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People I can't stand

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  • People I can't stand

    I need to vent some rage, so here's a list of 5 types of people that need to be locked in a poorly wired L67 car:

    1. People who put crosses along the highway because somebody died there once.

    Why are some people so freakin special that they need two gravestones, one where they died and when where they got buried? Tragically killed, his life was cut short. News Flash! Few if any people are happily killed, and dying will always cut your life short! They're distracting, and depressing, and I'm sick of seeing them. There are five I can point out within 5 miles of my house! Maybe I need to tear through a couple graveyards to balance things out.

    2. People who can't decide how fast to go on the freeway.

    I'm simple. I lock my cruise at a speed and maintain if at all possible. I stay in the right lane, unless I come up on someone going slower, then I move out to pass. Then they decide the speed they were going 3 seconds ago is no longer satisfactory. Time to speed up! Now they're pacing me, I'm blocking the left lane because I can no longer get around, I feel guilty and move back over. "Oh, wait! Time to return to my previous speed," they say! Now I'm pinned, I have to get off the cruise, wait for an opening and blow by this asshole again! Seriously, the cruise is there for a reason. Use it!

    3. People who can't drive AND talk on cellphones.

    You may think these two go hand in hand, but I disagree. I think some people out there are capable of driving and talking on the phone simultaneously, but they are a rare breed. Example: Some dumb bitch pulls out into traffic during rush hour while they're doing construction. I'm in the right lane going 2 MPH. She pulls out, cuts me off, sees the left lane is open, goes for it, doesn't see the car coming up behind me who has to slam on here brakes to avoid her, she keeps driving on tra la la la la. Makes me wish I carried a loaded paintball gun within easy reach, or had one of those Hornblaster kits on my car. Nothing says, "Pay attention, bitch," like 200 dB of diesel locomotive horn behind you.

    4. People whose cars are made up of 90% bumper stickers.

    Bumper Sticker: noun, English, 'a sticker for your car bumper.' Not a sticker for your fender, window, or taillights! Hey, I'm all for expressing yourself, but after so many of these damn things you cross a line that moves you into clinically nuts, and I draw that line at six. Seven stickers is straight jacket time!

    5. People who can't process colors in their head.

    Example: You're in front of someone at the stoplight. The light turns green. They're still sitting there 5 second later thinking about it. "Hmm, is that green? Looks more like a greenish purple." They finally get the hint after you've honked at them for 10 seconds straight. Now they light is changing, and you won't make it through. Now you have to sit at the same light twice because some clueless woman was too busy deciding which is the best control top pantyhoe. People have places to go and things to do, and they're 5 cars back and saw that the light turned! Pay attention or stay home, those are your choices. Next person who pins me at the same light twice is getting their plate taken down, I'm gonna find you and fill your tires with Cheez Whiz. If you've got shit for brains, you may as well smell the part too.

    Rant over. Time for the Daily Show.
    I may own a GTO now, but I'm still a 60V6er at heart.

  • #2
    wow, that pretty much covers it. i'll contribute although this is off-road but honda tuners. it is pretty much a science, every 5th word will be VTEC and the ongoing tribute to how great it is. it isn't that special and it's annoying. if i feel the need i will inform them of a special feature my car posesses called torque and how much better it is than vtec.
    The Official Rotating Mass Nazi


    • #3
      i hate those #2's

      how bout people that stop in the middle of an intersection, and stare strait ahead, when your trying to get across a small intersection, like you dont know im here ass face !!!
      ever hear of keeping an intersection clear !!



      • #4
        i could argue the honda thing. i know plentyy of honda guys that are serious about performance, and they are all quite fast (mid 13s to high 10s, street driven cars). but i dont wanna get into that in this thread.

        6. people who cant merge
        contrary to what many think, you are supposed to merge onto the freeway at freeway speeds, not at 60km/h (35mph). not only does it cause frustration for people merging behind you, but it causes traffic back ups and accidents

        7. old people on the road
        im talking seniors that shouldnt be driving. they drive at 20km/h under the speed limit, stop at green lights, cut people off and cuase accidents. were i live (bc canada) we have a program that when you are a new driver (after you have your full licence, not learners) you must display an N on your vehicle to "warn" people that your a new driver. i beleive they should have an "O" for old people to warn other drivers that they are old and are a hazzard. along with that they should make seniors take roadtests every 2 years, i garentee that will fix the problem.

        8. people that turn at a light when they dont have the right of way
        i have a huge beef with this as i lost my last car because of it. all the time i have people turn left from the oposite direction cutting right in front of me. going right along with that is people that turn right from the oposite direction when i have the left turn arrow. they have no right to be moving as the road is not clear and i have the right of way. basicly it end up blocking the road off and ive seen this very thing cause major accidents.

        thats about all i can come up with right now.


        • #5
          The thing with the road crosses, around here, some people put it up as a warning that there is something dangerous, and you should pay attention.

          There was a REALLY BAD intersection that a lot of people died at. They finally had so many crosses there that they went ahead and closed it off, and re did it. There has not been an accident since in that particular intersection.

          I am one of those people that can talk and drive as long as I am in an AUTO. If I am driving a MANUAL TRANSMISSION car, I will NOT get on the phone unless I have a HEADSET. If I don't have a headset, I will not drive a manual tranny car.

          The other thing that pisses me off. When you are doing the speed limit (or slightly over), and an asshole comes flying up behind you, and they get pissed because you will not pull over onto the shoulder where they can pass. Sorry people, but if I am doing the speed limit, if you want to break the law, you can do it like I did when I was younger. Watch for a break in traffic, floor it, and pass them. I HATE it when they stay on your ass, or even start honking.
          1988 Olds Cutlass Supreme 3100 MPFI
          1990 Pontiac Grand Prix STE 3.1 MPFI
          1994 Olds Cutlass Supreme convertible
          1998 Lincoln Mark VIII
          "find something simple and complicate it"


          • #6
            People I can't stand? Techs, Marketing people, moderators, quality control people, shippers, etc. So that is a severe generalization:P Seriously though, with so many people in this world, there are bound to be plenty of people you can't stand. No, we can't move them all to australia again, that has been done:P


            • #7
              Originally posted by 3100 MPFI View Post

              The other thing that pisses me off. When you are doing the speed limit (or slightly over), and an asshole comes flying up behind you, and they get pissed because you will not pull over onto the shoulder where they can pass. Sorry people, but if I am doing the speed limit, if you want to break the law, you can do it like I did when I was younger. Watch for a break in traffic, floor it, and pass them. I HATE it when they stay on your ass, or even start honking.

              I usually run about 5 over the limit and they still come flying up on me and ride my butt. They are so close thet I can't see any of their windshield over my tailgate if I am in my truck or can't see antyhing but grille if I am driving the beretta.
              White '89 Beretta GTU with a 3400 under the hood. only a tranzgenic CAI so far!


              • #8
                i've slowed down to around 45 on the highway before b/c some asshole came up and was riding my ass..... i just let it coast down, slower and slower and slower, until the jackass passes me. I hate people who tailgate Unless it's in a parking lot at a sporting event

                Cammed 3400 --> 224whp 210wtq
                Cammed 3500 --> ???
                1 of 5 3500 J-Bodies


                • #9
                  Rosie O'Donell


                  #2 listed above is high up on my list
                  03 SRT4 best ET 12.74, best mph 108 video

                  91 GVR4 best ET 12.18, best mph 115 *sold* video

                  63 Nova 'low budget street fighter' Progress pics


                  • #10
                    oh i have another one, tailgaters. im talking the people that ride your bumper for no reason at all, no matter how fast or slow you go. they pull right up on your bumper at a stop and when they get the chance to go around, they dont. although i do have my way of dealing with it. if the usual brake check doesnt work, when they are right on my bumper i stick the clutch in and put it on the 2 step at 3800rpm. usualy this will scare the crap outa most tailgaters and they stay far back.


                    • #11
                      I have no tolerance for extreme tailgaters. I had a fuckin Silverado behind me the other day, could not see his headlights. you'd have to be within a couple feet for that to happen on my car! My motto, if I can't see your headlights, you're getting brake checked. You can buy me a new bumper, that's cool.
                      I may own a GTO now, but I'm still a 60V6er at heart.


                      • #12
                        You know on roads that have a stop sign on each side and cross traffic doesn't stop. Well, I needed to go across this strip of road here...I had been waiting for the stop lights to cycle so I could go, because this road at stop lights on each end. It does, so I start to go. Then some college gal decides she should go instead, even though she hadn't been waiting for 5 min for the solid bumper to bumper traffic to pass. She decided to flip me off, while blowing this stop sign and cutting me off. So I lay on the horn and am forced to slam on my brakes, or ram her car. I stop, still laying on horn, floor it and makes my tires light up and then I go on through.
                        People that don't like to maintain speed bug me too...they fly around me, then slow way down. normally this occurs on a no passing zone, so I'm stuck going behind some idiot going 40 in a 55. So I make sure to hit the horn for a bit, to let him know how stupid he is. Once a passing zone happens, I'm flying around him, which another hit of the horn.
                        People in tiny Hondas who think they're big and fast. Had some guy pull up next to me at a stop light, and start reving his engine. This is a Honda Civic SI if I remember right, two doors, about half the size of my 96 GP. The man inside has his head turned to the side, because the car is too small for him. Just looking at me, reving his engine. So when the light turns green, I don't even floor and blow his doors off. About 2 miles down the road he finally gets going fast enough to pass me, since I'm going the speed limit of 55. LOL

                        Just a few things...



                        • #13

                          I was in an accident a couple years ago because of a guy like #8. He was old too, so I guess that's another number too, LOL. And, almost lost the STE last week because of a #8.
                          Robby Whitesell
                          2006 Pontiac G6 GT
                          1985 Toyota Pickup DLX


                          • #14
                            I Florida, people think that you have to pass them on the right. If you are in the right lane, it genarally is the faster one.


                            • #15
                              People that ride their brakes downhill

                              These are the people that cause serious accidents on major mountain highways.
                              2001 Chevy Impala (3400)

