Well, about 2 weeks ago, I undertook the biggest project so far on my car, and replaced my intake manifold gaskets, took me 16 hours roughly thanks to the breaks I had to take. Well, when nearly done putting things back together, a friend of mine who helped remove my push rods to get the intake gasket off over tightened my number one cylinder's exhaust rocker bolt, and like a dumby, being as tired as we were, it looked fine so we just moved on after getting it back in place....
Well.... not a full week later, said bolt popped lose on me while on the interstate, it has stripped the threads out of the head, any ideas on the fix? A friend of mine is talking about helping me install a solid helicoil I think it was, but I have no idea what size tap will be needed to install one, anyone have any ideas? The good news from all this, no more coolant leak from the gaskets, and thankfully that never got bad enough to get in the oil. I have learned one thing though, I will never work on a car again when I am exhausted, going with out a car now for a week sucks...
