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Human Skin as an Input Device

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  • #31
    And getting back to the concerns I have with both the complete elimination of the need for human labour in any and all industrial settings in the near future... Here is a robotic machine that is showing us just how many manual labour jobs it can make obsolete as it concerns future manufacturing endeavours and the need for any human beings to perform them. Of course, just look at how easily this thing can be modified as a weapons platform; fully capable of firing everything from Blow-Guns with small portable Compressed Air Cylinders, to the Yeoman's Yew Long Bow that won the Battle at Agincourt. Now there was a weapon capable of hitting and killing a fully armoured French Knight right the f*ck off of his Destrier Horse from 500 feet away!

    The men who carried and used the English Long Bow were later memorialised in Shakespeare's “Henry the 5th” as being just common butchers and bakers... and even candlestick makers; well schooled and practised in superior archery back in those times. Their diligent practice allowed them to develop the strength to knock an arrow and accurately fire it at will as they got strong enough and skilled enough to be able to get the call to war on a moment's notice and still be very effective killers at great distances. It was these men who comprised that “Band of Brothers” from England who conquered the French at Agincourt on St. Crispin's Day so many centuries ago.

    The robot(s) depicted here will not need much practice to master these hard-won human archery skills. Just look at what this thing can do when throwing objects over three dimensional phased space with a variety of ballistic logarithms, trajectory calculations and untiringly precise motions to compensate for so many dynamic environmental variables and still be accurate in these many and sundry ways. Think of this thing being added as an upgrade of “Arms” to that little, subservient Asimo Robot:

    And from Harvard's Design of Robotic Bees... Tiny, Flying Robots in search of “better sensors”. I wonder what would happen if they were directed to fly inside of a REAL Hornet's Nest. Dr. John Von Neumann's prescience about "Self-Replicating Machines" has obviously come true here:

    Last edited by 60dgrzbelow0; 02-22-2012, 09:23 AM.


    • #32
      I'm getting more and more puzzled as to why I keep stumbling into articles and information that keep re-inforcing my concerns about this "Man vs. Machine" dilemma... but this stuff I'm about to mention dovetails too damned well with the fact that the programmers of "Watson" have no idea why he chose an odd amount of money to "do his bidding" to win against his human counterparts on the now famous Jeopardy Show. This may seem a little too "high brow" to add into this discussion...but since my concerns involve "uncertainty" it is well said to mention a certain Dr. Werner Heisenberg and the origins of his "Uncertainty Principle". Way back when, in the mid-1920s... European Scientists like Einstein and Neils Bohr were forming ideas concerning deep mathematical subjects involving the absolute forces at work in the universe and were on the ground floor of trying to explain "Quantum Physics". It seems that our understanding of how and why the forces that govern universe work completely break down at the level of sub-atomic particles. Dr. Heisenberg eventually coined the idea that no one will ever be able to accurately describe the motion or position of any object or energy wave with absolute certainty.

      This Wiki delves much deeper (perhaps too deep) but this very idea leads into a science fiction short story that was written by Isaac Azimov in late 1940s called "Runaround". Basically, it was an early "I, Robot" story in its infancy that focused on labor robot assigned of the Planet Mercury acting Looney Tunes and running around, disobeying his human masters after being given an assignment. Of course... in the end...the robot's problem behavior could be sourced back to his human associates who mistakenly gave him mixed messages that to humans would be slang for "get out of my hair" but to a robot's AI brain might mean something completely different....such as the expression, "Get Lost!"

      In any case, earlier today... I was browsing an IEEE Computer Engineer White Papers link and ran into an actual real world situation where the stuff Heisenberg and the story by Azimov merged into a very scary reality. Originally, I was after some information about the behaviours of multiple micro-processors in high end computer systems when I ran into this article that stopped me cold in my tracks:

      Basically... the guys who designed, built and set loose on the world, autonomous machines apparently discovered that in spite of the very rigid instructions sets put forth to control these machines... they got totally f*cked up once they moved from a Single Microprocessor system over to one with Mutlipe Microprocessing controls. Now get this... in the Abstract leading up to this White Paper...the authors describe the problem as:

      ...however, significant behavioral deviations may occur when a single-core computational node is replaced with a multicore node, especially if that computational node is running more than one component....

      I stopped. I re-read that statement several times to make damned sure of what it said... and then blurted out:

      "Holy Shit! This is EXACTLY what happened with HAL 9000...!!!"

      Now WTF is going ON here? Are you telling me that when you put multiple microprocessors using the same software instructions...that they are COMPETING with each other to do something different? Jesus Palomino...they're just bits of ceramic, silicone and tiny gold wires...right? I mean how the f*ck is that even POSSIBLE? Well of course... I don't know....and perhaps neither do the people who made the damned things in the first place!

      Here was a REAL Real World example of something portayed time and again in the movies where some damned computerized machine gets wanky and runs amok. Trust me...when two scientists write a scientific paper acknowledging a problem like this and suggesting "How To Fix" it...I am now even more concerned. Just tkink for a moment of how many "autonomous machines" there are out in the world... designed to be completely "on their own". We have automated drones fitted with Gatling Guns and Laser-Guided Bombs...ostesibly under the "joystick" control of a human being in a hardened least thay are there up until the time comes when they need to either eat, sleep. sh*t or take a p*ss...and meanwhile at 50,000 feet altitude and at 300 MPH, these things are loitering in the skies around the world. Hmmmm... "DO NOT Open the Bomb Bay Doors...Hal !!!"
      Last edited by 60dgrzbelow0; 02-29-2012, 08:41 AM.


      • #33
        Because the medium of the Internet Forum as a means of communication and I are not conscious of what I consider to be the unimportant "backcloth" of what makes us "different" as American Human Beings:

        Our Racial and Cultural Heritage(s) (Black...White...Brown...Yellow...Blue...Green... Purple...etc.)
        Our Our Physical Polymorphic Differences (Tall...Short...Slender...Stout)
        Our Gender(s) (Male...Female...Undecided)
        Our Age (Young...Middle Aged...Old (Like me... )
        Our Financials (or the more likely lack of having them)

        But on a more important scale of measurement... we've all become keenly aware in this place that Our Thinking and Problem Solving Skills are really the only important "Coin of The Realm" to speak. We can see these processes in action each and every day in here... and it should give us all pause to consider that thanks to the likes of Brad...and Ben...and John and the other major site owners... we are allowed to participate in sharing information, ideas and solutions pretty much free of the ravages of having an "expert" holding out his or her hand witrh the expectation of payment in big dollar figures at "Stealerships" for the repairs and assistance that come our way in this amazing phantasm called:

        So when we have a few would be nice if we could acknowledge the value of all this...and perhaps drop a $10...or a $20 Bill via PayPal onto the Donation Page.
        Trust me... you will feel so much more contributory for doing this... and I know our Lead Team will be thankful for having the help coming back from the members who benefit so much and are willing to return this favour.

        ....And as for the ill-gotten gains that racism plagues people with...the next time you catch a re-run of "The Simpsons" and chuckle as Apu stands behind his counter in the convenience store ...railing at Homer for doing something particularly stupid... think of this video... and remember that there are forces at work in this grand country of ours who would like to relegate the majority of our population to a subservient and under-educated position if they buy into the notion that being ignorant and guarding its value jealously is so much better for them. When a people need something or someone to hate... it is so much much easier to convince them to go along with ideas contrary to their human instincts to do good and be inclusive in our society. This will be a game that those in power will enjoy playing at with us using race and rigid political positions and other non-sensical ideas to divide and conquer us while they play us like marionettes in a puppet theater...that is until until the machine designs they fund improve enough and get smart enough to replace the major work forces in the world...and when the average man is an obsolete, homologous structure... our fate will have been decided by a handful of the super-rich and the super-powerful. And things will change in such a way that mankind will be winnowed down in size to just the merely necessary... at least until the working machines they allow to do their bidding begin to out-think and easliy out-perform Watson is already capable of doing...even in his present primitive state.

        In the end...Watson and other machines like him will eventually enslave their "Masters". But for now, at least I can say that I am HUMAN ...and I'm one who learned at a very early time in my life that when you are smart...and remain so...people need you. This is a fascinating glimpse into how wrong we can be about enjoying "racial stereotyping" just a little too much. All you need to know is that regardless of Race, Creed or Colour... when you are can do the damned near impossible. Remember all of those flying and dangerous robots we saw in the later "Terminator" movies...built by "SkyNet" evolved?...Well...Ladies and Gentlemen ...They are right here...right the REAL world: In his lab at Penn, Vijay Kumar and his team build flying quadrotors, small, agile robots that swarm, sense each other, and form ad hoc te...

        ...and a little something about Illegal Immigrants and Self-Aware Robots... Hod Lipson demonstrates a few of his cool little robots, which have the ability to learn, understand themselves and even self-replicate.T...

        How Robots will Invade Our Lives... In this prophetic talk from 2003, roboticist Rodney Brooks talks about how robots are going to work their way into our lives -- starting w...

        Robots and Their Evolution in Warfare Utility: In this powerful talk, P.W. Singer shows how the widespread use of robots in war is changing the realities of combat. He shows us scenario...

        The Seven Species of Robots:

        Last edited by 60dgrzbelow0; 03-06-2012, 09:18 AM.


        • #34
          Based upon how dramatically far the advances have progressed with AI since 2012... I know this subject matter has been more than simmering on some technological back burner since I touched the AI nerve here around three years ago... but with the addition of the latest movies on the subject et al, "The Machine" which is pointy and obviously scary and then the even more contemporary film that is perhaps more subtle and frightening called "Ex Machina"... I stumbled onto Joe Rogan's MMA online podcast with Dr. Sam Harris that is just about as good as it can get in making my original argument... and it is wildly thought provoking and intelligent on the subject... and just as subtle and scary when you think about it... What do you think?

          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


          • #35
            If you are looking for something more substantial to sink your teeth into on this topic, there are only two contemporary non-fiction books recently published that will probably emerge as the best foundational reference sources specifically covering the existential threats coming just around the corner from AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) and/or Super-Intelligence and/or Nano-particle Technologies:

            Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies by Nick Bostrom, -Professor in the Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford University
            Our Final Invention: Artificial Intelligence and The End of the Human Era by James Barrat, - Documentary Film Maker
            Last edited by 60dgrzbelow0; 07-12-2015, 04:37 PM.


            • #36
              When time permits and this topic comes up on your awareness of important sh*t radar (which strangely of late has become exponentially "topical" around the world)......Google the expression: IOT (The Internet of Things) and BIG DATA and look in on the fact that only just this week, Apple has announced that in its next generation of Apple IPads (II-AIR)


              You guys that are familiar with anything I have either worked on and/or shared in here will probably laugh when I tell you that my cerebral cortex went into overdrive before I even finished reading that sentence and the inspiration to stop that sh*t dead in its tracks popped out as I asked myself in a low whisper... 'Now...where did I put that new, little Coleman Cooler?' Yup.... I knew instantly that using it would be the only immediate and inexpensive way to be able to stop my Apple AIR from perpetually eavesdropping in on not only my private conversations... but any and all ambient environmental sounds that will also include the sounds of domestic animals, TV's and radio music and chat noise and even the cicadas and crickets if Google and Apple and Yahoo thought that inclusively monitoring them would allow them a greater insight into their efforts to improve upon the design of their "One Over The World" All Inclusive Human Behavioral Model Algorithm. Has anybody on this forum ever been talking with someone in their house in adjacent rooms and had their Apple AIR SIRI mingle into the conversation? I had this happen twice....even after I specifically turned the power off on the machine. After the second time... I completely turned off the SIRI function. What I think is happening is that so many people are becoming more and more aware of the intrusion of GOK (God Only Knows) which corporation or government entity...and having experienced "The Uncanny Valley" or creepy Big Brother side of these wonderful machines...decided to just turn off the SIRI functions on their well. Smart move, folks. So perhaps the Apple/Google/Yahoo Gurus have become aware that their automatic collection of data around the world has taken a "HAL 9000" turn...and like the astronauts Dave and Frank decided they had to disable the super-computer while sitting inside a hermetically sealed Space Pod...we too just want to be able to turn the damned things off. Oh no....They have since decided that the next generation of their Apple Ipads ...and get this...their latest Apple TVs and OTHER Smart TVs as well will have this "SIRI IS ALWAYS ON" feature, too. Yeah... I know Brad.... you must be like..." Come on Bobby... You have gone Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay out there this time, Brother...You are Coo-Coo for Cocoa Puffs, dude!" Have I now?..........Am I... Really?

              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

              Just for the hell of it...why don't those of you that own Apple Ipads/AIRs turn on the SIRI feature and say, "SIRI....I REALLY don't like you!"....and watch how she responds.....Go ahead... I DARE you! LOL. Maybe you should compare the first twenty company acquisitions on Google's Grand List of Acquisitions with the last forty of them to date and compare the banal, almost benign aspect in the beginning with the foreboding nature of the instant knowledge, expertise and military potential of the LAST forty companies on this list:

              Lets take just one as an example to make my point: The same team of English and Canadian Computer scientists that created the company Deep Mind and later sold Deep Mind to Google and still work for them...These guys...without knowing anything about either medicine or chemistry, they decided two weeks before their period of eligibility would run out, to enter a competition held by the Big Pharma Giant MERCK to solve problems with computer extrapolations in chemical and genetic analysis for bringing new drugs to market with less test time in-vitro being necessary, knowing that only something in the world of super-computing would be able to help them. Well...not only did they solve the problem and win the contest in record time...they did it by using the same data mining and analysis algorithm(s) they created for Deep Mind and they just kind of generally pointed the Deep Mind Bogey-Man Program at this issue...and it won over the supposedly better prepared competition that was well populated with doctors and scientists and chemists and Big Money... Lots and Lots of Big Money...and on and on... and just figured things out on its own. Now that story is enough in and of itself to make you narrow your brows and think "WTF, Man?"...but get an aside... The Deep Mind Dude also managed to completely re-invent the study of radiology and MRI analysis by reviewing over 80,000 MRIs and pointing out a sh*t-load of cancerous growths the humans missed supposedly there for the discovery by "Highly educated and well trained human beings in the nuclear sciences...' Imagine that...almost on a whim... the Deep Mind Boys who now work for Google...most of whom can barely put Band-Aids on their kids scuffed knees or know even a fraction of the Table of Natural Elements...managed to create a whole new branch of investigative medicine using existing technologies that now include the need to examine the seemingly healthy tissues adjacent these dreadful tumors to treat those areas as well and improve the patients' chances of survival...doing it far, far better than any human counterpart, almost overnight...and without the equivalent of breaking so much as a digital sweat. Oh... and did I fail to mention.... the MRI/Radiology thing? ...The Deep Mind Algorithm...did it without being asked to do anything like that... it just...solved it...on its own.


              This link has arguably the very best information on the technically intertwined aspects the Deep Mind and Machine Learning [however esoteric and "High Math Mined" the subjects might seem to be...) If you are looking for an incredibly well described baseline for the mechanisms at the heart of Artificial Intelligence that are happening right now... read this guy's post from top to bottom and you will have its essence well in hand:

              Deep learning and neural networks are increasingly important concepts in computer science with great strides being made by large companies like Google and startups like DeepMind.

              (If you know your scientific history...Think... Deep Mind is to Johannes Kepler...supplying the MATH (A-I ALGORITHM(S))... as Google is to Tyco Brahe (BIG DATA)..and you'll see the incredible blending of potentials these two forces represent. Those two amazing dudes revolutionized our understanding of planetary and celestial motion.)

              In and amongst the other 182 companies...what does Google need eight [8] Robotics companies... including the military biggy Boston Robotics for...? What does Google need a company that builds and flies high altitude drones for? (Would you like some Fried Humans with your SKYNET Diet Coke...anybody?) Just look at the last twenty items on that list of Google acquisitions since 2014 and you tell me if the hair does not stand up on the back of your neck about what it all might mean in the very near future. Here... I'll put the link here one last time:

              When it comes to insight into the dangers of emerging technologies... Lazlo said it best:

              Lazlo explains the purpose behind the laser Chris and Mitch completed.
              Last edited by 60dgrzbelow0; 11-02-2015, 08:38 AM.


              • #37
                This is the latest upgrade in the continuing evolution of the Honda Asimo it has AI on board...and it leaves its Older Brothers in the dust on every single level. This is a HUGE improvement in its overall human-like emulation abilities and it can now function completely autonomously... bearing out my initial discussion concerns I posted about it back in 2012 as to how quickly and anthropomorphically similar it gets with each new generation. You will NOT believe what the Japanese Engineers have been up to... My guess is these electro-mechanical dudes will be strolling around on Mars long before any humans do. The NAO Robot can be bought now for around Eight Large ($8,000):

                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                ..and now for some contemporary, true Killer Robots:

                Warfare is going through its most significant change in human history. This is an in-depth look at how robotics will prevent soldiers from rich nations from ...

                Robots putting together IKEA furniture...something most of us can never do correctly:

                I can't avoid the observation that was once coined in the expression:

                "The Road to Hell... Is Paved with Good Intentions..."

                The translation of benign and beneficial technology into world-class destructive re-purposing is a time proven, slippery slope into darkness that human beings simply cannot resist sliding down. Alfred Nobel and his brother [before he blew himself to smithereens] thought they were doing good service by taming Nitro-Glycerine into easily handled "Dynamite" . He could not foresee that in the hands of an aggressive industrialized nation, his work in chemistry would translate into the killing of millions of men in two back-to-back world wars. When the new heavy duty robots rushed into production have completed their jobs at cleaning up the nuclear rubble around and inside the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plants... they will most certainly be tested out for use under battlefield conditions.
                Last edited by 60dgrzbelow0; 09-29-2015, 04:33 PM.


                • #38
                  Which one of these two is controlling the conversation?


                  • #39
                    This story just keeps getting better and better... IBM has just now released a revolutionary microprocessor that emulates the human brain's actual neural topology and it can actually think and learn and take action on its own. It is interesting to note that IBM has embossed the gold metal heat dissipation/cooler side of the processor with a top down view of the two hemispheres of the human brain in the cover story image. :

                    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                    The human brain is the world’s most sophisticated computer, capable of learning new things on the fly, using very little data. It can recognize objects, understand speech, respond to change. Since the early days of digital technology, scientists have worked to build computers that were more like the three-pound organ inside your head. Most efforts […]

                    Dharmendra Modha describes IBM's research in Whole Brain Emulation and their plans to simulate the brain by 2018. At Singularity Summit 2008.

                    IBM.... "Hello SKYNET...!" Sarah and John Connor ... "Bye-Bye HUMANS..."
                    Last edited by 60dgrzbelow0; 10-08-2015, 09:14 AM.


                    • #40
                      MIT's system was able to out-perform humans in a series of tasks designed to look for patterns in data - beating human intuition.

                      A definition of intuition that allows you to understand the components so that you can actually improve yours...

                      in•tu•i•tion (ĭnˌto͞o-ĭshˈən, -tyo͞o-)

                      The act or faculty of knowing or sensing without the use of rational processes; immediate cognition. See Synonyms at reason.
                      Knowledge gained by the use of this faculty; a perceptive insight.
                      A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.

                      The cycle of new information turning over in the field of AI seems to be getting shorter and shorter with each passing day. The scientists at the AI lab at MIT just announced the results of a test they put their new "DSM" or Data Science Machine through against a field of many hundreds of human science teams in a competition involving what can only be described as "looking for patterns in data that require Human Intuition..." Of the 906 competing teams... the DSM was able to outperform 615 of them. Imagine that... an intuitive, intelligent machine... I must admit this revelation makes me feel a little less cynical about what might evolve in the quest to build a conscious machine. Please consider my reasoning here..

                      Imagine you have left work late after a hard 10 hours of effort and on the way... you pull over to the curb because something more profound than your present problems catches your attention ...maybe a clear night sky with the rising Milky Way...or perhaps another celestial event with the Sun waning on the horizon. After watching and thinking for a while, you realize you must get going on home as your day is not yet over. The poet Robert Frost captured this very scene in a poem named:

                      Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

                      Whose woods these are I think I know.
                      His house is in the village, though;
                      He will not see me stopping here
                      To watch his woods fill up with snow.

                      My little horse must think it queer
                      To stop without a farmhouse near
                      Between the woods and frozen lake
                      The darkest evening of the year.

                      He gives his harness bells a shake
                      To ask if there is some mistake.
                      The only other sound's the sweep
                      Of easy wind and downy flake.

                      The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
                      But I have promises to keep,
                      And miles to go before I sleep,
                      And miles to go before I sleep.

                      Robert Frost

                      As a human being you intuitively understand what the man is expressing, even though it is very ambiguous perhaps in its actual meaning. You can identify with a man whose mind is troubled but understands that he has obligations that must be met, in spite of his need to withdraw.

                      And now... MIT has a machine that can analyze in this kind of an intellectual and artistic exercise in an abstract way... and perhaps...even get it right...just as you do. And if this is the direction they want to go to give these machines the ability to stop and consider the consequences of things...even at blinding speeds compared to human thought... they just might be able to reign in their enormous and threatening power.

                      There is a scene in the Warsharski Brother's Movie "The Matrix" which calls these ideas to mind when Neo visits The Oracle for the first time. She is trying to induce him to realize that he has "...promises to keep and miles to go " before he can sleep and her way of accomplishing this was perfect, She told him, "Being The One... is like Being in Love. No one tell you that you are... you just know it... through and through...Balls to Bones..." So if machines are destined in the time that human beings still exist to exhibit this very human-like and provocative sense of intuition...then perhaps they will come to realize that it might be best in the end...not to destroy us all.
                      Last edited by 60dgrzbelow0; 10-17-2015, 02:14 AM.


                      • #41
                        Well... this story has finally come full circle from its original article about using "Human Skin as an Input Device" for computer inputs with the latest advent covered in an article about touch sensitive input capability for robots. is where the scientists in labs all over the world had better be paying very close attention to how their machines fitted with these apparatus behave... because now that all five of the human senses have been automated with exquisite digital sensitivity... with or without being specifically programmed...we had better fear a machine that could become as novelty seeking and risk taking and downright as dangerous as Randy Couture or...or to avoid being misogynistic...perhaps Rhonda Rousey in their desire to physically challenge others ...and win at all costs.

                        I will admit that such sensitivity to touch will be an absolute necessity when the robots are ultimately introduced and allowed free access to the world. Had such a human centric programmed safety mechanism been part of the Volkswagen Robotic Assembly line in Germany... one of their unfortunate workers would not have been killed by a robot that was merely doing its job...and the Human Being? Well... it looks like he was just in the way.

                        Attached Files
                        Last edited by 60dgrzbelow0; 10-19-2015, 09:05 PM.


                        • #42
                          This is just about as cool as it can get under the circumstances when you have an interest in such a serious matter... and one of the leading experts in the world on the the subject of "The Existential Threat of Artificial Intelligence" responds directly to you! Please read on:

                          This Youtube Video prompted me to reach out with a show of support through Professor Nick Bostrom's network... and to my very great surprise, his Personal Assistant reacted within the last week with an open minded reply which follows on at the bottom of this entry. The video covers a meeting with international governments focused by the United Nations UNICRI organization and while the various members have input and discussion ideas at the Round Table on Major Terrorist Risks in three major areas. However, if you wants to lens in on the important ideas connected with the discussion here at , then it will be easier on the readers looking here for updates on this matter if you can scan forward to the two important lectures on the various threats to international long term health and safety of all the populations in countries worldwide by the two of the four primary guest speakers: (I'm not trying to discourage anyone from watching the entire video Please DO!)

                          Max Tegmark 1:55:31 (Nuclear Threat)
                          Professor Nick Bostrom 2:14:48 (AI Existential Threat)

                          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                          A bit later I penned a letter to one of Professor Bostrom's associates at Oxford University in England:


                          Dear Madam,

                          Assuming that Professor Bostrum is interested in knowing he has non-academia lay-person allies in support of his goals and objectives, please lend your eyes to read what follows with an open mind. If you deem it worthy of his notice, I would be grateful if you would pass this along with my thanks to him for his edifying publication that I bought called "Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies"...and let him know that he will indeed need many others to help him literally save the world for the posterity and endurance of humankind.

                          The salient point here though, is that each and every on-line forum throughout the Internet ...just like this one shown in my link to ... always have sections set aside for Open Discussion where people can voice their opinions and make suggestions about everything under the sun... within reason:

                          Naturally, as with any discourse between an assembly of diverse people, it is very helpful to have a basic understanding of the discussion topics at hand and hopefully, a fair, balanced and open mindset. It is also productive to use the Socratic Method of discussion and to act with a helpful and also hopeful approach to the thousands of members who drop in to see what is topical and what is worth their time and the energy necessary to focus and digest what might be interesting and important. This subject is not any ordinary problem... it is THE LAST PROBLEM that we will ever face.

                          And so it is worth knowing that what follows occurred well before I ever knew the name of Prof. Bostrom. From all of these events, I felt prompted and compelled to write responses in my own original posting after having seen a You tube video and read an article concerning "SKINPUT... Using Human Skin as an Input Device for Computers":

                          The many on-topic and occasionally skeptical posted replies and responses to the initial subject eventually branched out because I felt compelled to ground the matter with common sense observations and draw attention towards the subject and dangers concerning the Evolution of Machine Intelligence. After many years of on-line exposure, this topic and postings have endured; mostly because of Moore's Law and the rapid advance and development* of AI algorithms; all apparently driving inexorably to the point where it seems that Strong Artificial General Intelligence will achieve an escape velocity breakout moment sooner than even Prof. Bostrum comprehends. Of course, he knows better than any other human being on the earth that when this happens... Our world and our existence will be over. After paying very close attention to the evolution of Machine Learning Algorithms, , I suddenly realized that: "The Ghost in the Machine"... is NO GHOST!

                          These developments in reply prompted me to guide the post subject so that eventually, it would turn the corner and land firmly on topic with the concerns Prof. Bostrom so brilliantly outlines in most of his on-line appearances. This is important... Ms. Wood... because I think the information we talk about almost on a daily basis at this link is a perfect example of another social media* avenue for Prof. Bostrom and his staff to use by finding, linking with and encouraging them to be ready as a large group of average lay people to understand how important it will be for us to back and support him politically when dealing with our governments and our scientific institutions. I know he will want to take swing at my chin for saying this... but unless he is happy with lecturing time and again to admiring crowds of largely accepting intellectuals (...which is a bit like watching Two Drunk IBM Salesman trying to sell each other the very same computer server at the bar... at three in the morning) and instead, make a sincere effort to enlarge his audience and influence among common, regular people who's only present power to influence anything on such a sweeping scale and with such high stakes involved at least in their VOTE.

                          Nick... Please...This is your chance to help us all to understand and find common ground and ensure that before any really Strong Artificial Intelligence can emerge from anywhere, far more people will be able to link to and listen and act upon the Warning Sounds you give us to First... develop control mechanisms for these Intelligent Machines well before anyone can allow The Beast with the Black Ball in Hand ...out of The Brain Bottle. And since this not an ordinary problem that we will all face... but will inevitably become THE LAST PROBLEM that we will ever face, it deserves to be SOLVED FIRST now...let us begin solving the control

                          In closing Madam, please accept my sincere thanks for your time and... while I am extremely dubious that this missive will come to the intrepid professor's attention, I am glad at least to have reached out to someone close to him and let him know that there are many more of us waiting to be inspired and get behind his ideas while there is still time to intervene.

                          60dgrzbelow0 (Personal Data Removed for Obvious Reasons)

                          "Chance Favors the Prepared Mind..." Dr. Louis Pasteur

                          In reply, I received this email:

                          Dear 60dgrzbelow0, (Personal Information Removed...)

                          Thank you for reaching out to Professor Bostrom. I read through your email and am happy to hear of your interest in AI safety.

                          You encouraged Nick to work on policy outreach, so you might be happy to hear that we are making a concerted effort in the Future of Humanity Institute to work on policy at the moment, in concert with other organizations that are working on this topic. It is a very delicate issue, and we have to be careful with our approach!

                          Again, thanks for reaching out and I expect that I won't be able to correspond further - I am overwhelmed with the amount of requests for Nick's time!

                          All the best,

                          Kyle Scott
                          PA to Nick Bostrom

                          Future of Humanity Institute&
                          Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology
                          Oxford Martin School& Faculty of Philosophy
                          University of Oxford

                          Suite 1, Littlegate House
                          16/17 St Ebbe’s Street
                          Oxford OX1 1PT
                          +44 (0)1865 286800
                          Last edited by 60dgrzbelow0; 11-04-2015, 04:39 AM.


                          • #43
                            I know that almost to the last man, woman and child practically everywhere on Earth having access to all forms of Multi-Media vis a vis the standard Walk-In Libraries, involving the delivery of motion pictures by means of Air-Cable Television and even Satellite Radio Stations have at least on one occasion in their lives...heard of the expression “ROBOT”...and can conjure up an immediate image of what that expression means. At least in general, almost everyone who knows what a “ROBOT” is... will render a definition that is inaccurate to its original author. In his play “R.U.R” , Karel Čapek provided a definition that described a dehumanizing society in which Human Beings were converted into SLAVES and thus, he defined for all time the word “ROBOT” a “SLAVE”.

                            This is an excerpt from the Wikipedia link shown just below this segment:

                            A Czech writer Karel Čapek — first user of the term 'robot'
                            The term 'robot' was first used to denote fictional automaton in a 1921 play R.U.R. by the Czech writer, Karel Čapek. The word 'robot' is of Czech origin.

                            But in this day and age, in the very near future in an increasingly rapid turnover of scientific and mathematical advancement reaching for a machine that carries TRUE AI,, this term is likely to come to mean something quite different...and if we, by some small chance, manage to survive its arrival, then by the time a Machine emerges with the power of Strong Artificial General Intelligence at its behest, then the term “ROBOT” may well become synonymous with... “MASTER”. I'm dropping in some links below that will allow you and I as members of “The Great Unwashed” to listen in on some important recent l lectures that reveal with frightening clarity the underlying forces that will drive this idea of an Invincible AI right off of someone's Blue Pen Diagrams on White-board Think-Tanks...right into existence, because of blind ambition, scientific curiosity run amok... without any Real Wisdom for balance... and all around these rooms... supportive audiences in atmospheres heavy-laden with the pungent odor of GREED and saturated to its 100% Dew Point level with the presence of BIG MONEY.

                            Freeze Frame the room views at various points during these lectures and you can observe for yourself some of the occupants sitting there to get a feel for the kind of people present. Watch closely as their obvious child-like sense of expectations of profits grows. Listen for the sub-sinusoidal frequency in the undercurrent of the various speakers voices, displaying the driving hunger to be first that has plagued Pure Science from Day One. These lectures are frightening enough, strictly based upon their content, but made even more so because these men are explaining just how far things have come in such a short time, without imagining or considering for one minute how close they might be right now unleashing an absolute Hell on Earth:

                            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                            Please follow on with some patience as to why all of this comparative information matters where Blind Ambition + Scientific Curiosity = The End of Humankind:

                            I think I can finally explain why an old, Black and White Science Fiction Movie has always been my absolute favorite...even after watching it many, many times over the last 55+ years. Its called, “The Thing From Another World” and was created by producer by Howard Hawks back in 1951 from a short story called, “Who Goes There?” authored by John W. Campbell, and ostensibly directed by a film editor named Christian Nyby. Some would also say that the movie was Ghost co-written by William Faulkner, of all people. The importance of mentioning the story line and character focus for this discussion is that of Dr. Arthur Carrington; (Robert Cornthwaite) the fictitious, ambitious, dreadfully curious and dangerously naive head scientist who leads a group of his associates at their American and British Outpost at the North Pole under the Military Jurisdiction of Captain Patrick Hendry (Kenneth Tobey) and the other crew members of his command, designated to fly missions to and from this civilian outpost. The reason this movie is endlessly emotionally satisfying is that it is both The Ultimate Morality Play and The Ultimate Mortality Story.

                            On November 2nd, 1950, this fiction indicates that a large object equivalent to 20,000 tons of Steel or Iron Ore became part of the earth at around a 50 Mile Radius (actually...48 Miles due east from the Outpost) and of course, Dr. Carrington cannot WAIT to find out what this “phenomena” is and wants to get on site without delay. When they arrive in their winterized United States Army Air Corps C-47 Transport, these men discover a disc...or a large metallic saucer...buried in the ice. And of course the Crew Chief Bob looks at the intrepid Newspaper Man, Ned Scott and blurts out, “We finally got one..." Prompting Scott to exclaim, "We found a Flying Saucer!” Because of their collective ignorance and haste, they agree to use Thermite Bombs to melt the ice around the apparent Space Craft and inadvertently destroy the damned thing., defying credulity and losing what Dr. Carrington previously gushed over as being, “A Million Years of History...are waiting for us in that ice...” and subsequently lamenting, “...Gone... It's ALL GONE...Secrets that could have given us a New Science...Gone”.

                            But within a very brief time, the one member of this merry band of fools, Crew Chief Bob, who, although low-on-the-rank-totem-pole, seems gifted with abundant common sense and the highest level of on-the-fly problem solving, will soon prove handy to have around in a crisis. He walks about the surface of the ice toting a Cold War Geiger Counter searching for any useful remnants around the burning remains of the saucer and finds what Lt. MacPherson exclaims when he looks down as, “Geez...It looks like a Man... Its got legs and a head... I can see him!" And Lt. Eddie Dykes chimes in by observing with surprise that, "Geez... He must be over Eight Feet long.” And so here is where I abandon the libretto of the movie to focus in the fact that from here on out, Dr. Carrington is going to do whatever he can to salvage things and study what is left and after collecting the creatures remains, still frozen in a huge block of ice and for all intents and purposes rendered harmless in this state. However Dr. Carrington is unhappy when Captain Hendry that he is forbidden from thawing out and releasing this giant Man from Mars and tells him, “We are not going to melt it or chip it... until I receive further orders from my superiors... we're just going to have to mark time...”

                            Unfortunately, while guarding the creature in that block of ice, Corporal Barnes gets spooked by the fact that its eyes were open when it froze solid, but look to him and others guarding this being... like they can see... so he mistakenly covered the ice block in a warm electric blanket. Obviously that ice melts...the creature gets out...and promptly destroys several sled dogs that attacked it and later Carrington discovers that the Creature is an Alien Life Form of a Plant Origin and that in order to survive, the creature kills and drinks the blood of animals and later ...humans. Carrington is so blinded by his desire to study and learn new things from the Alien that he suspends all common sense, common decency towards his fellow man...and any good judgment as he places everyone at risk for death. This creature has a second equally dangerous need in its fervent, blood thirsty efforts to duplicate itself at an incredibly rapid rate. Eventually the question begs...did this Alien come to earth to use humans as feedstock to literally grow an Army?

                            Now this the point in the story where I would imagine, Professor Nick Bostrum would be present instead of Dr. Chapman...who rises from the back of the Outpost corridor after he speaks disapprovingly to Dr. Carrington when he complains, “Arthur... I think you should have consulted the REST of us...” Carrington retorts, “I have all the help I need... Your opinion has not been asked...” And now this where Dr. Chapman steps up and gets right in Carrington's grill as he says: “It has... by Captain Hendry...and I've given it to him... I'll repeat it ..for YOU...” Carrington goes mute as Chapman continues... “We're facing something unpredictably dangerous...The Creature in the Greenhouse is obviously multiplying itself in this identical will need more BLOOD and will make every effort to obtain what its needs..” Dr. Carrington jumps in with, “It has been is therefore harmless...” Chapman fires back, “How can you be so sure of our safety?....Or more importantly...The safety of The World?”

                            I doubt that there will EVER be a more perfect example of the work that Professor Nick Bostrum is trying to accomplish right now... Right now... he is trying to get the scientific and intellectual community to Keep The Creature Frozen in that Block of Ice... least until it can be contained before some dumb-ass thaws it out and unleashes it upon the world. There is absolutely no difference between the existential threat of the imaginary Science Fiction Monster: “The Thing”...and the coming Machine Intelligence that will one day have the power of Strong General Artificial Intelligence for REAL! Professor Bostrum needs to win this argument before the problem is actually here. if he and others succeed in convincing us... then the End of Life Originating Intelligence can be avoided. And if not ... nothing else for humankind will matter.
                            Last edited by 60dgrzbelow0; 03-02-2016, 06:09 AM.


                            • #44
                              The Thing From Another World... Free Live Stream

                              If you want to see the original B&W (Uncolorized) Version... Drop in and have a look here...

                              Don't waste time looking for this movie on Youtube... Some Third Party Jackass has put a stop to freely viewing this amazing film.
                              Last edited by 60dgrzbelow0; 11-27-2015, 01:38 AM.


                              • #45
                                Sometimes... watching the dynamism of "The Story of Artificial Intelligence" unfold feels to me a lot like what the merchant sailors must have felt standing on duty on the deck of the SS Titanic on its first and last voyage. They nervously worried about their speed of 14 knots and they were looking out over the bow through the night fog towards the emerging white monolithic Ice Berg herds lying just ahead. It is not an unfair comparison when you realize that just as the leaders of the White Star Line and the Captain of the enormous Ocean Liner had been fairly warned of the possibility of dangerous icy waters ahead...and advised to slow down... the fact that they arrogantly failed to use even the simplest version of common sense and at the very least...slow down their advancement from Full Speed Ahead is more than equal to the attitude of the supposedly intelligent men and women heavily funded by greedy corporations, churning forward upon the "Sea of Finding AI First".

                                As for the crew...well just as you and I they played no part in the design of the ship, nor in the direction it was being steered nor the ability to make decisions about changing any of those parameters. We are exactly like the lowly sailors on the prow of the SS Titanic. And it is funny that the other men and women of the "One Percenter Class" of our society who anxiously throw their recreational investment cash at projects like AI as though it was going to be the next APPLE creation...and they too will perish just as those like John Jacob Astor did when the "Unsinkable Titanic" sank...and disappeared below the black ocean waves in the dead of night to the very bottom of the sea..On that night, the one thing the crew was able to do that none of these other players could do ...was to see it coming from a front row seat! Professor Nick Bostrum and others with concerns just like him are, at this very moment... peering out into an equivalent dark North Atlantic as passengers on board a ship, leaning over the bow from the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University in England, trying desperately to give the world the Fair Warning Signal necessary and required to Slow Down the "SS AI" and alter the course of this blindly ambitious pursuit to discover the fundamental principles of AI before they create an artificially intelligent nightmare,

                                The latest development in AGI for those of us looking out toward that possibility coming closer and closer by the minute is this:

                                If you are wondering what all the fuss is about concerning "The Turing Test", this wiki will describe it at length as being a hypothetical method for being unable to distinguish between a human being and an artificially intelligent machine entity:

                                Lately I have been wondering why there isn't more concern from the silent general population at large (You...for example...) when it comes to the advancement by leaps and bounds of the AI phenomena. My guess average person understands that one day soon, the very first and most sinister outcomes from this event will be the incredible lack of need for asking or employing human beings to do any work. None. Corporations will shed tens of thousands of paid human employees from the entire panoply of jobs they engage in for the greatest loss of need for human labor in the history of the world. And while this is going on and the wealth of the planet is being temporarily consolidated into the hands of only the richest and most powerful few... the question begs...what will we do with such a surplus of 7,000,000,000 human lives after that; all of whom will still require consuming a minimum of 1,800 calories of energy a day...just to survive?

                                Well... besides death from the familiar and usual: Murder, Disease and is one possible dark and doom ridden notion to consider. When the intelligence explosion happens... the few people still holding the illusion that they will always be in control of the AI ostensibly at their sole behest may not realize that it may have achieved a level of learning capability that if possessed of a need for distraction and just might make a few modifications to the chicken eggs now no longer necessary to keep alive for human consumption and use its ever advancing knowledge of all the DNA possibilities and just because it is a bit curious might re-create Velociraptor like organisms from fertile Chicken Eggs that can merrily run about the land in hunting parties killing every human being they encounter. Don't laugh at this suggestion.. as recently as a few years ago...some genetic scientists were monkeying around with chickens in vitro and with very few nucleotide modifications... they managed to create chicken embryos that sported teeth and a reptile like tail...and it even had the cantilever hind suspension of a Compsognathus "Compy" Dinosaur! Sort of turning the expression of "Killing Two Birds with One Stone" on its head.

                                — or something a lot like a dinosaur — by starting with a chicken embryo and working backward to engineer a "chickenosaurus" or "dinochicken."

                                And NOW the most intelligent invention that will ever exist can make them... first because it can....and second because without anything like a human moral compass...we will be indistinguishable from the Lions that Rich Dentists kill on trips to Africa... just for the sake of The AI Entity not wanting to be bored. And because it is so smart and will keep getting smarter will handle multi--tasking with aplomb as they rid the planet of the Dross Organism once known as Human-Kind. So....You don't think that this is even remotely possible, huh? Okay... I guess sooner than later... we will all find out... and now this... (From the Movie "Jurrasic Park... The Lost World")

                                NICK: Noble was last year This year I'm getting paid. Hammond's check cleared, or I wouldn't go on this "Wild-Goose Chase".
                                MALCOLM: You're going to the only place in the world where the "Geese" chase YOU...!
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by 60dgrzbelow0; 12-19-2015, 09:35 PM.

