so, i'm all stoked on the fact that finally there is a shirt...
i was over joyed with the fact that it said "fuck the L67"
so i place an order for 2 shirts ( in know one will get dirty) on teh 18th of July..
the fucktard place that is selling them charges my canadian ass $24.00 US for shipping 2 fucking shirts and 2 stickers to my home in Winnipeg eh.. this pisses me off a bit. but i think. meh. its for a good cause, asses im sure will rape my ass at the border but where else am i going to get 60degreev6 shirts. (should have had Ben ship me one himself.. would have been cheaper)
get a responce that the shirts have been shipped the 19th of july and that my tracking number is blah blah blah. (oh which doesnt work due to they only work with US ZIP codes and it wont track Canadian Postal codes properly, so i dont even know where the shirts are!??)
so here it is now what ?... oh the 13th of fucking August??? like WTF. i got raped on shipping and i still have no shirts. im not happy with this, Ben Brad i advise you guys find a new company to deal these shirts out of. im know this is not your problem or a fault of yours. but this is rediculous.
i mean fuck i had Curtis send me a fucking HM282 Intermediate shaft all the way from fucking Dallas Texas, which cost 15$ to ship from Texas to Wpg. it took 5 days to get here, and im pretty sure that a fucking intermediate shaft weighs an extreme amount more than 2 shirts. so like i bitched about in the 60v6 shirt thread like i said costs me less typically to have parts shipped to me than this..
i know there are more important things in the world to whinge about than slow expensive shipping... but meh. i dont usually rant and this has gotten me a bit pissy.
i was over joyed with the fact that it said "fuck the L67"
so i place an order for 2 shirts ( in know one will get dirty) on teh 18th of July..
the fucktard place that is selling them charges my canadian ass $24.00 US for shipping 2 fucking shirts and 2 stickers to my home in Winnipeg eh.. this pisses me off a bit. but i think. meh. its for a good cause, asses im sure will rape my ass at the border but where else am i going to get 60degreev6 shirts. (should have had Ben ship me one himself.. would have been cheaper)
get a responce that the shirts have been shipped the 19th of july and that my tracking number is blah blah blah. (oh which doesnt work due to they only work with US ZIP codes and it wont track Canadian Postal codes properly, so i dont even know where the shirts are!??)
so here it is now what ?... oh the 13th of fucking August??? like WTF. i got raped on shipping and i still have no shirts. im not happy with this, Ben Brad i advise you guys find a new company to deal these shirts out of. im know this is not your problem or a fault of yours. but this is rediculous.
i mean fuck i had Curtis send me a fucking HM282 Intermediate shaft all the way from fucking Dallas Texas, which cost 15$ to ship from Texas to Wpg. it took 5 days to get here, and im pretty sure that a fucking intermediate shaft weighs an extreme amount more than 2 shirts. so like i bitched about in the 60v6 shirt thread like i said costs me less typically to have parts shipped to me than this..
i know there are more important things in the world to whinge about than slow expensive shipping... but meh. i dont usually rant and this has gotten me a bit pissy.