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  • Restore???

    hey does anyone know if that engine restore stuff that comes in the can works
    I Like V660s
    Does Chevy make beer

  • #2
    oh boy, another oil additive thread

    I used that stuff on my 3.1 when it didnt need it and it didnt do anything:P


    • #3
      Yeah, I tried it a while back on an old 305, and I couldn't tell a difference.


      • #4
        ill have to agree i used it on my 4 cyl retta and didnt notice any difference
        i will never add anything to my oil again
        I Like V660s
        Does Chevy make beer


        • #5
          Kinda off topic. But horespower TV notcied a 11 wheel hp gain by switching a 2002 SS Camaro auto to full synthetic Royal Purple lubricants, from engine, to coolant, tranny fluid, and diff fluid. Pretty interesting, but I still won't use it.

          God I hate that show. They are freakin stupid. I love it when they all brag about Headmen shorty headers, "to go along with the performance(lack thereof) and sound(sucks as well), they also look really cool."Not IMO considering I'd much rather look at Hooker super comps.)


          • #6
            Well, seeing that they are paid to say that, I don't think I would get pissed at them. I hope you already know that they don't buy anything they put on those cars. Its all donated to them by the company for advertising, so they have to talk good about it, otherwise there would be no show.

            90 Grand Prix STE 3.1 Intercooled Turbo-3100 Hybrid
            K&N, Magnaflows, No Cat, Chip, FFP Pulley, H260 Cam, No EGR.
            99 Grand Prix GT
            K&N|No Cat/ubend/res|160 tstat|shift kit|UD ALT & WP Pulleys|XP Cam|Stage 2 I/C|Pacesetters|MPS|2.9"|Custom PCM
            12.665 @ 110.44 w/2.018 60', STREET TIRES, PUMP GAS!


            • #7
              Aaron, Since you brought up the point.... I am an un-biased consumer with nothing to gain financially or otherwise and I have used and have had friends who have used Royal Purple Motor Oil and can personally vouch the this shiez is good!! I dont have any dyno #'s or anything but I can tell you in EVERY case the cars pulled harder and faster than any previous oil. Even @ nearly double the price of other synthedic oils, I believe it to be worth every penny. Not to mention that the cars we've switched now get oil changes every 10,000 miles (not a typo) with no damage to the engines, the oil really pays for itself. The only real downside to r/p is that once you switch you cannot go back to conventional oils or even synthedic blends as this WILL damage your motor (has something to do with the chemistry of r/p or something).
              Anyways, off my soapbox.
              Tuning a car is full of compromises. You must decide if you are willing to give up either reliability, performance, or a whole load of cash. Also remember that repairs will seem to come up much more often as you strive for even more performance


              • #8
                Royal Purple has been proven to be Mobil 1 with more detergents, and more anti-foaming agents (good thing for older engines but less actual lubricating oil by volume) and purple dyes.

                I'll search for the article again so I can post it for y'all.

                Dave ... Dave.45 ... DaveFromColorado ... it\'s all me.


                • #9
                  I would be interested in reading that. Nearly all of the engines I've switched had over 150k on the clock so I guess the anti-foaming agents would be a good thing. Since these are synthedic oils, there would be no true "oil" in them would there?
                  Is there any reports available that show true hp gains by switching to mobil 1? Just curious.
                  Tuning a car is full of compromises. You must decide if you are willing to give up either reliability, performance, or a whole load of cash. Also remember that repairs will seem to come up much more often as you strive for even more performance


                  • #10
                    You can change back to regular oil after synthetics. Synthetics are compatible with conventional oil.
                    1993 EXT. CAB, 3.4L V6 TBI, 5spd manual. Sonoma
                    1990 4Door, 3.2L V6 TBI, 5spd manual. 4X4. Trooper
                    Because... I am, CANADIAN


                    • #11
                      yeah i used royal purple religiously in my retta before i blew the motor and there was no visible wear on the interals
                      cept for the spun bearing after 253000 miles
                      very good stuff
                      I Like V660s
                      Does Chevy make beer


                      • #12
                        All I have so far is synthetic differential oil. Next time I do the tranny I will pour in synthetic. I dont know if I will change the 3.4L iron beast over to synthetic. Maybe I should though. I rarly drive it so I probabally wouldn't have to change it for a year.
                        1993 EXT. CAB, 3.4L V6 TBI, 5spd manual. Sonoma
                        1990 4Door, 3.2L V6 TBI, 5spd manual. 4X4. Trooper
                        Because... I am, CANADIAN


                        • #13
                          I have never heard anything about synthedics being compatable with conventional oils and I was taught in school that they were not. Could be wrong I guess. Only know one person who went back to using regular (due to money problems) and his engine blew within like 6 months. That was enough to convince me.
                          Tuning a car is full of compromises. You must decide if you are willing to give up either reliability, performance, or a whole load of cash. Also remember that repairs will seem to come up much more often as you strive for even more performance


                          • #14
                            nah, my 3.1 was switched about every other oil change for the past 3 years. Not exactly that but it sure wasn't consistant. It was always mobil to mobil 1 and back. I had synth in the DOHC when I got it, but after I swapped it into a different car and had it torn apart for performance work I used advance brand oil. I noticed a powre increase and much smoother running when I put the mobil 1 back in 1500 miles later though, but its also 5w30 mobil 1 vs 10w30 havoline...i mean, advance brand:P Same thing.

                            Also, if they weren;t compaible, a lot of us would be screwed because you have to use regular oil for break in before you can switch to synth. Oh, and my dad has used a couple quarts reg and a couple quarts synth in a few oil changes (forget what car, might have been the SHO). Its still running as well.


                            • #15
                              Yah I believed their numbers with the Royal Purple. But I am still going to stick with Mobil 1, every 3,000 miles RELIGOUSLY. Its the only oil the motor has ever and will ever have in it.

                              I just hate all the other stuff they do, and say. But when they go on the dyno, it is proof. I mean they show it running, and the sheats.

