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People I can't stand

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  • #31

    heres another two -- symptoms of living in Los Angeles, CA:


    I'm on the freeway in my camaro - cutout open so you can hear the car, people know that Camaros are not made to go slow, but of course there is always some idiot who is out for a sunday drive...

    The majority of the time I am in the carpool lane when this person appears... of course I can't get over due to the double yellow line. And then I spot the opening. Of course the person going slow does too, and when the opening happens several cars dart out to get around the person. But here in LA people are fucking crazy - so what does the person in the lead do? they floor it.

    You heard me, they try to speed up enough to keep people from passing them cause they are obviously upset and will cut the person off and make a dangerous situation for them. nevermind that speeding up makes the other drivers irate and make them speed up more and cut the person off or just cause some road-rage incident. i have had this happen to me, and unfortunately on a few occasions (when there are enough cars between myself and the person in question, i and a few people behind me usually lose out on the opportunity to pass.


    People who talk to their friends while driving. And I mean in another car! I've had this happen on more than one occasion. Someone (most recent) will realize that the person driving next to them is someone they havent seen in like a year and will roll their windows down and the two people will proceed to talk -- mind you this is mostly (read 99%) women drivers. Now its not like they will talk and then decide to pull off the road.. oh no.

    They talk...and they talk...and as they are talking, they arent paying attention, so their speed slowly drops - 75 - 60 - 55- 45... It's quite annoying. The last time it happened I even honked my horn a few times to which i only got a nasty look, and then revved my engine a little to which i got a nasty look from the other woman...then they went back to talking, so as soon as i got a free space i passed them on a shoulder, only to have the person i was trying to pass speed up and try to race me! (fortunately I have modded my car and could get around her). but she seriously was flooring it. if a cop had happened by I'm sure he would have thought we were street racing. (wasnt my intention, my intention was only to get around her quickly.)

    Suffice to say i put a lot of distance between this person and myself.

    It's just mind-boggling that people think they can hold conversations while driving down a major highway or a four-lane road without a median.


    hybrid - \'\'hI-br&d - The offspring of a cross between species.
    Co-Founder West Coast F-Bodies
    West Coast F-Bodies Car Club


    • #32
      #324 (since I lost count...)

      People who post on internet forums to bitch about other people.

      89 Mustang : Future 60V6 Power
      Follow the build ->


      • #33

        hybrid - \'\'hI-br&d - The offspring of a cross between species.
        Co-Founder West Coast F-Bodies
        West Coast F-Bodies Car Club


        • #34
          ok last one. people who drive down the road with their turn signals on.
          The Official Rotating Mass Nazi


          • #35
            People I cant stand

            Not to be nasty! But the people I cant stand a the ones who post a ford v8 timeslip in our 60 degreev6 site.Whats up with with that?


            • #36
              I think that list takes whatever you have in your profile. You don't have to mean for it to go on that list but it does.


              • #37
                #324 (since I lost count...)

                People who post on internet forums to bitch about other people.
                C'mon. Everyone needs to vent now and then. If you just vented to yourself, people may start to think you've escaped from the sanitarium.

                Besides, what's better than venting to people who share your POV. Apparently I wasn't the only one who has seom driving pet peeves. But I'm in a much better place now emotionally, mentally, and mechanically, so I'm done ranting.
                I may own a GTO now, but I'm still a 60V6er at heart.


                • #38
                  All of the above, plus @ssholes in their big trucks who think they are the shit.

                  Beaten most of em. With the Celi at least.

                  And those who come out of the in driveway of stores, and honk when I keep driving right at them. Dumbshits.

                  And the last person to turn for the red light. My light turns green, they are in the way.

                  And again on those who turn into the far lane at a light where I am turning, a move mostly performed by those in big stupid trucks.

                  Me, when I am in my big stupid truck.


                  • #39
                    hrm. my biggest irritation: fake people.

                    (i know someone will turn this into a joke but im serious).

                    people who act like they want to know you or want to be your friend, only to ditch you at the drop of a hat.

                    hybrid - \'\'hI-br&d - The offspring of a cross between species.
                    Co-Founder West Coast F-Bodies
                    West Coast F-Bodies Car Club


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by slow4dr View Post
                      Rosie O'Donell

                      #2 listed above is high up on my list
                      ..and al gore.....please just STFU.

                      and #2 is high on my list too.

                      The new Z06 exposes European sports cars for what they really are....overprice, underperforming snobs.


                      • #41
                        OMG! X2 on the talking people in traffic. I was turning onto my street the other day. To do this i have to cross a lane of traffic while making a left turn. So i am behind two cars during rushour and the first car spots someone they know trying to turn left across one lane. What does this bitch do, she stops and starts talking!!! During this i am stuck in the middle of the road with oncoming traffic coming doing 50mph. Needless to say, i wasn't very happy. Then it got worse, the second car rolls down her window and starts talking with the other two, not to move but about some party. So what do I do, i say, "move your fucking cars out of the fucking road you stupid bitches, or i'll do it for you!!!" needless to say, they moved and i didn't get t-boned, *yay me*. God I hate Alabama drivers.
                        1992 Lumina Z34
                        5 Speed
                        Autozone civic intake
                        Ultra White lights
                        FFP Dogbone mount
                        125k miles
                        2.5 inch Magnaflow catback from Magnaflow cat
               Custom Chip


                        • #42
                          Okay this is where I draw the line!!!!
                          I was on my way to work two days ago. I was on the interstate 295-N when this FAT ass bitch decides to take up the passing lane in he slow ass put-put moblie. So I did every thing in my power to try to get her to move over into the driving lane. First after I tried waiting, I flashed my high-beams profusely, then I got pissed off and rode her car...there was a semi in the driving lane so i stopped being an asshole. Giving her the benifit on the doubt I backed off hoping that she would move over when we passed the semi...she didn't. Then she did the ULTIMATE PISS ME OFF!!!!!SHE PUT HER FAT ASS PORKY ARM OUT THE WINDOW AND FLICKED A CIGERETTE OUT CAUSING IT TO HIT MY CAR!!!!! Then was slowing down to -60 mph speeds(65 mph speed limit) Needless to say at that point I was kinda boiling over with pissed off'edness. I rode her ass till I was at least within 2" give or take and passed her on the right...that is she retarded(no handicap tags). What the hell?...As soon as I pass her, pissed off and doing 90+(no traffic at this point) I passed a state trooper in the median. I think "whoa oh shit" I try to slow down by braking but I could only manage to brake to about 85 before I passed the state trooper(I was really close already but I didn't see him cuz of the ass that was in front of me). So I pass the state trooper thinkin 'got-dammit I can't afford another ticket' looking in my rear view mirror...the cop didn't even move?????

                          What the hell is wrong with people!!!!
                          Originally posted by wozxx...{is 92 mph in a school zone illegal?}
                          I was going relatively fast thru a school zone and was caught. However, I managed to zip into a neighborhood and evade the cop. Could I get additional tickets by trying to run?


                          • #43
                            HMMM, don't like to gripe but thought you might get a kick out of this....

                            Stopping a Mcd's for lunch and the line was around the building, so I go inside. When I come out (got the food to go) I saw a woman talking on the phone, looking at me as I got into my truck. I know she saw me and she was the last person in line for the drive through, but proceeded to stop behind me. I got in the truck and started it up, put salt on my burger, revved the engine so she would get the message that I wanted to leave. To no avail, I honked my horn and put it in reverse to look in my mirror and se she is still on the phone, looking dead at me. She doesn't get the essage, so I let off the brake and start rolling at her.

                            Do you believe this nut had the adosity to start yelling at who ever she was talking to and pointing at me like I did something wrong. She parked behind me! So I backed up a few more inches, she honked again. I backed a few more inches and she laid on the horn wild yelling in the phaone and obviosly telling her counterpart about what a jerk I was.

                            Now the line moves up enought where I Could do a six point turn to get out of the spot and get around her, so I proceeded to hawk a big fat goober and placed it in the center of her passanger window.

                            Moral of the story...

                            id10t's (eye dee ten t's) get a snot rocket, lol.

                            She was still on the phone as I left the parking lot, but at least she had something important to talk about now.


                            • #44
                              nice....goobers on windshields...ftw.

                              The new Z06 exposes European sports cars for what they really are....overprice, underperforming snobs.

