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Bush is like Hitler...?

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  • #16
    And you really want to know what your tax money is going to???

    COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- A man who couldn't find steady work came up with a plan to make it through the next few years until he could collect Social Security: He robbed a bank, then handed the money to a guard and waited for police.

    On Wednesday, Timothy J. Bowers told a judge a three-year prison sentence would suit him, and the judge obliged.

    "At my age, the jobs available to me are minimum-wage jobs. There is age discrimination out there," Bowers, who turns 63 in a few weeks, told Judge Angela White.

    The judge told him: "It's unfortunate you feel this is the only way to deal with the situation."

    Bowers said he had been able to find only odd jobs after the drug wholesaler he made deliveries for closed in 2003. He walked to a bank and handed a teller a note demanding cash in an envelope. The teller gave him four $20 bills and pushed a silent alarm.

    Bowers handed the money to a security guard standing in the lobby and told him it was his day to be a hero.

    He pleaded guilty to robbery, and a court-ordered psychological exam found him competent.

    "It's a pretty sad story when someone feels that's their only alternative," said defense attorney Jeremy W. Dodgion, who described Bowers as "a charming old man."

    Prosecutors had considered arguing against putting Bowers in prison at taxpayer expense, but they worried he would do something more reckless to be put behind bars.

    "It's not the financial plan I would choose, but it's a financial plan," prosecutor Dan Cable said.
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    • #17
      "Billions" of opinions. And no one is right.

      Back when George Washington was President, there was no communication.

      Now, we get news from any source, and we believe. Rush Limbaugh calls it "Drive By Media".

      I like that quote. Blah Blah Blah.

      The Isreali/Hessbolla "war". Perfect example. Drive by media controlled this fracas. We were misled, in the highest sense.

      War in Iraq is controlled by "bullshit". We are fed, and we eat it up.

      And, again, no one looks at the big picture.

      But we are fast at painting over it.

      It's the "Human Condition"
      If you are driving a Chevy, everything else, is just a blur. 3.4 Carbon Footprint.


      • #18
        nafta is a lame duck argument. that was waiting in the oval office to get signed by whoever was elected and you can bet your ass that george senior would have signed it as well. thank congress for that one, not the president.

        and who knows how many iraqui civilians have been killed. someone posted 60,000 above, i heard a figure yesterday from a professor who added up the deaths claimed for every incident in the news and came with 658,000. all for oil.

        and whoever said we should keep our mouths shut if we don't agree with the president obviously does not know what it means to be an american, and needs to go live elsewhere.


        • #19
          Originally posted by RednBlack View Post
          Hitler was articulate.
          Bush is not. you can say that again
          Hitler killed without abandon. With no real direction. (Not understood anyway)
          Bush does not. You sure?

          Clinton kept us in relative peace. Mostly ignoring the future. That's why Bush is having to clean up. NAFTA comes to mind. This could have been stopped in the 60s. But, the crying asses forced us to draw at a war. It's WAR! Not conventional, but it is still War. People will die. That's a fact. Let's pull all our troops back home. Then you can guarantee an all out win.
          For the terrorists.

          1) Terrorists were never in Iraq before we invaded.
          2) The data shows that Hussein considered OBL an enemy, and wanted to eradicate him. (The enemy of my enemy is my friend, right??)

          Now, the Democrats are going to blame Bush for everything.
          Yes, just like the Republicans blamed Clinton for everything. And still do, apparently.

          Some guy had "relations" with a page. It has been going on for years. Never came up till this years election. Huh. How convenient.
          Huh. You don't suppose it was a giant coverup by the republicans to keep it under wraps for all these years, and then one of them let it slip? Oh right... probably not because they're infallable.

          Oh, it will probably be GWBs fault that the low pressure system in the Bahamas will NOT become a hurricane. Because if it did, and caused damage. It's Bush's fault. Katrina was, right?
          Yep. Just like it's Bush's fault the post office is so far away.

          Let me ask one question. IF, John Kerry would have won the election, and were President, 2 years later, what would be different?
          1) the deficit would be lower
          2) we would have a plan for some kind of exit strategy in Iraq.
          2a) (Remember what bush sr. said about a ground war in iraq? something about there not being any good exit strategy)
          3) North Korea would not have tested their nukes.
          3a) (We would have had talks with them instead of saying "Stop making nukes and we'll talk, otherwise go to hell")
          4) The administration would not be pushing to "reinterpret" the Geneva Conventions

          I can continue for the next hour, but it's not worth it.

          I hate politics. I hate politicians. I hope whoever wins the presidency next is someone not from the right or left... an independent would be good. Hell, send in Jesse Ventura or Colin Powell any day. Smart men who knew what was going on and how to fix problems. Because they're smart, they'll never run. I like people who run away from politics. Those are EXACTLY the people we need in government. Not power hungry freaks bent on controling the world, or rabid intern f***ers (gay or straight)

          Okay now, that's enough of that.


          • #20
            Yah. Right. No offense.
            If you are driving a Chevy, everything else, is just a blur. 3.4 Carbon Footprint.


            • #21
              ryan.hass,nicely said ,rednblack,is a smart person.i can tell by the good stuff he brings to this section of the forum.but ,like he said "Comparing Hitler to Bush. Raised my hackles!"and by reading his quote ,sounded that his hackles were raised.politics and relgion are two tough topics ,just its great to see other point of view.
              i just love to watch the wheels turn around and around


              • #22
                I'm not saying I was ever against the war on terrorism. It was called for. Sadly, though, our government could have acted in a suitable manner before it happened, but I can guarantee something just as horrible would have happened elsewhere (either in the US or in some other country). Us deciding to go and put a stop to it was justified. We should have seen more aide in that effort from some of our allies, but . . . I think it sad, though, that we couldn't find Osama. Seeing as how we have the most advanced intelligence agencies in the world and what not, our espionage should've turned something up, IMO. But the situation in Afghanistan was 20 years in the making.
                So we were justified in the action we took. What about Iraq, though? A situation there that didn't really call for our attention. Granted, we removed a government that was cruel in many ways, but it's even more cruel in how poorly we assesed the situation before hand. We needed more funding and more manpower, and we still have yet to dedicate to that cause. We spent all our time and effort removing a government, and not enough trying to establish a good, decent foundation for their people. It was not right of us to put a population into the situation they are in now, where they're tired of the US because we've actually made things worse in many ways. We were not right to head into Iraq, especially when our population did not have majority approval for that action.

                Say what you want about health care and all of that, but, go live in the countries that don't even have running water.

                We get so soft, we get freaked over the smallest stuff, and lose touch with the big picture. Take my cell phone and I'll die.
                Now . . . I agree with your second statement without a doubt, too many americans have become so dependent on our creature comforts it's unreal; people that couldn't imagine spending just one weekend camping in the woods y'know? But the first statement . . . partially justified. I understand where it's coming from, but again, we here are a first world country, as are all the countries in Europe, and a good 75% of the countries in Asia. But, for a first world country, we treat our tax paying citizens worse than any second world (communist) country ever did. America has sadly become survival of the wealthiest instead being the humanitarian first world country it should be. If we're supposed to be the moral compass for the rest of Earth, why can we not set an example? We gladly give of ourselves to help people overseas also, but most of that aide comes from non-profit organizations within america, the people, not from our government.

                Oh, it will probably be GWBs fault that the low pressure system in the Bahamas will NOT become a hurricane. Because if it did, and caused damage. It's Bush's fault. Katrina was, right?
                Not sure if I understand where you were going with this, but my argument lies with how the governments handled Katrina. After the disaster, New Orleans city officials and Louisiana politicians spent more time pointing fingers instead of trying to focus on what just happened. It took 3 months before Congress actually started devoting federal funds to the disaster relief, and even still, over a year later, things are still a mess. A tsunami hits on the other side of the world, and we have military assistance and federal funds there helping out within a week.

                As for the John Kerry issue, I wasn't really happy with that. I never voted for Bush back in 2000 and I wasn't going to vote for him again in '04, but it's like that SouthPark episode, what's the worse of the two, a giant douche or a turd sandwich?
                N-body enthusiast:
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                {'90 Chevrolet C1500 Sport 350TBI}


                • #23
                  Originally posted by prophiseer View Post
                  it's like that SouthPark episode, what's the worse of the two, a giant douche or a turd sandwich?
                  Okay now, that's enough of that.


                  • #24
                    Ya, well as far as im concernd hitler did more than anyone. Besides getting all fucked up at the end from the power, and doing what any animal does when it gets away with alot--It trys to go a little further... (this is coming from a old german I talked to that lived in germany at the time)>> He didnt brainwash anyone like they try to teach kids in school.. He had an idea that everyone followed, because the jews owned everything were screwing everyone and he stoped it... he also made a afordibale econemy car for his people so they could drive, Hmmm... sounds like takin action to me.. Also if u guys havent seen that movie -- Loose Change -- goto google videos and watch it... Im not gulibale for anything but how they were able to prove Sientificaly/Phisicaly it was impossibale for 9/11 to happen thats were I start to wonder what really happend... And I agree with ryan.hess

                    Originally posted by ryan.hess
                    I hate politics. I hate politicians. I hope whoever wins the presidency next is someone not from the right or left... an independent would be good. Hell, send in Jesse Ventura or Colin Powell any day. Smart men who knew what was going on and how to fix problems. Because they're smart, they'll never run. I like people who run away from politics. Those are EXACTLY the people we need in government. Not power hungry freaks bent on controling the world, or rabid intern f***ers (gay or straight)
                    VIDEO Acadian
                    VIDEO Chevette

                    Six-t-Six Motorsports
                    2.8L Chevette Roadcar
                    3.2L Acadian Racecar


                    • #25
                      My two cents...

                      I hate mainstream christianity. They are liars and hypocrites. What is Goerge Bush? A liar and hypocrite. I lived in the inner city. The problem with reading and writing skills to directly linked to lying, money loving fundamental christians who hate anyone that has dark skin. The way I see it, it's devil warring on devils. They all need to be nuked and go to hell.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Ortie666 View Post
                        Also if u guys havent seen that movie -- Loose Change -- goto google videos and watch it... Im not gulibale for anything but how they were able to prove Sientificaly/Phisicaly it was impossibale for 9/11 to happen thats were I start to wonder what really happend... And I agree with ryan.hess
                        You are gullible if you believe that video. Scientifically and physically it was very possible, but some people just don't want to believe that.

                        Your local OBDII moderator

                        2000 Grand Am GT w/ WOT parts


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by sprucegagt View Post
                          You are gullible if you believe that video. Scientifically and physically it was very possible, but some people just don't want to believe that.

                          Yeah, just watch the south park episode about that. It explains all.
                          Okay now, that's enough of that.


                          • #28
                            LOL HAHAHAHAH, But still were did all the airplaine go in those pictures??, Ohh rite it vaporized.. see thats just the scared mentality of the americans to beleve w.e the press or government says, makes up because the government knows that a scared person listens better to bulshit than a not scared person.. im not gullibale enough to beleve some horseshit that the US government says about somthing they could defanatly prove happend if all they did was realesed the video tapes of what ever crashed into that building.. hens the ones in the hotel facing toward the crash, or the gas station ones.. if you can explane why they wont release videos then ill beleve it was a plane.. till then an a machinist and has actualy got metal to its melting point witch takes over 5 min tells me that jet fuel.. aka ronchy kerosene can not possibaly get an entire airplaine to vanish in less than a couple seconds... PULL UR HEADS OUTA UR ASS, IF WE CLAM ITS PEOPLE WITH OIL THAT DESTROYED OUR COUNTRY WE CAN GOTO WAR WITH THEM, OVERTAKE THEM.. AND THEN SHIP THE OIL TO A PLACE THAT NEEDS IT ALOT MORE THAN WERE ITS MADE!!!!!!! hmm, sounds like an awsome idea... im sick of high gas prices.. so could all u americans on this forum beleve this shit so u can goto war, win THEN I can start running racegas in my car again w.o taking out a loan...
                            VIDEO Acadian
                            VIDEO Chevette

                            Six-t-Six Motorsports
                            2.8L Chevette Roadcar
                            3.2L Acadian Racecar


                            • #29
                              Where do I start... well how bout at 9/11. The planes hit, the nation was stunned, I was stunned, politicians were stunned. Bush gave his speech ontop the wreckage of the twin towers (why not make it on an open grave? bastard). Bush declared war, congress followed suit. We invaded Afghanistan on the hunt for osama. Now the nation knew who was behind 9/11 and patriotism abounded. Bush was a hero. Old glory hung from every household's flagpole. For the next couple years we blew up a bunch of caves, invaded cities across Afghanistan and flushed the taliban out of every nook we could find. Great! The taliban was devastated, on the run and separated into factions we could have easily moped up. But no osama. And what's worse is that the factions we created by stomping on them (shock and awe) were then forming other factions throughout the mideast. Things were starting to look bad for us, so what's an incompetent president to do? Luckily Iraq's crazy leader Sadam Hussein was right next door. Charge! Bush declared Iraq had 'weapons of mass destruction' and must be 'freed' to ensure stability in the region. Our government declared war on another country to stabilize it's neighbors?!! How does that put them at ease??? What about North Korea's nuke program? Genocide in africa? Guerilla warfare in south america? Iran's nuke program? So we bombed the crap out of Baghdad in the middle of the night and completely missed sadaam. Didn't find the weapons either. A year later we found sadaam in a hole looking like a deranged hobo, then gave him to the Iraqis for a trial that's still dragging on today. Why did bush decide to invade Iraq in the first place? For oil, to settle old scores and create a scapegoat. We'd look like a bunch of monkeys picking our butts in middle of nowhere Afghanistan if we hadn't distracted the world with Iraq. Then hurricane katrina hit and FEMA, the insurance companies, the president and local authorities did nothing to help them for 3 months. Then bush took a helicopter ride over New Orleans and says "It looks really bad from up here. I can't imagine what it's like down there." ...What the hell!! He flew over New Orleans in a freakin helicopter while thousands of people were suffering below! And guess who decided to consolidated FEMA as part of the homeland securety program (which meant they had to get clearance from the rest of homeland securety to do anything) and appointed it's former director? Bush and his cabinet. Look who has and is running our country! Bush: incompetent, impetuous, and stubborn; Cheney: former head ceo of our nation's largest military supplier (haliburton); Brown: former head of FEMA, clearly incompetent; Rice: the only half-decent politician in his cabinet but a puppet all the same and a host of other war mongers who's names I can't remember. Attacking the taliban was for the greater good but it still hasn't been destroyed, the damage from katrina still hasn't been dealt with, we never should've invaded Iraq in the first place and now North Korea has nuclear capabilities! It's not hard to imagine why so many have rejected bush and his cabinet, accused him of incompetence or even conspiracy when you look at the history, but to go as far as to claim that 9/11 never happened you really must have your head up your ass. Go to New York, look at the big hole where the towers were, talk to anyone that experienced it and pull your head out. If you fly Sevral tons of steel and kerosene at 400 mph into a building it will explode and burn very hot. The towers stood for at least 10 minutes burning from the inside after they got hit, then came down shredding everything that was inside. Ever seen thousands of tons of steel and cement fall the height of a skyscraper? There's not much left when it hits the ground. Ever seen a plane crash at 400 mph on tv? What's left gets scattered everywhere and if it's at a steep enough angle (like the pentagon case) it buries itself in the ground. Hitler incarnate? Hell no, hitler was a calculating racist freak, bush is his stupid, ignorant polar opposite.
                              Last edited by 85maro; 10-15-2006, 12:34 AM.
                              Increasingly I find the difference between a "fact" and an opinion is the number of people who believe it.

                              3.4 block converted to roller valvetrain with 220/225 cam on 115 lsa, '769' heads with 3500 valves, LS6 springs & porting, twin T04E turbos, 3500 plenum with ported 3400 lower & 'short star' 65mm throttle.


                              • #30
                                I just watched that video....

                                ....they confirmed everything I had a hunch about. There are no words I can think of to describe this evil. Even a fiery hell is not enough for those sick bastards. I want off this planet. If you believe in the American people, download it and copy it to DVD and distribute it.

