I guess it just came up on us too fast this year. And Ben and I have both been pretty busy to come up with something. But I'm suprised not a single word was mentioned on here about it. Not any other sites, what people did at work, etc... I'm ashamed of everyone!
Here are some past years pranks on the 60V6 community.
2007 - Copyright Infringement letter from GM (http://60degreev6.com/forum/showthre...ht=april+fools)
2006 - Oddly, I didn't find anything for that year.
2005 - Title bar message (http://60degreev6.com/forum/showthre...ht=april+fools)
2004 - Site is being sold (http://60degreev6.com/forum/showthre...ht=april+fools)
Here are some past years pranks on the 60V6 community.

2007 - Copyright Infringement letter from GM (http://60degreev6.com/forum/showthre...ht=april+fools)
2006 - Oddly, I didn't find anything for that year.
2005 - Title bar message (http://60degreev6.com/forum/showthre...ht=april+fools)
2004 - Site is being sold (http://60degreev6.com/forum/showthre...ht=april+fools)