I got my WOT stickers today! Thank you much!
so, of course I ran outside, put them on my achieva, my tow truck, and grabbed my camera.
I walked the wife through what I wanted, she fades into a close up on the sticker, my 3400 with open exhaust rumbling in the background. The motor gets goosed a few times, SOUNDS GOOD! She pans back, the motor screams! The tires start roasting, smoke bellows off them wrapping the fenders and tires till you almost can't see the car! I release the line-lock and she launches down the drive out of the smoke like a rocket!
All went as planned, till 2 seconds into the burn my line-lock failed and I launched, albeit a bit surprised, onto my street, with a bunch of scared *hitless neighbors, and a little old lady in a Buick who was driving down the street. I haven't replaced the power brake master cylinder to manual yet, so they don't stop very well, since they aren't hooked up to vacuum.
My wife thought this hilarious. I have since changed my shorts.
so, of course I ran outside, put them on my achieva, my tow truck, and grabbed my camera.
I walked the wife through what I wanted, she fades into a close up on the sticker, my 3400 with open exhaust rumbling in the background. The motor gets goosed a few times, SOUNDS GOOD! She pans back, the motor screams! The tires start roasting, smoke bellows off them wrapping the fenders and tires till you almost can't see the car! I release the line-lock and she launches down the drive out of the smoke like a rocket!
All went as planned, till 2 seconds into the burn my line-lock failed and I launched, albeit a bit surprised, onto my street, with a bunch of scared *hitless neighbors, and a little old lady in a Buick who was driving down the street. I haven't replaced the power brake master cylinder to manual yet, so they don't stop very well, since they aren't hooked up to vacuum.
My wife thought this hilarious. I have since changed my shorts.
