Well, I officially hate living in an apartment now and being without my tools. I can only hope that we get a house in the next couple of months.
Our 98 Blazer has had an on and off problem with an antifreeze smell in the cabin. I have questioned the heater core as a problem for quite some time but the usual signs never showed up. Until this weekend, that is... About halfway through a 2-hr drive, it started spitting fog out of the vents. Well, since I don't have any of my tools with me at the moment, and no real place to work on it, I had to succumb to a local shop to do the work. Needless to say, I got the call this afternoon that there was indeed a hole in the core. And just like any freindly neighborhood shop, they go by the quoted time in the books. Unfortunately, I haven't lived here long enough to know any good mechanics and no one at work was helpful in selecting one. So yeah, its a 12hr job, at the good price of $60/hr. Plus parts, of course. And my wife and I are down to the Beretta until Thursday afternoon. Works great when I go to work at ~7am and get off at ~4pm, so she can go work 4:30-11pm. I know our daughter is going to like her sleep being interupted the next couple of days....
Our 98 Blazer has had an on and off problem with an antifreeze smell in the cabin. I have questioned the heater core as a problem for quite some time but the usual signs never showed up. Until this weekend, that is... About halfway through a 2-hr drive, it started spitting fog out of the vents. Well, since I don't have any of my tools with me at the moment, and no real place to work on it, I had to succumb to a local shop to do the work. Needless to say, I got the call this afternoon that there was indeed a hole in the core. And just like any freindly neighborhood shop, they go by the quoted time in the books. Unfortunately, I haven't lived here long enough to know any good mechanics and no one at work was helpful in selecting one. So yeah, its a 12hr job, at the good price of $60/hr. Plus parts, of course. And my wife and I are down to the Beretta until Thursday afternoon. Works great when I go to work at ~7am and get off at ~4pm, so she can go work 4:30-11pm. I know our daughter is going to like her sleep being interupted the next couple of days....
