well from the looks of it no one around here has any idea about the LQ1 which has made the GTP in the garage more likely of a project candidate than anything since everyone around here seems to think its just like any other grand prix since its not supercharged or turbo, & a thought crossed my mind today.
with the exception of the rear taillights & such, would lumina fenders/front end fit on it (94 GTP)? if so ill say screw it and keep it because ive always wanted a Z34, & since the engine & trans is there, the only thing missing is the looks.
im sure there are going to be grand prix lovers on here that are going to be pissed at the mere though of this, but im sorry, i dont like grand prix's unless they are original TGP's.
and yes i do realize that this wouldnt actually be a Z34 since the title says Grand Prix, but if it looks & drives like one i dont give a shit what the title says!!!
thanks guys.
with the exception of the rear taillights & such, would lumina fenders/front end fit on it (94 GTP)? if so ill say screw it and keep it because ive always wanted a Z34, & since the engine & trans is there, the only thing missing is the looks.
im sure there are going to be grand prix lovers on here that are going to be pissed at the mere though of this, but im sorry, i dont like grand prix's unless they are original TGP's.
and yes i do realize that this wouldnt actually be a Z34 since the title says Grand Prix, but if it looks & drives like one i dont give a shit what the title says!!!
thanks guys.