I'm sure at least some of you noticed I hadn't posted in a whole week, so figured I'd spill the beans (doesn't look like Ben did). Anyway, last Saturday, what started out as a simple hub replacement turned into a major pain in the side. Literally!! Around 10:30am, I had just removed the wheel nut, when after about 5 minutes I started getting a major pain in my stomach/side. Went inside, laid down for a bit, then finally took a pain pill. Discussed with my wife and family about if I should head to the emergency room. Well, after about 30 min, the pain pill kicked in and the pain went to just a dule stomach ache. Went and got the parts I needed, ate some lunch, and then finished up the job. Nearing the end, the pain started coming back, until it was worse than before. Decided it was probably best to head to the ER just in case (around 3pm). Before we got there, I was shaking and in major pain. Spent the next 4-5 hours getting tests and crap done. Around 10pm this thought that had it narrowed down, but were calling in some "experts". Anyway, looks like I somehow managed to get a blood clot in my left kidney, killing about 25% of it. Spent the next 2 days in ICU, and then up until this afternoon in just a regular hospital room. They drew I don't know how much blood and sent it off for testing to try to determine the cause of the clot. Since day 1, I've been on blood thinners to reduce the chance of further clotting (in places like my heart, brain... you know "important" organs). Should know the results in a week or so. Depending on what the results are, I may end up having to be on blood thinners for the rest of my life. Not the greatest, but I guess I'll take it over the alternative.
Anyway, so that's my exciting story for the week. Not sure how much car tinkering I'll be able to do in the future, as it always seems that I end up bleeding somewhat whatever I do. And now that I have thinner blood, it'll be a lot easier to bleed and a lot harder to get it to stop. Oh joy...
But I'm still around and kickin' (albeit still in some pain).
Anyway, so that's my exciting story for the week. Not sure how much car tinkering I'll be able to do in the future, as it always seems that I end up bleeding somewhat whatever I do. And now that I have thinner blood, it'll be a lot easier to bleed and a lot harder to get it to stop. Oh joy...
