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My Complaint to RSM!

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  • #31
    yeah my machine shop clean my parts too and i still find shavings, i'm sure it's the same with yours...

    i was just saying it's stupid to point out the fact that they sent someone a dirty product, i actually think it's a better idea cause at least this way the buyer just doesn't assume the part is totally clean and put it on.
    like you stated earlier.
    "Their port work is one thing, but to leave shavings in the manifold is dangerous."
    well if the buyer just cleans the product(like they all should) him self they woundn't be any shaving that could be "dangerous"

    so if YOU sent a p&p intake manifold to someone, and you cleaned it and they didn't and there happens to be a few little shavings, and it trashes their engine, who's fault is it? i'm going to say the buyer.


    • #32
      This could go back and fourth all day. But I think that for the price that RSM charges, that shit should be fucking maticulasly cleaned, and be sent to you in vacume sealed packaging.

      It's quite obvious that they are not charging you for machining shop labour. Not unless they bill out at $1500.00 an hour. So they might aswell clean the fucking things.

      No pride.



      • #33
        Ok, well I posted a beware on the site because people need to know. Thats about it. Ive never read anything from anyone about cleaning them, and I would think in the 8 years I have been on car sites that I would read SOMETHING if someone had to clean it, or noticed. People bitch and moan about smaller things, so common sense told me that the general public wasn't looking at their products too closely. I did because I was asked to check them out. I was actually asked to just match my heads to their lower, and to see if the manifolds could use any more porting. The rest is history.

        Im done with this thread. Ive said what ive needed to.


        • #34
          Originally posted by sappyse107
          quality control.

          I guess some people don't expect much from companies.
          Quality is running rampant! It needs controlled! But I agree with Josh, even Edelbrock advises you to clean your parts, before installation.

          But, you can't clean in workmanship. (I saw the pics) Did they advertise "More work may be needed?"
          If you are driving a Chevy, everything else, is just a blur. 3.4 Carbon Footprint.


          • #35
            Originally posted by bszopi
            I agree that how it was initially dealt with was poor. Its one thing to complain to a company, but its a totally different thing to complain to a company, and include peoples names and effectively business's without their prior knowledge. And then to make it all public makes it that much worse. Granted, most people on here had a negative view about RSM prior to this, but that really doesn't matter. If it was me instead of Ben being mentioned, I think I would be pretty pissed about my name being involved without my prior knowledge. Granted, Ben initially brought it up, but that doesn't mean he nor the thread needed to be involved in the email.

            Guess its time to make sure we have the site backed up, cause oddly enough, last time something like this happened, the site crashed and we lost everything... Well, at least this time we have someone to blame!
            Never looked at it that way. If I did affend you Ben then I'm sorry. But I still dont' look at it that way, maybe i need some sense knocked into me. But saying that i had a knowlegable person of the 3x00 look at my manifolds backs up what I'm trying to get across to RSM. Plus he announced on this forum that their porting is uneven and very dirty. I would hope he didn't mind. Or maybe its cause i'm just giving him lots of $$$ to port my 2 sets of uim/lim's and heads and thats why he isn't saying anything lol. All that I care about is that people know what kind of products they might get from RSM.
            Corey's 95 GP - Engine/Trans installed
            02 GTP - 90* > Failboat

