To prime your interest in the text below... have a look at this:
As a reformed Type II Diabetic, (a disease I probably acquired from decades of lousy eating habits and the creeping senescence that comes with just plain getting old) I was recently surprised when I tested my Blood Glucose levels and found out I was cranking numbers around 150... when they should have been hovering around 90 to 100 mg per dcl. This is a far cry from the 266 level my doctor stumbled across when she literally “Saved my Bacon” and removed something very gnarly and dangerous from my innards and that episode started me towards the loss of around 70 lbs, horrendous heavy exercise and my present state of hard won, excellent physical condition.
Anyhoo...back to the High Sugar Mystery... The “Lil Woman” suggested that I make a list of everything I had consumed during the early part of the day and that lead me to check the label on my 2.2 lb container of the only stuff that makes coffee worth drinking: CoffeeMate. I was unpleasantly surprised not only to find the real culprit here via a DGS (Deep Google Search) but it also brought up a video that we as mechanics can REALLY appreciate; considering our collective knowledge on trying to achieve stoichiometric Fuel/Air/Ignition perfection inside our metal engines. This turned out to be such a huge and a surprising example of what can happen when we put the wrong kind of fuel inside our bodies. Apparently... Someone wrote in to Mythbusters about an Urban Myth concerning the use of Non-Dairy Creamer to power a Cannon. They did their usual sceptical investigation and then a real world test that provided these surprising and entertaining results:
In spite of having an incredible amount of energy, it is important to bear in mind that like this test... (notice that huge cloud of residual Jet Black Smoke?) the same thing happens inside the human body in terms of the “leftovers” from the our metabolic inability to completely “burn” anything that has had a long-chain hydrogen molecule attached to its structure. So the moral of this story is “Read ALL Food Labels and if it has the word “hydrogenated” anywhere in the Rat's Nest of Ingredients... put it back on the shelf and buy some fruit!
As a reformed Type II Diabetic, (a disease I probably acquired from decades of lousy eating habits and the creeping senescence that comes with just plain getting old) I was recently surprised when I tested my Blood Glucose levels and found out I was cranking numbers around 150... when they should have been hovering around 90 to 100 mg per dcl. This is a far cry from the 266 level my doctor stumbled across when she literally “Saved my Bacon” and removed something very gnarly and dangerous from my innards and that episode started me towards the loss of around 70 lbs, horrendous heavy exercise and my present state of hard won, excellent physical condition.
Anyhoo...back to the High Sugar Mystery... The “Lil Woman” suggested that I make a list of everything I had consumed during the early part of the day and that lead me to check the label on my 2.2 lb container of the only stuff that makes coffee worth drinking: CoffeeMate. I was unpleasantly surprised not only to find the real culprit here via a DGS (Deep Google Search) but it also brought up a video that we as mechanics can REALLY appreciate; considering our collective knowledge on trying to achieve stoichiometric Fuel/Air/Ignition perfection inside our metal engines. This turned out to be such a huge and a surprising example of what can happen when we put the wrong kind of fuel inside our bodies. Apparently... Someone wrote in to Mythbusters about an Urban Myth concerning the use of Non-Dairy Creamer to power a Cannon. They did their usual sceptical investigation and then a real world test that provided these surprising and entertaining results:
In spite of having an incredible amount of energy, it is important to bear in mind that like this test... (notice that huge cloud of residual Jet Black Smoke?) the same thing happens inside the human body in terms of the “leftovers” from the our metabolic inability to completely “burn” anything that has had a long-chain hydrogen molecule attached to its structure. So the moral of this story is “Read ALL Food Labels and if it has the word “hydrogenated” anywhere in the Rat's Nest of Ingredients... put it back on the shelf and buy some fruit!
