I will bite...
This is not a flame fest...and will ask the moderators to shut the string down if this thing spirals in any shape of form...
...I just wanted members who have turbocharged GMv6 chime in and let us know what your setup is in regards to oil restriction (via pills or oil filters). Provide your oil pressure at warm idle, WOT and what type of oil (wt) used.
This string is more of a continuation of Raven thread here: http://60degreev6.com/discussion/vie...=9305&start=50
in which Germ asserted GM3400 v6 have a very high oil pressure and most turbo'd v6 need to use a pill or some form of restriction.
Anywayz to continue...germ I build turbos as a hobby and work in close proximity on ALL westcoastfiero's turbocharged projects. Like I told you, we might end up arguing about semantics...'half ppl use 'em...another half don't'...not so...Genuinely some ppl do, some don't...GT turbos with non-journal bearing certaingly do...it is only inherent in their design...journal technically don't...some ppl do indeed push more pressure than others but directly related to other issues than what we are talking about. We are talking 3X00 GMv6s...and I have never come across one leaving the Shop with a pill. So I am pretty confident that if the feed line is per spec and so is the drain line...oh and the turbo
Now can you pls provide us (me) with the oil pressure that you have vehemently taking a stand on...what is your oil pressure...and what is the 3X00 V6 oil pressure?...also what oil wt are you using...[/url]
This is not a flame fest...and will ask the moderators to shut the string down if this thing spirals in any shape of form...
...I just wanted members who have turbocharged GMv6 chime in and let us know what your setup is in regards to oil restriction (via pills or oil filters). Provide your oil pressure at warm idle, WOT and what type of oil (wt) used.
This string is more of a continuation of Raven thread here: http://60degreev6.com/discussion/vie...=9305&start=50
in which Germ asserted GM3400 v6 have a very high oil pressure and most turbo'd v6 need to use a pill or some form of restriction.
Anywayz to continue...germ I build turbos as a hobby and work in close proximity on ALL westcoastfiero's turbocharged projects. Like I told you, we might end up arguing about semantics...'half ppl use 'em...another half don't'...not so...Genuinely some ppl do, some don't...GT turbos with non-journal bearing certaingly do...it is only inherent in their design...journal technically don't...some ppl do indeed push more pressure than others but directly related to other issues than what we are talking about. We are talking 3X00 GMv6s...and I have never come across one leaving the Shop with a pill. So I am pretty confident that if the feed line is per spec and so is the drain line...oh and the turbo

Now can you pls provide us (me) with the oil pressure that you have vehemently taking a stand on...what is your oil pressure...and what is the 3X00 V6 oil pressure?...also what oil wt are you using...[/url]