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2004 60*V6 Meet: LOCATION POLL

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  • #46
    I would say Kansas City but I don't want to plan it, plus I'm sure everyone on the east and west coast would bitch about it


    • #47
      How about along the Nebraska/Iowa border? There is the MidAmericaMotorplex with a 2.5 mile road course and an 1/8th mile drag strip there just south of Omaha, Nebraska. (That's Nebraska with a K.) Look here:

      Omaha's a cool place. Lots of places to meet. Just depends on what you want to do. Spring and Fall are pretty nice. In June there is the College World Series. Check it out:

      Wednesday, September 11: 75th Anniversary for College World Series

      Omaha/Council Bluffs is centrally located at the intersection of I-80 and I-29 if you are driving, and there are plenty of flights to and from all over the country at the largest airport in the area, Eppley Airfield:

      My $.02.

      He who dies with the most toys is still dead.


      • #48
        1/8 mile track...Why even bother?


        • #49
          Originally posted by SappySE107
          Fuck ohio, it will NEVER be in ohio again as long as I have any say in the matter. I know im not alone in this either....NO OHIO! We can be in PA, near the border but thats about it:P

          I know lorenzo wants to go to kentucky, I like the idea, and I think chris liked it as well. Not canada, not east coast, not west coast. I am down for kentucky or kansas or any there place that starts with a K
          That Ohio turpike is for the birds..AND I'M NOT TAKING OHIO ROUTE 8 EVER AGAIN EITHER!!!!!! Penna gets my vote. Hell LongIsland is cool for me, and not just naturally Got NYC, scenery, awesome Expressways and Parkways to really see how everyones simulated coil overs handle the BEAR MOUNTAIN CHALLANGE!! or the Taconic...just very expensive. The WestHampton track is level and at sea level but it is like $45. Pocket change to all the snooty patooti people around here. Kentucky is cool with me, many stupid memories that I will forever cherish of that fiasco of a trip... My fuel pump retiring after 180,000 miles, 24 hour Sheetz and Chevron with built in techron, Ben almost losing a wheel, Chris damn near ripping off his front end pulling into the track area, all of us getting 17's....Me the worst..... ..I just hope I don't see the Garfield car with the burlap trim again.....
          '11 DODGE Challenger R/ T Classic 57M6 Green with Envy "Giant Green Squid"
          '92 PONTIAC Grand Prix SE 34TDCM5 "Red Lobster"


          • #50
            Originally posted by SappySE107
   would we do in indiana? seriously, let me know so I can go do it NOW!
            LOL well theres that all you can eat buffet, and that Stake and Shake!!!!!! Mmm Dairy Queen.....I guess the only thing to do in Indiana is eat tastey, unhealthy food!!!!!!!!!
            '11 DODGE Challenger R/ T Classic 57M6 Green with Envy "Giant Green Squid"
            '92 PONTIAC Grand Prix SE 34TDCM5 "Red Lobster"


            • #51
              Originally posted by Rhedalert
              aaron's car wouldn't make it past state line of lovely CO...I might want Indiana cause I can get tires from tirerack dirt cheap!
              I'd say as far as the I-70 business loop in Lymon.....That's a nice dry and crusty area...
              '11 DODGE Challenger R/ T Classic 57M6 Green with Envy "Giant Green Squid"
              '92 PONTIAC Grand Prix SE 34TDCM5 "Red Lobster"


              • #52
                Originally posted by v6h.o.
                werd to indiana.... indiana is my home away from home, or other home i guess...
                bowling green would be kinda cool. home of the vette!

                NO ohio, all i hear is shit tracks from the boys who did the Jbody bashes there.

                Whats wrong with canada there benny boi? huh punk! huH??

                bastids always shitting on my country! LOL.
                Personally I love Canada! GOD BLESS CANADIAN TIRE!!
                '11 DODGE Challenger R/ T Classic 57M6 Green with Envy "Giant Green Squid"
                '92 PONTIAC Grand Prix SE 34TDCM5 "Red Lobster"


                • #53
                  Originally posted by gpse3400
                  all of us getting 17's....
                  Hey now, I pulled off a 16.2 that time!


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by dykz34
                    1/8 mile track...Why even bother?
                    I will not bother arguing the merits of an 1/8 mile facility. Suffice it to say, the reasons are many.

                    I will say, DUH! Just over the fence is a very nice road course. Can't hack the drag strip? Try the road course.

                    This area I'm speaking of is 1000 miles from the east coast, 2000 miles from the west coast, about 700 miles from Canada and 600 miles from Mexico. It is more or less centrally located.

                    He who dies with the most toys is still dead.


                    • #55
                      Id rather drag than road race. Road racing = breaking your car almost guaranteed. Its hard on EVERY part of the vehicle. I dont care where the meet is anymore. All I want to do is drag race (if its anywhere near sealevel) and dyno. I'm just not driving over 1000 miles.


                      • #56
                        I'd much rather take on a one car at a time type slow speed roadcourse, sort of like a glorified autocross, than just run like mad in a straight line. But a quarter mile strip would be nice too.


                        • #57
                          Don't get me wrong--road racing would be fun as hell. Its just that I dont know if I would want to beat the living SHIT out of my car when Im 1000 miles away! Quarter mile and dyno are fun to me; but then again, Ive never road raced.


                          • #58
                            Beat the living shit out of it? You can run as hard or as gentle as you want.


                            • #59
                              I'm with V6 H.O indana would be good, and just as long as their is a 1/4 mile strip so I can pull off some 13 second runs in the hatch!
                              1999 Olds Alero 2.4 to 3500 swap (running). totaled by a honda
                              1992 lumina 4 door 3500 3spd auto 15.020 @93.5 mph
                              1984 Cavalier type 10 hatch 3100 5spd!!!
                              14.96@91.47 in the 1/4
                              9.63@74.36 in the 1/8th
                              14.30 on slicks! scrapped due to rust!


                              • #60
                                Beating the shit out of your car? What the hell is it for? Use it up, wear it out, eat it all!

                                A road course will definately expose the inadequacies of both the car and driver. As far as tearing it up, you will use up brake pads, and depending on how ham-fisted of a driver you are, you will wear some tread. Don't fear a road course. You will have a ball. Trailer the car in if you are worried about breakage.

                                He who dies with the most toys is still dead.

