Ok so the product in question
JP0210 - Stage 2 Performance Axle
Price: [$655.2 (US$524.16)]
These heavy duty CV Axels are simply put, "impenetrable". Made out of 4340 billet steel, these joints will never break. They feature a heavy-duty silicon boot and are rated up to 450HP.
Do note. Only one part of this axle is actually differen than stock. That is the short stub shaft between the 2 CV joints. THATS IT. Everything else is stock issue and USED CORES.
So a few weeks back on Lloyds car we hear this "clunk, clunk" comming from the drivers side as you turn. So we take the wheel off and run the car up on jack stands. While looking at the drive axle we can see that the new JBP "performance axles" are fucked. But how can these "impenetrable" axles be broken after only 6 months of street driving? Well the fact that the CV joints themselves are used cores would be the answer. We took the joint apart and found this...

This axle was driven on for a long time (by some previous owner of the axle in some distant place) with little to no lubrication. The part got extremly overheated and lost all its hardness. So evidence would suggest JBP buys stub shafts machined with splines in them and simply repacks a stock joint with grease and plugs in the new stub shaft. Throw some boots on it and sell it for the extremly overpriced amount of $655. Don't these useless fucks even inspect their cores? I mean a monkey could spot that kind of damage. Shit they took 6 months to ship the stuff you think they would had the time?
Another hard lesson learned. We were not about to return the axle because that would have taken a year and a day so we just put a new joint on the end. Had they been a descent company with some morals we could have take it back and got a new one. But ohwell a complete reman axle was only $80 for us.
Footnotes: JBP sucks, Don't buy anything from them.
JP0210 - Stage 2 Performance Axle
Price: [$655.2 (US$524.16)]
These heavy duty CV Axels are simply put, "impenetrable". Made out of 4340 billet steel, these joints will never break. They feature a heavy-duty silicon boot and are rated up to 450HP.
Do note. Only one part of this axle is actually differen than stock. That is the short stub shaft between the 2 CV joints. THATS IT. Everything else is stock issue and USED CORES.
So a few weeks back on Lloyds car we hear this "clunk, clunk" comming from the drivers side as you turn. So we take the wheel off and run the car up on jack stands. While looking at the drive axle we can see that the new JBP "performance axles" are fucked. But how can these "impenetrable" axles be broken after only 6 months of street driving? Well the fact that the CV joints themselves are used cores would be the answer. We took the joint apart and found this...

This axle was driven on for a long time (by some previous owner of the axle in some distant place) with little to no lubrication. The part got extremly overheated and lost all its hardness. So evidence would suggest JBP buys stub shafts machined with splines in them and simply repacks a stock joint with grease and plugs in the new stub shaft. Throw some boots on it and sell it for the extremly overpriced amount of $655. Don't these useless fucks even inspect their cores? I mean a monkey could spot that kind of damage. Shit they took 6 months to ship the stuff you think they would had the time?
Another hard lesson learned. We were not about to return the axle because that would have taken a year and a day so we just put a new joint on the end. Had they been a descent company with some morals we could have take it back and got a new one. But ohwell a complete reman axle was only $80 for us.
Footnotes: JBP sucks, Don't buy anything from them.