has anyone seen this sensor? From what I understand it is a wideband that has an output that can emulate a narrowband. Would that make the narrowband output more accurate than a standard o2 sensor? I believe you can also dictate what ratio is considered stoich by programming it via a laptop.
What I'm getting at: would it be feasible to have the ecm read the o2 sensor even under power enrichment mode rather than go into set fueling tables, and using the wideband sensors narrowband output would it be accurate enough to work?
didnt mean to put this in the articles... my bad, mods move?
For example, if you wanted a 12:1 mixture at WOT the sensor can be programmed to dictate that 12:1 is stoich and the ecm will try to keep the mixture at stoich using the sensors output. If the accuracy on the narrowband output was good enough would this work for WOT? I believe PE mode kicks in when the TPS % reads 70% could that be modified to a value that cannot occur, say TPS = 110%? Forcing the ecm to use o2 input even under WOT. Even if this could work there would have to be a way to switch to 2nd o2 sensor under normal loads otherwise it would be feeding 12:1 a/f all the time. It does have mention of 2 programmable outputs. This is all probably wishful thinking.