Today i sat in line for a hour and 35 minutes for 5$ worth dremel sanding walmart...not to mention it took me another 20 minutes to actually get back out of walmart. I really hate xmas...BUT for those of you who are into minor porting sanding w/e your nitch is, Walmart carries one of the biggest selection of drewel accesseries ive ever seen and there pretty reasonable. Just thought id share that.
Also what kind of bits and acc. are you guys using to port and cleaning up diffrent peice of heads and intakes. I been doin alot of porting and cleaning on my dirt bikes and quad motors. Got bored and started messing with some 3100 and 3.4 TDC shit i have. Please share what you use to make it easier i go through Sanding bands like crazy and they leave the surface real ruff 60 grit and 120 grit is all i can find usally.
Also what kind of bits and acc. are you guys using to port and cleaning up diffrent peice of heads and intakes. I been doin alot of porting and cleaning on my dirt bikes and quad motors. Got bored and started messing with some 3100 and 3.4 TDC shit i have. Please share what you use to make it easier i go through Sanding bands like crazy and they leave the surface real ruff 60 grit and 120 grit is all i can find usally.