94 into the river