That's insane, first because she continues to lie and entrap individuals resulting in their being sent to jail and second because the courts know she's doing it and have done nothing to stop what amounts to entrapment. It's basically taking advantage of an opportunity to throw people in jail and take credit for an unjust application of the law.
If her father is so supportive of the laws that protect teenagers from poor decision making and the judgements hashed out to these guys for their lapse in judgement, perhaps the same laws should be applied to him for failing to correct the situation in his home that is permitting it through apparent inaction aside from allowing people to fall victim to this childs trap and letting the law do his job.
The family is well aware of what she is doing and there is no mention of any effort on their part to stop it. I bet this kid looks every bit a grown women in real life despite the youthfulness that picture shows.
I saw a picture of a 12 yo that looked like a grown woman, the only thing that lead to my discovering she was a child was questioning about what she was doing on an exam table in a pediatric clinic. She was dressed to deceive, high heels, makeup you name it.
She's also putting herself in danger which is another reason they should be holding the parents accountable.
Genuine ignorance is one thing, but being deceived does not count as ignorance, these guys know the law in this regard, that's why she posted an adult age to begin with.