pretty sure someone bleached my gas tank
so i need new injectors and pump.......
if anyone has an old set of 6 lying around for super cheap let me know
i do not want to spend money on injectors so please dont post your new set
or refurbished, or matched
i jsut want some junkyard injectors
fricken fruck i hate people, now i gotta drop my tank and flush the line and get new pump and and and and new gasket set grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
pretty sure someone bleached my gas tank
so i need new injectors and pump.......
if anyone has an old set of 6 lying around for super cheap let me know
i do not want to spend money on injectors so please dont post your new set
or refurbished, or matched
i jsut want some junkyard injectors
fricken fruck i hate people, now i gotta drop my tank and flush the line and get new pump and and and and new gasket set grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr