I for one agree with Brad for the most part. The US leads the world in money given to other countries, almost always sends the most troops, our economy drives the worlds economy. France and Germany both are trying to use thier influence and veto power in NATO to try to weaken the US's power and position in the world and thereby increase the power of the EU. It's strictly a power play, nothing more. The US and its citizens should put our needs and safety first.
As for Moore, he is a biased moron and I'm sure that his followers on this board have not watched Fahrenhype 9/11 or checked out the misleading inuendos portrayed in his movies. Most of them prefer to believe lies and propaganda instead of getting the facts.
http://slate.msn.com/id/2102723/ (article by Christopher Hitchens, a democrat)
As for Moore, he is a biased moron and I'm sure that his followers on this board have not watched Fahrenhype 9/11 or checked out the misleading inuendos portrayed in his movies. Most of them prefer to believe lies and propaganda instead of getting the facts.
http://slate.msn.com/id/2102723/ (article by Christopher Hitchens, a democrat)