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Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and more RWD

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  • Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and more RWD

    We had a run of aluminium flywheels produced for our MGB V6 conversions. These are a direct bolt in item for INTERNAL BALANCED Chevrolet S10s 60 Degree V6. These can also be used in any 60 Degree V6 Camaro or other RWD application with the use of a Hydraulic throw out bearing or modified clutch arm and save even more weight for the Camaros with there extremely overweight flywheels! Steel plate on the wear surface for long lasting units is replaceable.

    We have installed these in MGB V6 conversions as well as on my 1982 S10 with a 3.4L SFI motor with great results.

    Price $500 each.
    MG & MGB V6 + V8 Engine Conversion Shop

    1982 Chevrolet S10 long box with another L32 SFI!
    1980 MGB with Camaro L32 3.4L SFI V6
    2000 Venture 3400 (for her)
    Spitfire L32 3.4L
    and more conversions all the time.

  • #2
    RE: Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and more RW

    how much lighter are they than stock?
    Robby Whitesell
    2006 Pontiac G6 GT
    1985 Toyota Pickup DLX


    • #3
      RE: Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and more RW

      How is this 60V6 store related?


      • #4
        RE: Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and more RW

        Sorry, I dont remember just what the actual is and don't have a good scale here so next time i run into town, I will have one weighed up. About 60% less weight though and i could really feel a difference! Now i need to port my cylinder heads and add those 1.6 ratio rockers so i can get more out of the high end of the motor where the flywheel helps even more. It has improved the mid range and current top end quite a bit on an otherwise stock 3.4L motor.

        Maybe i should have put this in the buy/sell/trade section but this looked like the place according to your description of what should be posted here. The only difference is that I am no longer posting that "I need to know how much demand..." or "I need so many people to pay X amount to start the process..." I am now posting that i have these made, with my own money and have them for sale for 60 degree RWD only. I do know that no one else sold aluminium flywheels for the RWD applications and i had these made up to see if there was any demand for them. So far, I have only sold them to MGB V6 conversioneers as well as installed one on my own S10. It is up to you weather you keep it in this section or toss it. Thank you. Always enjoy this website..
        MG & MGB V6 + V8 Engine Conversion Shop

        1982 Chevrolet S10 long box with another L32 SFI!
        1980 MGB with Camaro L32 3.4L SFI V6
        2000 Venture 3400 (for her)
        Spitfire L32 3.4L
        and more conversions all the time.


        • #5
          RE: Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and more RW

 sells these for $399.95
          1984 Indy Fiero 3.4L
          13.7 sec @ 98 mph


          • #6
            RE: Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and more RW

            The 60V6 store section is for 60V6 store products, not vendors who aren't selling their products through the store. I have moved it to buy/sell/trade since I have nothing to do with this product.


            • #7
              RE: Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and more RW

              Those are "RWD" if you get technical, but they are for the FWD motors with the starter on the left bank, not the ones for the starter on the right bank like S10 and Camaro. The difference is the overall size. You could fit those to a RWD car IF you place your starter on the opposite side and completely redesign your exhaust or headers, but at a time and expense beyond the $100 difference. Thank you for pointing them out.

              Sorry about that. Thank you for moving it to the correct section.
              MG & MGB V6 + V8 Engine Conversion Shop

              1982 Chevrolet S10 long box with another L32 SFI!
              1980 MGB with Camaro L32 3.4L SFI V6
              2000 Venture 3400 (for her)
              Spitfire L32 3.4L
              and more conversions all the time.


              • #8
                Re: RE: Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and mor

                Originally posted by BMC
                Those are "RWD" if you get technical, but they are for the FWD motors with the starter on the left bank, not the ones for the starter on the right bank like S10 and Camaro. The difference is the overall size. You could fit those to a RWD car IF you place your starter on the opposite side and completely redesign your exhaust or headers, but at a time and expense beyond the $100 difference. Thank you for pointing them out.
                As far as I know, the flywheel has fuck all to do with which side the starter is on.

                The 88 fiero aluminum flywheel works fine on a 3100 or a 3400
                1984 Indy Fiero 3.4L
                13.7 sec @ 98 mph
                *ALL THROTTLE AND NO BOTTLE*


                • #9
                  RE: Re: RE: Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and

                  Smaller diameter. Less teeth. The fiero flywheel should work fine on a FWD motor with the starter on the drivers side in RWD configuration but not on a RWD block with the starter on the passengers side.

                  Have a great day!
                  MG & MGB V6 + V8 Engine Conversion Shop

                  1982 Chevrolet S10 long box with another L32 SFI!
                  1980 MGB with Camaro L32 3.4L SFI V6
                  2000 Venture 3400 (for her)
                  Spitfire L32 3.4L
                  and more conversions all the time.


                  • #10
                    RE: Re: RE: Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and

                    Do you have any pictures by chance of both the FWD and RWD flywheels? I wasn't aware there was a difference either but then again, I don't have any RWD 60V6 experience (fiero doesn't count).


                    • #11
                      RE: Re: RE: Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and

                      I don't. I could take pics of the aluminium and steel RWD, but i dont have a FWD unit. measure a spare FWD flywheel from one side to the other including the ring gear and i can do the same with the RWD unit and this will give you more info on the difference.
                      MG & MGB V6 + V8 Engine Conversion Shop

                      1982 Chevrolet S10 long box with another L32 SFI!
                      1980 MGB with Camaro L32 3.4L SFI V6
                      2000 Venture 3400 (for her)
                      Spitfire L32 3.4L
                      and more conversions all the time.


                      • #12
                        RE: Re: RE: Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and

                        Wish I had a flywheel out of a car but mine is all together:P Perhaps someone else can get some FWD measurements.


                        • #13
                          RE: Re: RE: Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and

                          I have access to both a RWD S-10 2.8 flywheel and FWD I could compare. Or we could let Donk do it, since he seems to know it all.

                          '99 Z-28 - Weekend Driver
                          '98 Dodge Neon - Winter Beater
                          '84 X-11 - Time and Money Pit
                          '88 Fiero Formula - Bone stock for now

                          Quote of the week:
                          Originally posted by Aaron
                          This is why I don't build crappy headers. I'm not sure, I don't know too much about welding.


                          • #14
                            RE: Re: RE: Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and

                            sounds good would love that... besides, then people who doubt a guy with this few of posts (sorry!) will know i am not making this up... I post on too many MG boards.
                            There are multiple RWD flywheels so ignore thickness (for the most part) but look at overall diameter which is more critical as well as how many teeth are on each. seems to me its like 153 and 145 teeth or around there and about 1 inch difference but its been a while since i did the work on that.
                            MG & MGB V6 + V8 Engine Conversion Shop

                            1982 Chevrolet S10 long box with another L32 SFI!
                            1980 MGB with Camaro L32 3.4L SFI V6
                            2000 Venture 3400 (for her)
                            Spitfire L32 3.4L
                            and more conversions all the time.


                            • #15
                              RE: Re: RE: Aluminum Flywheels for 2.8, 3.1 and 3.4L S10 and

                              ok, well you can take a 3.4L RWD block and swap starter side to get it in a fiero using the fiero flywheel. . There is no difference in diameter or tooth count. The only difference is the internal/external balancing. which you can get in either balance for 400 in aluminum.

                              Marty - im only talking through experience and what ive bolted together.
                              1984 Indy Fiero 3.4L
                              13.7 sec @ 98 mph
                              *ALL THROTTLE AND NO BOTTLE*

