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Tuning with GMPCM (answering questions)

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  • Tuning with GMPCM (answering questions)

    I was asked in PM some questions on getting started. I am posting it so others can see it and ask questions. Myself and others will try to make this as useful as possible so it can go on the site itself. If you see anything incorrect or that you do different, please post.

    Depending on your application/mods, your starting point will vary. If you change the injectors or fuel pressure, your first goal is to go to the Tables > Fuel > BPW vs Desired EGR. This is your fuel constant. There is math involved, but I hate math:P If you turn off the EGR, this is a simple 1 setting change, at the 0 position for no EGR. Raising the number = smaller injectors. Im used to doing this with the real number, not the actual converted number GMPCM gives you. Anyway, you change this until the car is tunable basically. If you set it till your idle is decent (not dead on persay, it could be rich or lean, but as long as its in the idle range you are fine).

    After the constant is set, the next goal is to tune idle. You have to watch the BLM and INT values. BLM is long term fuel, INT is short term. At idle, this is easy to watch as your INT will move first, and as it sits above or below 128, the BLM will slowly start moving in the same direction as the INT. Eventually, unless the fueling is out of bounds of the programmed range (you can set min and max values for int and blm), the INT will sit at 127-129 and the BLM will stay. If the BLM is over 128, you need to add some fuel. If its under, you cut fuel. Supposedly you can take the percentage it is off from 128, and multiply your VE section by that to get the total. To do this, you have to add up the base VE (F30 table under fuel) with the 3D VE table (F29). I don't bother with the math as ive done it long enough to get a feel for how much fuel to change in the tables. For idle though, you will want to change the F29E table, or idle VE table. Again, if its out of range (can't go under 0), you can either change the fuel constant again, or go the base VE table and raise the numbers there. It does use the 400-800 table there as well in the idle fuel calculation.

    After that, its cruising fuel, which is where you need to datalog and then go over every area thats off of 128/128. Once you get things decently close, as in, BLM within 110-144, you can lock the BLM at 128 using the min/max numbers set to 128, and tune with the INT only. Since int is immediate, you can get a good idea of exactly what the fueling needs to be.

    Now, under flags, you can set or unset options. Word 5, flag 7 is Lean Cruise option. Turn this off for tuning, on when you are done. This can give you better gas milage on the highway or at constant speeds by making the AF ratio 15.4:1 (you can change this too but it can be risky).

    Other items, fan turn on times, under constants > fan. Its in C, so you have to convert. I set the turn on time 10-15 degrees higher than the stat, but you can see what your car runs at while driving around, and go from there. You don't want it on all the time, or too easy to turn on. That and as the stat ages, it will not be so accurate either. 10-15 gives you room. I also turn them off 5 degrees cooler.

    Turning off the EGR is under constants > egr, down the list a bit to If coolant <= this- disable egr. Set that to as high as it goes to turn the EGR off completely.

  • #2
    Adjusting VSS

    when changing your fdr ratio your ecu's speed calculations (aldl output)are going to be off, as well as your dash speedometer

    to correct this issue you need to adjust your vehicle speed sensor
    vss speed calibration

    under constants > VSS > "road speed sensor constant"
    and adjsut the value there.
    the higher you go in your fdr the lower you are going to need to make this value

    there is an ok way to calculate the aproximate amount you need to change this...

    if the speed aldl output reading is lets say 60MPH when you are actually doing 80MPH actual road speed.
    80/60 = 1.33.
    take the Road speed Constant (xxxxx) and devide it by 1.33 and that came to xxxxx get it to the closest value you got from your calculations
    now take it for a road test and see if it matches with whatever your testing with, a gps works good but you can cruise along side with someone that has a known acurate speedometer too if you want

    The ALDL road speed is now accurate, but the speedo didn't change?

    time to look at the "IP pulse devisor"
    go to constants > VSS > "ip pulse divisor"
    and devided that by your calculation from earlier, ie.. 1.33
    dont go changing this with one big jump, slowly change this up to your desired result, the ecu will more likey accept a solid number than an intiger ie it will take a 5 better and will throw codes at you wilth 5.4
    so you can get it as close as possible without throwin you a code

    Just adjust your road speed sensor constant until the PCM speed agrees with your GPS data. If your instrument cluster guage readings are the same as the PCM speed, then the IP Pulse Divisor is dead on.


    • #3
      Turning Off EGR

      Features such as EGR are easy to disable, just a matter of setting the constant for ON temperture to a value that the motor could never obtain.
      This particular constant is located in ...
      constants > EGR > "IF COOLANT <= THIS- DISABLE EGR"
      We just set it to 151 degrees C, (FF hex)


      • #4
        Turning off Evap canister "CCP"

        This should be disabled prior to tuning and is located in the Constants
        Constants > CCP > "CTS Thresh"
        put the valvue to 151 C (FF hex)


        • #5
          Another area that should be turned off before tuning

          There is a flag called "CALCULATE BPW AT IDLE AS FUNCTION OF AIRFLO" that is checked on the stock chip, but should be disabled prior to tuning.

          This particular flag simply enables an alternate approach to idle fuel control, which shifts from using normal base pulse constant calculated idle fueling to calculations based on estimated air flow.
          It is also normal for a tuner to set this flag off, as this option will drastically interfere with ones normal tuning attempts.
          Once idle fueling has been adjusted optimally on a tuning project, the flag would typically be re-enabled, as this feature can improve idle quality substantially.
          Still just an option though, and I would certainly leave it set to off if the motor has been extensively modified.

          i found this under...
          flags > Options 1 > 6th down from top (Calculate BPW at idle as function of airflow)
          ... on $DF code

          if you cant find it in your particular set up just look under all the "options" sub menus


          • #6
            thats pretty much all i've learnt so far lol

            if anyone has any tips or tricks that they use in the filed while tuning, please dont be hesitant to share


            • #7
              blm tuning tip

              better to have the computer cut fuel, rather than try to feed fuel


              • #8
                Really, i prefer to have mine above 128 vs under 128 so that it is more consistant at the track. If your BLM/INT is under 128, it adds the fuel back in under PE mode. If its above 128, it keeps that number.

                Yeah, that idle fueling as a function of flow is crap. I also use RPM derivative spark control.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sappyse107
                  Really, i prefer to have mine above 128 vs under 128 so that it is more consistant at the track. If your BLM/INT is under 128, it adds the fuel back in under PE mode. If its above 128, it keeps that number.
                  I am quite sure that's vice - versa... No? A BLM under 128 indicates a Rich condidtion, so why would the computer add fuel under PE? It would revert to 128 for PE in this case.
                  11.92 @ 122 MPH 3400 91 Cavalier Z24 Intercooled S/C. -totalled-
                  10.56 @ 130 MPH 3900 LZ9 87 IROC Z28 Intercooled GT4088 Turbo


                  • #10
                    yes, it does revert back to 128, which is putting all the fuel back in. Imagine your tables are too rich at cruise, but at WOT they are perfect. If the BLM doesn't go back to 128, its going to be lean, because the BLM is now say 110 going into PE. GM programmed it this way as its better for them if your car has a tendency to go rich rather than lean.


                    • #11
                      VE Tuning Guide, one of many ways
                      using $8D as an example
                      taken from

                      The fuel curve in the $8D calibration is represented in terms of Volumetric Efficiency.
                      Think of the gasoline engine as a big air pump.
                      It is pulling air in, doing something with it, and then exhausting the air.
                      Air in ? Air out.
                      The more air the engine pulls in, the more fuel that is needed.
                      Thus, we can talk about how ?efficient? the engine is at being an air pump.
                      We can discuss how efficient our engine is at pulling air in and exhausting air out.
                      The more efficient the engine is at being an air pump, the more fuel that is needed to keep a given Air/Fuel ratio intact.
                      The $8D calibration has ?Volumetric Efficiency? tables (VE).
                      These tables are three dimensional (3D) tables.
                      They are separated into an upper VE table and a lower VE table.
                      Both VE tables show how efficient the engine is at a given RPM and MAP.
                      RPMs are the revolutions per minute the engine makes and MAP is the amount of vacuum the engine is pulling.
                      I mentioned that the tables are 3D tables.
                      They are according to VE vs. RPMs vs. MAP.
                      The lower VE table extends from 400RPMs to 1600RPMs in 100RPM increments.
                      The upper VE table extends from 1600 to 5600RPMs in 400RPM increments.
                      The MAP readings for both tables are in kPa (kilopascal).
                      kPa is a metric vacuum measurement whereas inches of Mercury would be a similar English measurement.
                      One of the first questions about these tables is with regard to MAP.
                      Why MAP? Everyone usually catches on to RPMs.
                      But, what does MAP truly represent and why is it used in the VE tables? MAP signifies engine load.
                      In most cases, the greater the engine load the higher the kPa value.
                      Think about it this way.
                      When you car is idling it is pulling a vacuum inside the plenum.
                      As you open the throttle blades you are providing an inlet that will decrease the effective vacuum.
                      Here is the often tricky part ? LESS vacuum is represented by a HIGHER kPa value.
                      Keep that in mind.
                      Lets say we are driving uphill.
                      You would consider driving uphill to be more of a load on the engine.
                      if you are driving uphill you probably have your foot more on the gas.
                      If you have the gas pedal depressed more then that means that the throttle blades are opened more.
                      The throttle blades being opened more will result in LESS vacuum and HIGHER kPa value.
                      So, MAP equals load where increasing load is represented by higher kPa values.
                      When put in context of the VE tables, we can see that as the kPa values increase from left to right, this represents increasing load on the engine.
                      When taken to the extreme we can view the highest kPa reading (100kPa) to be equal to Wide Open Throttle (WOT).
                      WOT will put the highest load on the engine.
                      100kPa is atmospheric pressure ... no vacuum at all.

                      In conclusion,
                      to make a long story short,
                      if you raise a given value in one of the VE tables you will be increasing the amount of fuel the engine receives at that given RPM and that given MAP.

                      Let me take a moment to expand upon #2 a little bit more. The BLM has a max of 160 and a min of 108 and the INT has a max of 180 and a min of 80 with the stock 730 $8D calibration. As the INT adjusts to compensate for a rich or lean condition it may max out (or min out). If it does max out (or min out) then the BLM will correspond by increasing or decreasing one point. At this time the INT will reset to 128.

                      Lets give a good example.....
                      Car is running rich. INT adjusts down to compensate. Adjusting down to 80 does not compensate enough. The BLM drops to 127 and the INT resets to 128. The INT then continues to drop as long as the car is running rich. If it drops to 80 again and the car is still running rich then the BLM drops to 126. The process repeats over and over until the INT is between its max and min value signifying that the AFR is at 14.7 (as long as you have not changed the stoichiometric value for AFR in the PROM; stock value is 14.7).


                      • #12
               no no. The INT doesn't reset every time the BLM moves one, and the BLM doesn't wait for the INT to hit 80, or whatever else. Its preset by % its off by time its off, i think. I know for a fact that I don't know exactly what its doing without looking it up but I know thats 100% wrong above me here.

                        If thats how 8D works, thats horribly stupid and annoying...blah. Is that the turbo code?


                        • #13
                          Launch mode in $DF code

                          This function allows adding SA(spark advance) to quickly spin the motor up against the torque convertor.

                          Constants > Est Launch Mode > Spark Bias
                          used to bias the SA table.
                          At zero the SA table is an adder.
                          No values can subtract SA.
                          changing this value affects SA by [unknown]?
                          need some info here on this

                          Constants > Est Launch Mode > VSS Threshold
                          vehicle needs to be below x MPH to enter LM.
                          Will stay in LM above this speed.

                          Constants > Est Launch Mode > POS Delta TPS Threshold
                          delta tps required, x.x%: delta TPS over x.x msec to enter LM.

                          Constants > Est Launch Mode > NEG Delta TPS off Thresh
                          delta tps% allowed to stay in launch mode: a slight lift on the throttle won't end LM, but a lift greater then this term will.

                          Constants > Est Launch Mode > Time
                          launch mode duration timer (x secs): length of time to stay in LM.

                          thats all i got for this, deffinatly need more info on this


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by sappyse107
                   no no. The INT doesn't reset every time the BLM moves one, and the BLM doesn't wait for the INT to hit 80, or whatever else. Its preset by % its off by time its off, i think. I know for a fact that I don't know exactly what its doing without looking it up but I know thats 100% wrong above me here.

                            If thats how 8D works, thats horribly stupid and annoying...blah. Is that the turbo code?
                            hmm good question, im not sure tot ell you the truth, just thought it would be intresting to learn from, im not into $8D, as i use the $DF, and im thinking im going to concetrate more on DF tuning at this point, but perhaps a good break down on individual tuning for each code is going to be required as its hard to go by looking at "x" code while tuning "y" code


                            i think the guy was meanign to say that every time its maxed out it changes it value higher/lower and starts to count again...repeating the process

                            ie in hex 00, 01 ,02 ,03 ,04 ,05 ,06 ,07 ,08 ,09 then goes to 0A, 0B anf when it hits 0F it goes to 10 next .. if you get my analagy


                            • #15
                              I was hoping to get questions so that I could answer them, as it seems that now I have to proof read what someone else has said. Id rather just ignore all that honestly and continue on my own thing, and from there let others critique it.

                              Tuning, the INT way. Once you have the BLM somewhat close, and the majority of the table all in one direction or the other in terms of fuel cut or gain, I find it easiest to tune by locking the BLM at 128. I run my car with it locked as well once im done tuning. Josh is doing the same and id say its working out quite well for him. If you don't know, he one the 05 GPG bracket race and didn't stray more than .07 off his time.

                              If you don't lock the BLM, then you will have to add BLM and INT and divide by 2 for every cell in the VE table. That sucks, takes up time, and is more math.

                              Also, when tuning for normal driving, as ive said before, I like to leave it wanting to add a slight amount of fuel. To go along with that, think about this. If you are running a decently modified motor, say larger TB, ported intakes, intake, and exhaust. Odds are you now running your fuel tables lean in some areas, and rich in others. Its much easier to start with all the values that are either rich, or lean, and adjust them. This is when your BLM and INT are NOT locked...and you are just getting started. Its not fun when you have BLM 110, INT 143 in some areas, and BLM 140 INT 94 in others. Those are more extreme, but ive seen some stuff just like that.

                              IAC. Startup IAC values can make your car rev up, or just start and go straight to idle fine. Worth messin with. IAC throttle follower on DF 5 speed cars can make it rev up or drop the revs fast between shifts.

                              Got no vacuum at idle, lower your IAC values again and try to get some vacuum going. Had to do this on lorenzo's car and taylors. Wild cam, high compression, 62 or 65mm TB, not good for idle MAP readings. 70-80 on the MAP range when I started. Life sucks when you have no resolution for tuning. Rhodes lifters should help but we need to test and find out. Pretty sad when decel hardly hits 40 MAP. You have set idle MAP readings as well, or should. Some areas for idle fueling to be used anyway. I know, im vague but I wanna type out whats on my mind at the moment. Harass me on specifics if you care.

