Just a couple things I have come across lately in the news, 2 of which have been discussed before...
First, near and dear to my heart, is the USS San Fransisco. Being an ex-submariner, I just couldn't imagine what the crew went through when the below happened. Just amazing!!!
Next on the list comes from the Canadian side of the border...
I remember awhile back when the gay marriage issue was a hot topic and the Canadians had some comments about it. Well, looks like laws are in the process of being passed to allow gay marriage in Ontario. I say good for them!
And finally, something that has to do with cars and the morons that are allowed behind the wheel...
Seems that a couple of idiots were street racing, ran a red light and slammed into an innocent guy try to make a left turn. Of course, as it usually happens, the innocent guy gets killed, 2 of the racers (driver and passenger) are in critical condition, and the other piece of shit drove offas if nothing happened. And some of you wonder why there are guy like me on these forums preaching about how stupid street racing is. You really have to have your head up your ass to do it. And I don't want to hear any of the excuses like "Oh, well we race only in desolate areas", cause if you are there, there is bound to be some innocent bystander around as well.
Well, enjoy. And I'd love to hear comments from everyone! And if you find something interesting in the news, post it up for discussion as well!
First, near and dear to my heart, is the USS San Fransisco. Being an ex-submariner, I just couldn't imagine what the crew went through when the below happened. Just amazing!!!
Next on the list comes from the Canadian side of the border...
I remember awhile back when the gay marriage issue was a hot topic and the Canadians had some comments about it. Well, looks like laws are in the process of being passed to allow gay marriage in Ontario. I say good for them!
And finally, something that has to do with cars and the morons that are allowed behind the wheel...
Seems that a couple of idiots were street racing, ran a red light and slammed into an innocent guy try to make a left turn. Of course, as it usually happens, the innocent guy gets killed, 2 of the racers (driver and passenger) are in critical condition, and the other piece of shit drove offas if nothing happened. And some of you wonder why there are guy like me on these forums preaching about how stupid street racing is. You really have to have your head up your ass to do it. And I don't want to hear any of the excuses like "Oh, well we race only in desolate areas", cause if you are there, there is bound to be some innocent bystander around as well.
Well, enjoy. And I'd love to hear comments from everyone! And if you find something interesting in the news, post it up for discussion as well!