This is fuckin' funny! Went into work this morning. I always go in the back way to look to see what cars are there. I always open up. Noticed garage door about 3' extended out from the building! Imagine my surprise!! Went inside and found just as I thought,...we got robbed!! Apparently the perpetrators crowbarred the side door, got inside and loaded the Dodge Sport (company truck, name on side) with a LOT of equipment! Love to have seen their eyes when they hit the garage door button and the SOB only went up an inch! (have to work there to know how to use it) So they moved on to Plan B! Drive through the door! And they DID!!! I would have pics, but they took our digicam. Unfortunately, (for them), they did not look at the low fuel light on the Sport! Truck was found less than a mile away with some body damage. (maybe the garage door?) But they did get all the equipment. Crack has caused more comedy than beer! And insurance is a good thing. Now I get new tools!
This may be the signature I keep!
