As I have said before, I recently relocated to Arkansas to finally start a real career. And with that, it also means trying to find a house for the family. We have found many that we like, but most of which will be gone by the time we actually get around to buying.
Our apartment lease is until the end of June, and we haven't even gotten approved for a loan yet. Anyway... on with the story. We looked at one possibility the other night. Nice house, great potential, no garage (yeah, that sucks). Problem was, we looked at in the dark. So I went back the next day on my lunch break to look at it. I pulled into the lot next to it just to get a better view of the back. Didn't really help. So I decided to head back to work. Well... that's where it turned bad. Seems that there is a hole in the curb or gutter, sewer... I dunno. I didn't see it when I pulled out. Sound bad? Yeah, until I say that there was a 1/4" steel plate covering it. Normally good, but not this time. Guess I got the corner of it. NEedless to say, here are the results....

Yep, that's a nice ~1" gash in the sidewall of a $145 tire. Yea for me!! And to make it even better, no one in the area carries one, so I had to order it through TireRack (prob cheaper anyway). It looks like it shipped today, so maybe I'll have it this weekend. Hopefully... In the mean time, I'm driving the wife's Blazer to work and she just stays at home and doesn't drive. She's not too thrilled about it, but we both agree that we probably shouldn't drive the Beretta that way very far.

Yep, that's a nice ~1" gash in the sidewall of a $145 tire. Yea for me!! And to make it even better, no one in the area carries one, so I had to order it through TireRack (prob cheaper anyway). It looks like it shipped today, so maybe I'll have it this weekend. Hopefully... In the mean time, I'm driving the wife's Blazer to work and she just stays at home and doesn't drive. She's not too thrilled about it, but we both agree that we probably shouldn't drive the Beretta that way very far.