Shit, well, looks like I'm runnin away from this one. We're not going to chance it. I mean the storms have gotten into the "R" names this year..that's enough for me!!
Unfortunately we're probably leaving my GP behind...
probably going to load up my dad's bigrig with shit and move on out.
I know i'll at very minimum put the GP in the garage, and up on jackstands to raise it a good 3-4 more feet.
Shit this sucks guys..this is my first car, i'm still 17, and i dropped 3G's into it this summer and still haven't gotten to enjoy it fully, and now I have to leave it behind.
At very worst it'll get flooded. I don't have an interior right now anyway, so i'll be unhooking my battery for sure.
But if worst happens, and my tranny/engine flood, i'm already starting to build a new motor, so it'll just put a damper on things.
But looks like either thursday mid-day or friday early morning i'm running to Fort Worth...
I live north of Corpus...which is where it's projected to hit...they keep saying either towards corpus, or towards houston, well I'm north of CC, so yea, this sucks
Unfortunately we're probably leaving my GP behind...
probably going to load up my dad's bigrig with shit and move on out.
I know i'll at very minimum put the GP in the garage, and up on jackstands to raise it a good 3-4 more feet.
Shit this sucks guys..this is my first car, i'm still 17, and i dropped 3G's into it this summer and still haven't gotten to enjoy it fully, and now I have to leave it behind.
At very worst it'll get flooded. I don't have an interior right now anyway, so i'll be unhooking my battery for sure.
But if worst happens, and my tranny/engine flood, i'm already starting to build a new motor, so it'll just put a damper on things.
But looks like either thursday mid-day or friday early morning i'm running to Fort Worth...
I live north of Corpus...which is where it's projected to hit...they keep saying either towards corpus, or towards houston, well I'm north of CC, so yea, this sucks