In the unlikely scenario that any of us would have to endure either a drastic nuclear accident; circa... Chernobyl or a direct nuclear attack from any of our enemies... there is one very unusual phenomena that would let you know right away if this was happening. In the case of big, air burst strike... were you sitting in your protected Bunker Room that was entirely dark... that space would briefly light up from the "Firefly-Like Glow" YOU, yourself would be giving off. The reason for this is because of the presence of so much phosphorous, potassium and calcium making up your skeletal structure. The "Glow Worm" effect would happen as excited photons in the elements in your bones were released from the impact with accelerated radioactive particles passing through them and would not last very long either.... and neither would you... because that much radiation penetrating any organic life form would shred the nuclei/DNA of each and every cell in your body and with no means to repair all that damage, your life would end in days, if not mere hours. Not to worry... if you are THAT close to such an explosion... first YOUR lights inside would go ON and then when the blast radius fills to the would be LIGHTS OUT!
This little video describes this phenomena fairly well:
Now most of you know that I'm about as optimistic a person as you will ever encounter and I pretty much look forward to life's challenges with at least one small smile on my ugly, old mug each day. And I was doing just that this afternoon...right up until the moment I stumbled upon THIS Wiki:
The article starts out in an almost humorous manner... I just about can't even say the word "banana" and not want to laugh about it? Right? Remember Raffi's middle speed of the three versions of this viral YouTube song?
Cute, huh? Yeah... it was all great... until I realised from reading deeper through that Wiki that some of my sincere efforts at improving my health might be getting seriously adjusted downward because I eat a HUGE number of these Yellow Devils each day to replace my Potassium lost from enjoying very, very heavy amounts of regular physical exercise. (This subject of health, fitness and weight loss will soon appear in another video posting that might really surprise you...Remember Driver_10's post of his Epic Weight Loss? Well... my post will echo many of his sentiments and similar experiences as well).
But now... I'm worried a bit because I often consume complete hands of bananas a day! Anyhow... I thought this was an interesting article with questionable implications for me and perhaps others who like those damned things as much as I do! Oh...I'm sure I'm being a bit hyperbolic (mostly to push the humorous side of this envelope) but in reality, I live within 100 Miles of The Crystal River Nuclear Energy Plant that has been mysteriously shut down for the last two years, ostensibly because they found a "huge crack in their containment building" which they have tried and failed to repair... using their OWN DIY methods!
Huh? WTF! Hummmmnnn ... So now...whenever the winds prevail southward in my direction... I have to wonder about what wonderful things it might have brought along with with it. Not to worry...the Half-Life of Potassium-40 is only 1.25 Billion Years. Of course if THAT awful scenario plays out, God Forbid... then eating Naturally Radioactive Food will be the LEAST of my problems. Does anyone in our membership know how to make a Cheap Geiger Counter?
I think The Survivor Manual sez: "Bend Over as Far as You Can ...and Kiss Your Big Ass ...Good Bye!"
This little video describes this phenomena fairly well:
Now most of you know that I'm about as optimistic a person as you will ever encounter and I pretty much look forward to life's challenges with at least one small smile on my ugly, old mug each day. And I was doing just that this afternoon...right up until the moment I stumbled upon THIS Wiki:
The article starts out in an almost humorous manner... I just about can't even say the word "banana" and not want to laugh about it? Right? Remember Raffi's middle speed of the three versions of this viral YouTube song?
Cute, huh? Yeah... it was all great... until I realised from reading deeper through that Wiki that some of my sincere efforts at improving my health might be getting seriously adjusted downward because I eat a HUGE number of these Yellow Devils each day to replace my Potassium lost from enjoying very, very heavy amounts of regular physical exercise. (This subject of health, fitness and weight loss will soon appear in another video posting that might really surprise you...Remember Driver_10's post of his Epic Weight Loss? Well... my post will echo many of his sentiments and similar experiences as well).
But now... I'm worried a bit because I often consume complete hands of bananas a day! Anyhow... I thought this was an interesting article with questionable implications for me and perhaps others who like those damned things as much as I do! Oh...I'm sure I'm being a bit hyperbolic (mostly to push the humorous side of this envelope) but in reality, I live within 100 Miles of The Crystal River Nuclear Energy Plant that has been mysteriously shut down for the last two years, ostensibly because they found a "huge crack in their containment building" which they have tried and failed to repair... using their OWN DIY methods!
Huh? WTF! Hummmmnnn ... So now...whenever the winds prevail southward in my direction... I have to wonder about what wonderful things it might have brought along with with it. Not to worry...the Half-Life of Potassium-40 is only 1.25 Billion Years. Of course if THAT awful scenario plays out, God Forbid... then eating Naturally Radioactive Food will be the LEAST of my problems. Does anyone in our membership know how to make a Cheap Geiger Counter?
I think The Survivor Manual sez: "Bend Over as Far as You Can ...and Kiss Your Big Ass ...Good Bye!"