Originally posted by bszopi
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The Great Debate!
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Originally posted by Lyle's GTPRednBlackCutlass Wrote: ....I am voting for GWB and ....Go George!!
That's funny shit!!!!!!! I think that anyone who votes for dubya should join the US Army and do a tour in Iraq. That should straighten you guys out.
LyleBTW...Minimum wage is and has always been a farce. I say get rid of it. Just keeps poor people poor, and the people that pay it rich.
If you are driving a Chevy, everything else, is just a blur. 3.4 Carbon Footprint.
Man I think the economy should be on everyones "a" list. Iraq is most certainly an important issue. But I believe we should also be focusing on issues right here at home. In my opinion Bush has basically ignored the working class people (people who post here) and has focused way to much on the upper class. His tax cut did nothing for me. Face it. Under bush the rich have gotten one whole helluva lot richer and the rest of us have suffered. I remember in the Bush Gore debate Bush really emphasized that he was going to be the guy to create an enviorement for everyone to get along together(aka arab nations and the Jewish). I only see deeper divisions, not better. His my way or the highway profile is definetly not the way he portrayed himself in the previous election. Talk about flip flopping.2004 Grand Am GT 3400 ... I had the right to remain silent, I just didn't have the ability.(Ron White)
Why, if Kerry has so many issues with the economy under Bush, is it that all of the Senators and Congress just gave themselves raises? It was a unanimous vote! If Kerry was that worried about the economy and the "rich getting richer", at least he should have voted against himself getting a raise. Or was he absent from the vote again...
Maybe Kerry will use his wife's money to help pay off the deficit. Yeah, I see that happening.... I bet if he gets elected, he gives himself a pay raise. I mean, he obviously needs the money. He only has 4 mansion!! That surely isn't enough!!!!-Brad-
89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
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I dont mean to sound like im defending Kerry. Hes got plenty of issues I dont like. Its Bush who has more issues that rub me wrong. He seems to be stuck on this tuff guy thing for some reason. In my opinion this stance has only resulted in less money in my pocket(gas food prices). Ill probably vote for Kerry only because there is no one else. Im done with this topic.This political process makes me sick the more I think about it.2004 Grand Am GT 3400 ... I had the right to remain silent, I just didn't have the ability.(Ron White)
I can only hope that "gas prices" is a topic on the next debate.Brian
'95 Cutlass Supreme- "The Rig"
3400 SFI V6, 4T60e
Comp Cam grind, LS6 valve springs, OBD2 swap, Tuned
2.5" DP/ 2.5" dual exh/ Magnaflow Cat/ crap mufflers/ 3500 Intake manifold/ 65mm TB
TGP steering Rack/ 34mm Sway Bar/Vert STB/ KYB GR2's
'08 Chevy Trailblazer SWB 1LT "Smart Package"- LH6 5.3L V8/4L60e, A4WD
Originally posted by bud36lightIm done with this topic.This political process makes me sick the more I think about it.
Just watched the latest debate. I just gotta say, I love seeing dubyah get Butt-Fucked on international TV. The best part about the whole debate is quite funny actually. It is the fact that Kerry didn't even have the decency to spit on it, before he laid it to him. I hope that dubyah had enough foresite to prelube that shit. Oh Yeah!!! Actually he was kinda walkin' funny after the fact. Muhahahhahahahhah!!!!
I dont want to offend anyone by this but, does anyone remember world war II and the holocaust?
Lets look at some facts. Bush used propaganda to invade iraq for his own interests, thats pretty much proven. There were no weapons of mass destruction. Unless you argue he's "liberating" it by putting it into a world of chaos. They continued to demonize saddaam hussein and osama bin ladin (both deserve it) and with them, all of the middle east. Im sure we all remember the turmoil after 9/11 when random people of middle eastern descent were attacked and killed in the united states.
Ok rewind to the 1940's. Hitler was in charge of Germany, the country was in a state of depression. They had nothing and many were starving to death. Hitler initially brought the country back and many German's love hitler for this reason, even though what he later became made him arguably the most evil man in history. Now, Hitler was a brilliant leader, he told the people what they wanted and gave them a common enemy, the jews. (middle easterns...) Hitler convinced the people of his country that jews weren't people, they were animals, "creatures of evil that must be removed from the planet in order to allow the dominant race to survive". What did Bush call the terrorists? And now he's attacking the French and other countries that didn't help him? Nato was formed after World War II, will the iraq war cause problems within Nato? or wait, it already has.
For those who have seen Farenheit 9/11 you know his argument where he talks about the Bush government using fear to control the people, constantly posting warnings and threats about a terrorist attack, they even targetted tiny towns to make small towners afraid, well guess what, hitler did the exact same thing, only his method was, do as he says or you will be shot.
If your asking whethor or not im comparing bush to hitler, the answer is, yes to a degree. History repeats itself, always remember that.
I'd like to add that in no way should this take away what the american army has done in Iraq. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and friends of those lost in combat
PS: This wasn't an attack on GWB, and im not saying what i said was my official opinion, i wrote it to make you think, and to hopefully be more aware of current affairs and how they relate to the past. You might not beleive that history repeats itself, but i assure you it does, its almost human nature.2001 Mustang GT
1991 5spd Lumina Z34 - Dead
1947 4spd International - Dead... Reincarnation pending.. getting close now.
Let me compare this to some of my experiences...
While I was in the Navy, we always complained about our commanding officer and some of the crap that he did or required us to do. Basically, the way he "ruled" us. We couldn't wait to get a new CO. When we did, some things changed for good, but more changed for the worse. So there was another 2 years of wanting a new CO. 2 years went by, a new CO came, and once again, some things changed for good, but more things changed for the worse.
What does this have to do with anything? Everyone seems to hate Bush and how he rules. People just can't wait to get someone else in there. Well, I bet some things will get better, but there will be even more things that get worse. Kind of makes me glad that one of the companies I am interviewing with is a world-wide engineering firm. That way, if Kerry gets elected, I can just go work on a project overseas and watch as everyone gets fucked over by Kerry....
Comparing Bush to Hilter... that's funny. And I love how you bring up Farenheit 911. Michael Moore is a fucking moron. Maybe if we're lucky, he'll do a documentary on the war in Iraq, go over there for video footage, get kidnapped and beheaded. I for one would toast to that.-Brad-
89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
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Why do all the "bush-Lovers" hate Michael Moore. All he did was show us all what kinda idiotic, money driven, daddy's boy dubya really is. The truth be told nobody has been able to discreadit him, so shouldn't that merit a little respect. Although, if I were a hardcore, oil guzling, money-loving bush-lover. I'd probably be pissed too, if my great-american hero was shown to be a complete waste of skin.
I think it's time to realize that things will only get worse with dubyah there. His dad sucked, he crushed everything he ever started and manipulates the system when ever possible. Plus, for you military types, how can you respect a man who himself went AWAL and snaked his way out of combat duty.
I salute Michael Moore for telling it how it is. What he does is a type of propaganda, but it's a good one. Because it really doesn't take a fucking geneious to see that he is right about dubyah. Now after watching the debate, I see dubyah as even worse. He's a completely usless tit.
I think the Canadians should quit trying to tell the American's who they think is a better leader for the US. I don't see Canada doing anything worthwhile for the world....-Brad-
89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
Follow the build -> http://www.3x00swap.com/index.php?page=mustang-blog
I don't like everything that Bush does, and sometimes he definitely sounds kind of dumb, but at least he has a spine. Waiting around for the rest of the world to agree on Iraq would be waiting until the sun dies and engulfs the earth. Look at Sierra Leone, Croatia and Bosnia, and either Kenya or Rwanda. The international community just stood and watched while people were massacred. In UN meetings they explicitly avoided the word genocide, because that would have required them to get involved, even though people were getting killed at a greater rate than in the death camps in Nazi Germany. As soon as those countries hired private military companies, the UN pressured them to terminate their contracts with the private militaries. It seems that they were too indecisive to get involved, but once someone got in there and did with hundreds what tens or hundreds of thousands of UN peacekeepers couldn't do afterward, they didn't like getting shown up. I for one would rather have a president that lies but has balls enough to understand that we need to defend ourselves or it will just get worse, than one that never goes to work, can't make up his mind, lies about it, and does whatever the rest of the world wants so they will like him, even if it means not defending his county and people. A good portion of the world probably wants to see us attacked and lose power so they can gain it and become world powers. On the other hand I think that Bush is trying to do to many things at once. First he should have finished with Afghanistan before doing anything else. Second I think that North Korea was and is a substantially larger threat than Iraq. Which brings me to one final thing. I heard on the radio the other day, I don't even remember what program or who said it, but someone said that Bush is not being direct with North Korea, and he is so wimpy that he has to go through China. I think it is kind of funny that people say that, and then turn around and criticize him for being so direct and forceful in Iraq. However, I will definitely be one to admit that this kind of hypocrisy goes both ways. I don't especially think that either candidate is the best person to rule our country; however, I would much rather have one that is concerned enough about our country to show up to do his job and has the balls to stand up to the rest of the world when what they say is contradictory to the safety of our country (they don't live here, so they probably don't care about the security concerns of the US, and I'm sure that the people in the UN have body guards and other security personnel, so why should they have any concern about their safety) than the alternative. And yes, if I were called to duty I would go because it is my duty as a citizen of this country. Anyone who doesn't like having responsibilities in return for their freedoms should go somewhere else. I'm sure that France would take you.1994 Grand Prix GTP Special Edition
Originally posted by bszopiI think the Canadians should quit trying to tell the American's who they think is a better leader for the US. I don't see Canada doing anything worthwhile for the world....
I don't think that anyone offered up assistance to the US faster following 911 than Canada. Not to metion our troops were running around chaseing Alquida in Afgahnistan as soon as they had the opportunity. Plus are still there, doing the dirty work.