Got the fuel pump in and she runs absolutely fantastic!
In fact, she was running a little rich which is great. I tuned the VE tables and the LTFT/STFT are a steady +/- 0-2.
I enabled the MAF after the VE tune and the MAF tune is pretty good. I will tighten the tune up a little better but it is still LTFT/STFT within +/- 2-4
AFR lock in at 12 during PE. I will tune it for 11.5 AFR soon.
So far I have it set a 3psi. I will go up to 5psi in the next few days. This part I will take slowly. I have many years to drive this new turbo, so I can take my time tuning it up for higher boost, no more then 8psi. But I think I'll settle for 5psi for now.
But let me tell you all, even at 3psi she runs like a bat out of hell.
So for all you who have been watching my progress, it was the fuel pump for sure. In fact, the old pump had signs of overheating. It was burnt brown near the terminals. The new pump sounds so smooth and she starts up very nice. No extra cranking, seems to start in less then 1 second.
I stepped out of the car after a nice WOT and shouted, "Victory is mine!!!"
To all of you here at, thank you all so very much for all the help I have received here. You made it possible for this novice mechanically inclined hotshot to build his 96 Grand Prix 3100 TURBO.
I feel great!
EDIT I: Will be working on videos soon. I promise!
EDIT II: So I have it tuned for 7psi. My God!!! I loose traction all the way up to 45mph. So I have to learn how to work the pedal now and it isn't as easy as I thought it would be. When I do get traction, it pulls hard! HARD!!!
I have the AFR hitting 11.5 in the first few seconds of PE/BOOST and it gradually runs to 11 AFR.
Is that a good AFR? Or should I tune it to 11 at first gradually getting to 10.5 during PE/Boost?
Idle and cruise is 14.4 to compensate for the ethanol guesstimated at 5%.
In fact, she was running a little rich which is great. I tuned the VE tables and the LTFT/STFT are a steady +/- 0-2.
I enabled the MAF after the VE tune and the MAF tune is pretty good. I will tighten the tune up a little better but it is still LTFT/STFT within +/- 2-4
AFR lock in at 12 during PE. I will tune it for 11.5 AFR soon.
So far I have it set a 3psi. I will go up to 5psi in the next few days. This part I will take slowly. I have many years to drive this new turbo, so I can take my time tuning it up for higher boost, no more then 8psi. But I think I'll settle for 5psi for now.
But let me tell you all, even at 3psi she runs like a bat out of hell.
So for all you who have been watching my progress, it was the fuel pump for sure. In fact, the old pump had signs of overheating. It was burnt brown near the terminals. The new pump sounds so smooth and she starts up very nice. No extra cranking, seems to start in less then 1 second.
I stepped out of the car after a nice WOT and shouted, "Victory is mine!!!"
To all of you here at, thank you all so very much for all the help I have received here. You made it possible for this novice mechanically inclined hotshot to build his 96 Grand Prix 3100 TURBO.
I feel great!
EDIT I: Will be working on videos soon. I promise!
EDIT II: So I have it tuned for 7psi. My God!!! I loose traction all the way up to 45mph. So I have to learn how to work the pedal now and it isn't as easy as I thought it would be. When I do get traction, it pulls hard! HARD!!!
I have the AFR hitting 11.5 in the first few seconds of PE/BOOST and it gradually runs to 11 AFR.
Is that a good AFR? Or should I tune it to 11 at first gradually getting to 10.5 during PE/Boost?
Idle and cruise is 14.4 to compensate for the ethanol guesstimated at 5%.
