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Aaron's Z34 vs TGPilot's Talon TSi

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  • #31
    Screw you little lady. My '94 Camaro is stock 170,000 Trouble free miles since new with a automatic and does 14.2 at 96 MPH just as it should every single time I get into it and yeah I have slips upon slips UPON FUCKING SLIPS you retard! As far as your dad's poor car is, his is a lemon and/or you suck for driving it like the way you drive your worthless pos. And I don't give a hoot and a hollar about how much air your engine flows because you don't make as much power and torque as that V8 does! Yeah you know what I have a clue because I used to have your motor and there is no way in this universe that motor without some serious man handling could ever match that 350 SFI V8! WHEN YOUR POS SHIT TOPS OUT AT 155 MPH THEN GIVE US ALL A CALL. Som bitch! Your monotonous anecdotes and your what you call "videos" are migrane inducing.......... WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR FUCKOKTA CRUISE CONTROL!!!!!!?? Take your "frameless", WORTHLESS POS and your Zitty self and go drive off the top of pike peak you ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS!!!
    '11 DODGE Challenger R/ T Classic 57M6 Green with Envy "Giant Green Squid"
    '92 PONTIAC Grand Prix SE 34TDCM5 "Red Lobster"


    • #32
      I dunno if I would say the 3.4 DOHC can't touch a stock LT1...that seems pretty hopeless if it can't. I dunno about with just headers...and my chip that isn't tuned for headers though. What else has he done? no port work, no cam retard...yeah, I dunno without seeing it.


      • #33
        Note I said not without serious manhandling..... .com....
        '11 DODGE Challenger R/ T Classic 57M6 Green with Envy "Giant Green Squid"
        '92 PONTIAC Grand Prix SE 34TDCM5 "Red Lobster"


        • #34
          Wow you are sounding really mature right now...Midol works ya know...


          • #35
            I think you have aggravated too many people around here.


            • #36

              '95 Cutlass Supreme- "The Rig"
              3400 SFI V6, 4T60e
              Comp Cam grind, LS6 valve springs, OBD2 swap, Tuned
              2.5" DP/ 2.5" dual exh/ Magnaflow Cat/ crap mufflers/ 3500 Intake manifold/ 65mm TB
              TGP steering Rack/ 34mm Sway Bar/Vert STB/ KYB GR2's

              '08 Chevy Trailblazer SWB 1LT "Smart Package"- LH6 5.3L V8/4L60e, A4WD


              • #37
                I posted this to show some videos of my car, and show how it performs compared to another quick car. I have not directly flamed anyone in this thread, or any others for that matter. Dissagreed, yes, but reread his post and honestly tell me that his post was not uncalled for. You can't, it was totally and blatently a bash, and there is absolutely no reason for it to be here. Frankly, I am appaled that I am the one on the line for being banned after posts like that. I am not egging you on and asking to get banned, more just asking you to look at it objectively. Sure I disagree a lot, have a bit to learn, and I hold my car pretty high, but I do not come out and openly bash other members like this...It wouldn't fly in ANY other forum, and I'm shocked that it has here.

                I'm not offended by it, I could care less. It is just worthless to be said, that's all. And not to mention totally off-topic.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by gpse3400
                  Screw you little retard!...your worthless pos...WHEN YOUR POS SHIT...Som bitch!...Your monotonous anecdotes... WHO CARES ABOUT YOUR FUCKOKTA CRUISE CONTROL...Take your "frameless", WORTHLESS POS...and your Zitty self...ROYAL PAIN IN THE ASS!!!
                  Ten times he bashed me and my car in a single post. I know I aggravate people, but this is more than "aggravating others," this is decharacterization...


                  • #39
                    No Aaron, it's because you throw BS around too much and you're now the e-punching bag, because you keep doing it, after we call you on it, prove you wroing or just make you look stupid.

                    I'm really quite surprised that you haven't learned by now that you portray yourself as a complete bafoon, you don't think before you post and can't make simple connections that other people learn to do at an early age.

                    I suggest you learn a bunch before posting any more, it may be the oly way you save face.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Aaron
                      but I do not come out and openly bash other members like this...It wouldn't fly in ANY other forum, and I'm shocked that it has here.
                      thats one of the things that make this forum so great. not the bashing, but the freedom of expression and lack of censorship. I don't go to boards that edit or censor posts. This is America and we are all protected by the constitution. unfortunately GPSE3400 chose to express himself while at the same time "decharacterizing" you. he has that right as an American.

                      Any board that would'nt let freedom of expression fly just sucks in my book and I would hope that most people if not all would agree with that.

                      It's not what you post its just the way you post it and what Raven keeps saying is exactly what I was thinking. even at sea level you both would have the same advantages...hence my first post.

                      god bless America and Merry Christmas
                      I wish 10% of the people on the road knew how to drive


                      • #41
                        Well...normally I would warn someone with a post like that, but its lorenzo and its you aaron, so I don't have the motivation to carry that out. Besides, I talked to him online about it. Why do you think you are going to get banned all of a sudden? Im not banning you for anything at the moment. Im waiting for you to give me a real reason.

                        Welcome to off topic at


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Aaron
                          Wow you are sounding really mature right now...Midol works ya know...
                          Wow midol....Amazing you know how that works! You are such a little lady aren't you!!! Actually you are more of a dumbass who fucks up alot.
                          '11 DODGE Challenger R/ T Classic 57M6 Green with Envy "Giant Green Squid"
                          '92 PONTIAC Grand Prix SE 34TDCM5 "Red Lobster"


                          • #43
                            FREE POST BITCHES!!!!!
                            I modify stuff


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by The_Raven

                              I'm really quite surprised that you haven't learned by now that you portray yourself as a complete bafoon, you don't think before you post and can't make simple connections that other people learn to do at an early age.

                              I suggest you learn a bunch before posting any more, it may be the oly way you save face.
                              Not that I want to join the Aaron bashing crew but; the advice given by Raven above would be a good idea not only here but on the Fiero board too. Your posts over there are the same as here. There are a lot of not so technical people over there that might believe some of the stuff you post without thinking. Spreading misinformation is not a good thing. I'm sure you don't intend to do it but, seriously, you don't have to make a comment in every thread posting your Springer final thought. Sit back and try to learn some things before posting on things you think you know. Thinking and knowing are two very different things.
                              I hope that doesn't come across as a bash as I certainly didn't mean to but you remind me of a friend of mine named Aaron(maybe it's the name?). He has ADD and always acts on impulse. I'd bet money you're the same judging by your posts here and over there. He also makes himself look kinda foolish by not thinking before he speaks.
                              Activities Director
                              88 Fiero formula 5-speed.
                              modded 2.8 pushrod...for now.


                              • #45
                                What did I just read? Aaron has a posted time of 14.7 but he says he beats a 350Z and a Camaro which both run high 13's low 14's?

                                I am guessing Aaron's time it outdated and he dropped .7 or more?

                                So the question has to be. How fast is your car Aaron? I dont care what you or anyone thinks you can beat. I want to know what the clock says you can beat.
                                1993 EXT. CAB, 3.4L V6 TBI, 5spd manual. Sonoma
                                1990 4Door, 3.2L V6 TBI, 5spd manual. 4X4. Trooper
                                Because... I am, CANADIAN

