They are a bad idea on batch fire (MPFI) motors. The minimum pulse width recommended for high impedence injectors is around 1.8ms. Tha means that 1.8ms all the way down to 0ms will deliver the same amount of fuel because the fuel injector just cannot open and close any faster then that.
At idle I was seing around .9ms (1000 rpm) A 800 rpm idle was down around .7ms. At a 70mph cruise 1.4ms was about average.
Whats this mean? You will get a horribly rich and rough idle and it will be cruising just sucking down the gas. Tuned the best I could the most I could get was 21mpg highway driving, probably due to the injectors.
At idle I was seing around .9ms (1000 rpm) A 800 rpm idle was down around .7ms. At a 70mph cruise 1.4ms was about average.
Whats this mean? You will get a horribly rich and rough idle and it will be cruising just sucking down the gas. Tuned the best I could the most I could get was 21mpg highway driving, probably due to the injectors.