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New Stock Stereo

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  • New Stock Stereo

    So I got a new stock stereo for my car with a cd player. It is this one actually

    I plugged it in and everything worked wonderfully. I left it in over the weekend and didn't use my car. My wife's car has better gas mileage and is newer. On Monday, my car battery was dead. I got a jump start and went to work. I unplugged the stereo completely. I plugged it in today and went to work. When I left work at 10pm, i noticed that my dash lights were on even before I opened the door. I know that my old stock stereo never had a problem with keeping lights on. Is there something wrong with this stereo? Could it be the wiring within the dash area? I am confused because my old stereo was just a tape deck and I never had a problem with my battery draining but now this new stereo keeps my dash lights on. Anyone with any ideas? Thanks.


  • #2
    Year of car? Make? Model? A/S/L/M?
    1995 Pontiac Grand Prix SE - 3100/3400 hybrid


    • #3
      Do they eventually turn off at all? Because depending on your car, you may have accidnetally added the dash light remain on thing.. A few Luminii have this, and the GP may as well being its a W..

      90 Chevy Lumina: 3.1L V6; swapping out for TLQ1
      94 Cutty Supreme: 3100 V6
      Soon: Something new?


      • #4
        Originally posted by StEvEzAsYcHo
        Do they eventually turn off at all? Because depending on your car, you may have accidnetally added the dash light remain on thing.. A few Luminii have this, and the GP may as well being its a W..
        Grand Prix have that, but it's controlled by a slider on the left (headlight) switchpod near the instrument cluster, and it's called "security." And it turns them off after a minute anyway. It sounds to me like a couple wires were crossed, or maybe something shorted out. \shrug/
        1995 Pontiac Grand Prix SE - 3100/3400 hybrid


        • #5
          What I thought is maybe you shorted the dimmer wire? I don't know, just a thought.
          Currently attending Wyotech, Fremont, CA. Start Date: 1.24.05. Grad. Date: 4.21.06
          1992 Chevy Lumina Z34 5 Speed FOR SALE $1400 AS IS RUNS WELL


          • #6
            I have a 93 z34. The thing is the old stock stereo which was just a tape deck never had a problem of keeping the lights on in the dash. So I wouldn't think it was the wiring. Are the stereos from different model of cars that different? I thought that it was a simple plug and play type deal. So what is this security light that you speak of and what can I do to disable it? Thanks.



            • #7
              Now that I think about it, the lights on the stereo don't turn on when I have my headlights on. They died last week when I had the old stereo in. So is that the dimmer wire?



              • #8
                He doesn't mean an actual light. I think all Luminas have it: When you close the doors the dash lights stay on for like 30sec. or something.

                I think maybe wiring harnesses may be different. Did you car have the bose amplifier? If so maybe this one is made to work without it. Or vice-versa, maybe you don't have the amp and it is made to work with it. I'm sure the harnesses are different for bose and non-bose. Maybe compare? I don't know, maybe the shop manual has wiring schematics, I'll look later.
                Currently attending Wyotech, Fremont, CA. Start Date: 1.24.05. Grad. Date: 4.21.06
                1992 Chevy Lumina Z34 5 Speed FOR SALE $1400 AS IS RUNS WELL


                • #9
                  It IS a plug'n'play deal, that wiring harness has used the same pinout from it's inception to current models that still use that connector (Known as the 71-1858 to us car audio installers. ). so because of that, I highly doubt that the radio itself has anything to do with your dash lights staying on.

                  You said that the lights in the radio "died" when you had the original deck in there?


                  • #10
                    The old stock stereo lights (including the time) work fine if the headlights are off. When I turn the headlights on, the display is EXTREMELY dim, almost nonexistant. As soon as the headlights are off the time comes back like normal. This happens with both stereos now. When I close my doors the dash lights usually stay on for 30 seconds and then turn off. With my old stereo in it would do this. With the new stereo the lights don't turn off and that is what is draining my battery. My Z34 did not come with the bose amp. There are 4 slots of pins on the back of the stereo. All of the slots are keyed so you can't just randomly plug wires in. I only use 3 of the 4 slots. My old stereo was like that. Is there something I am missing? Thanks for all the help everyone! I just wanted a stock cd player.



                    • #11
                      Anyone have a stereo wiring diagram they can scan and post up? Any more suggestions? Thanks.


