How much difference if any does it make to run 1-3-5 and 2-4-6 to each side of the division ?
AND is doing this even worth it if you only have 1 wastegate (which would join the hotside banks anyways so that it can bleed off exhaust)
The theory behind everything is to try to avoid the exhuast pulses from "hitting" against each other... but if I have to join both banks before the turbine for the wastegate isn't it not going to really do anything ?
Or did I miss something ?
AND is doing this even worth it if you only have 1 wastegate (which would join the hotside banks anyways so that it can bleed off exhaust)
The theory behind everything is to try to avoid the exhuast pulses from "hitting" against each other... but if I have to join both banks before the turbine for the wastegate isn't it not going to really do anything ?
Or did I miss something ?