So far my 3mb/down 768k/up DSL has been more like 1mb/down 650k/up. I don't do a lot of uploading, but I do do some downloading and online gaming. This the issues with the reduced download speed has not happened until recently which happens to be after Frontier buying out Verizon. I've always hated Verizon, but always had great DSL service, and nothing on my end has changed in the least bit. All of my equipment is the same, including telephone wiring through the house in the last 3 1/2+ years we have been here. So my question is this, has anyone else with old Verizon/now Frontier DSL service seen a reduction in your download speeds in the last few weeks? I've been running test after test after test and it's really starting to make me mad since I pay for 3mb down. I don't pay for 3mb down and expect to get 1mb down, especially after I've had 3mb down for years. I also know what a nightmare it's going to be calling their support as well... What's really weird is it only seems to be download speed, up is close to what I'm supposed to get, and ping seems spot on...

And occasionally I get a fluke like this (but still not what I'm paying for..):

And occasionally I get a fluke like this (but still not what I'm paying for..):
