Being an old gearhead from way back, I've accumulated a bunch of favorite engines down through the years. One that is somewhat similar to the GM 60-degree V6s that are stars of this forum is the Chrysler 3.3L/3.8L pushrod V6 most commonly found in the Mopar minivans. I've had four different Voyagers or Caravans with this engine and I found them to be reasonably powerful and utterly reliable. The doggone things will take a real beating and just keep on going. I think they inherited the DNA for durability from their Slant-Six ancestors.
I see the new Jeep Wrangler is using a version of this old workhouse. While I prefer the big ol' AMC inline six for Jeep duty, I can respect the "minivan" V6 as well. It's a good engine.
I see the new Jeep Wrangler is using a version of this old workhouse. While I prefer the big ol' AMC inline six for Jeep duty, I can respect the "minivan" V6 as well. It's a good engine.