Not political...just having fun with current events and the state of this site. Facebook was cool for a while, but I need something more deliberate than logging into an app. You can't just find this place. I left just about every car related group a while back and I don't miss most of it. I miss the motivation of seeing how I can help other people with their 60V6. I am currently motivated, unfortunately, by the same factors that started my business 15 years ago. Improvements can be made. This doesn't need to be a central hub for all things involving 60V6s, which was the idea in 2003. Too much effort for too few people. At most I expect maybe 3 views within a week
This site wasn't built in a week. Or a month. It was years. I've probably got time. Fingers crossed. That "Not Secure" shit at the top has to be the first to go.
Any issues with this site, hit me up sappyse107 @ 60degreev6 dot com. Ill let Brad know:P hahahahaha

Any issues with this site, hit me up sappyse107 @ 60degreev6 dot com. Ill let Brad know:P hahahahaha