Get an NX wet kit with a y nozzle plumbed just before the throttle body. Run colder plugs if you go above 50 hp and run a nos bottle heater has automatic shut off , cant over heat, and run a rpm switch and a rev limiter.
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Nitrous on a cavy?
Rustbird, I would say run a 1,000 shot and you should be good. Make sure the first time you run it to have a video camera to capure a good pic of all the pretty pieces falling back to the earth.
Sorry, I have no respect for any cavi and am of the belief that the only good cavi is the one thats in a million pieces. I know I will be flamed for this but I dont fucking care, thats my belief and I'm sticking to it. I'm an
, so be it. That wont bring my grandpa back.
Tuning a car is full of compromises. You must decide if you are willing to give up either reliability, performance, or a whole load of cash. Also remember that repairs will seem to come up much more often as you strive for even more performance
No, it isnt. For one if I am involved in an accident while driving my citation theres a GOOD chance I will survive. I may possible be hurt pretty bad but more likely than not I'll live. A perfect example of this is the story of Kate (a member on the citation group), who was driving to school in her citation when she was T-Boned in the drivers door @ 50mph by a ford expedition. She survived with relatively minor injuries. The complete opposite is true in a cavi, just ask my grandpa (oh, wait, you cant, he's dead as a result of a drunk driver and the piss poor engineering and craftsmanship of that POS car) or ask my cousin Rustina who lost control of her cavi and suffered major injuries while her best friend was burned to death or ask any of the by far numerous families who a loved one thanks to a car that should NEVER EVER have been inflicted upon our highways.
Also, IMHO, Citations are by far easier to work on and maintain and cheaper too.
Another reason is that my citation is almost a classic, a status that will NEVER be attained by any cavi. And as a classic, when my car enters a car show, it gets NOTICED (even in its present poor unrestored state), people come to me and WANT to find out about it what makes it special. When a cavi enters a car show, theres like... 10 or 20 there and most get overlooked (even the really tricked out ones! yes I've seen it done).
Do I really need to go on as to why I HATE cavi's and why the pot isnt calling the kettle black?Tuning a car is full of compromises. You must decide if you are willing to give up either reliability, performance, or a whole load of cash. Also remember that repairs will seem to come up much more often as you strive for even more performance
ok i understand why you hate them. just a question though, what year cavy were in these accidents??? cause if its 95+, ill agree with ya.
i personaly have an 86 z254, and trust me, it never gets overlooked. there is only 1 other 1st gen cavy thats done up in my area, and when we cruise together, we kinda turn heads. im rather proud of having a car that stands out and will defend it till the day i die. i dont take insults to pre 94 j bodies lightly, but i will insult 3rd gens (95+), cause yes, they do suck.
I dont know who you are X11, but invading my topic on why YOU personally hate cavi's, is quite rude. Please dont do that. Neways, i will update you tomorrow o nmy situation with Ebay.
P.S. just b/c your grandpa dies doesn't mean u can say every other cavy is trash.Project P.O.S. is now in effect!
I think that's really funny. Of course if you enter a peice of shit at a car show it's gonna get noticed. People think it's a crazy sleeper and want to see the mods. But when they walk away they shake their heads. My girlfriend HAD a Citation 2 and it was a POS, definatily not a car the be proud of. She ditched it when the engine blew, and left her stranded in the middle of nowhere in -30 Celcius.
Ok, I have one question, for those of you that HAVE RAN nitrous in this thread please raise your hands....
Ok, I see one maybe two other people here that should be suggesting anything about the use of nitrous oxide on an internal combustion engine....
For starters, ZEX is one of the worst systems out there, why do you think you see all of those systems up for sale so cheap.
For a genII 3.1, I would run a small (no larger than a 35 to maybe 45) shot dry. reason being for dry? Look at the damn intake manifold, so many spots for fuel to puddle, or get seperated from the nitrous/fuel mix, and lean out a cylinder, this is of course assuming you are going to use a single nozzle kit where the nozzle is installed before the TB, or in that general area.
If you want wet (and doesn't want it wet), then go with a individual nozzle system, way more expensive and way overkill on a stock engine, but with a nozzle in each runner, there is less chance of fuel puddling.
You can't just use a blamket statement of "such and such a system is better", you have to look at the engine it's going on too.
Oh and X11 STE:
For one thing, you haven't mentioned the years of Cav that your grandfather and aunt or cousin were in, by the sounds of it, they were 3rd gens, which are known for poor side impact strength, but frontal is better than a lot of cars. You also have to look at averages, how many people drive a Citation, let's see there's you..... Marty.......Ummmm, maybe about another, what 1000, if your lucky 2000 Citations on the road right now, where as there's Hundreds of thousands into the millions of 2nd gen Cavaliers on the road today.....
Before you reply to this, think for a bit, anybody could die in any car, I've seen cars that have been ripped in half and the passengers survived, where as I've seen mild accidents, almost fender benders where the passengers died....
okay, now this place is turnin' into seriously, if you want to fuck up a post and piss people off about what car they like, or they drive or anything, go over there. This is where we're here because of our engines.
This person asked a question about whether or not Nitrous is good - well, if you want extra performance, then yes, it's a good idea/plan and if set up correctly, then you should have no worries.
now before you take this post off topic again, please go to the off topic section, or go to
now to answer your question - the average (decent) wet kit will run anywhere between 500 - 1100 depending on what extras you get with it, and what brand you go with, check with NitrousExpress, and NOS (nitrous oxide systems) - you can check with ZEX - but I didn't personally like their customer service ...
--Dave.Dave ... Dave.45 ... DaveFromColorado ... it\'s all me.
Thanks for showing me this dave....I hadn't read it cause I don't know much about nitrous (but I know you can run a 100 shot on the stock motor as long as you get the fuel right. Its the lean out that really kills the motor, not the power at this stage. I would take direct port only since its the best setup, albeit a lot more expensive.
I am not going to deal with anyone's attitude on this site. I was fed up with the responses an L67 owner had here just for owning the car...but fully understood it. This is uncalled for X11 STE. You wanna discuss, or just bash on a platform or specific car...take it to off topic. This is your warning, i don't care if you want to discuss anything in a civil manner, but mouthing off and telling me you are an asshole certainly isn't going to get you very far.Ben
Direct Port "NOSzle" systems run 'bout 1200.00 (bottle included) from summit racing...
--Dave.Dave ... Dave.45 ... DaveFromColorado ... it\'s all me.