Well, my transmission finally decided it was giving up.
199,218 miles on it.
We're checking to see if I can afford to have it replaced, but money is tight. Well, this morning they call me wanted $3k for a replacement and labor. Well my car is worth what, $20, so no.
We're trying to get a cheap price from garages I know. Got one at $1500 for the whole deal. I'm looking forward to getting rid of this... thing.
199,218 miles on it.
We're checking to see if I can afford to have it replaced, but money is tight. Well, this morning they call me wanted $3k for a replacement and labor. Well my car is worth what, $20, so no.
We're trying to get a cheap price from garages I know. Got one at $1500 for the whole deal. I'm looking forward to getting rid of this... thing.