The blue tape is a temp hold for tack welding. Built compact and sturdy yet high flowing. All the vacuum/boost hoses are well secured like power lines. They aren't moving and therefore will never touch anything too hot and melt the hose.
the manifold has a 30 degree turn into the wastegate channel for smooth transitions. the dump side of the wastegate has a slight venturi effect (vacuum) when it opens it will get a quick pull from the vacuum. It also should help mix the two exhaust streams. The DP and WG dump pipe were calculated the perfect diameter for equal speed flow at 8psi between 3400-5500 RPM. So neither exhaust flow will impact the other substantially. They will merge better if they both flow at the same speed. A seperate (not shown yet) chamber with the perfect diameter for both exhaust flow will be attached and gently taper back to 2.5" exhaust.
The turbo manifold (cross-over) is highly polished from tip to tip, even in the wastegate pocket and valve was polished well. Better heat reflection and less carbon build up over time.