I'm running the most current version of TP now, I had tried an older version a week or two ago and still had probs. Are you saying to try an older version with the adx file you posted?
Ben, the scans I last posted were from using the bin you had sent me. Are you saying I should try the bin that Robert sent and we'll build off that?
I have no idea why it has the data glitches or how to fix it. I wish I could use Freescan for data logging but that doesn't seem to work at all.
Ben, the scans I last posted were from using the bin you had sent me. Are you saying I should try the bin that Robert sent and we'll build off that?
I have no idea why it has the data glitches or how to fix it. I wish I could use Freescan for data logging but that doesn't seem to work at all.