I found this write-up in the Autospeed tech section along with several other very helpful boost related enhancements. I have an article somewhere on a DIY modification that blocks boost pressure to the wastegate until the desired boost level is reached. I didn't think a whole lot of it because no data regarding performance afterwards was provided to show how much of an improvement would result, to justify the effort that I can recall.
The Autospeed link changed my mind when it's tests on a stock turbocharged engine resulted in reaching the stock boost setting 750 rpm sooner, that's a very significant increase that should take quite a bit of time off a quarter mile track run when you consider boost will come on much sooner between every shift in a manual car. In an automatic only the launch would benefit since boost is generally sustained after that.
The term boost creep is also thought of in terms of exceeding desired boost pressure.
The Autospeed link changed my mind when it's tests on a stock turbocharged engine resulted in reaching the stock boost setting 750 rpm sooner, that's a very significant increase that should take quite a bit of time off a quarter mile track run when you consider boost will come on much sooner between every shift in a manual car. In an automatic only the launch would benefit since boost is generally sustained after that.
The term boost creep is also thought of in terms of exceeding desired boost pressure.