Hello my fellow v6 drivers. Well, im new too this site and the 60* world. I just got my 95 firebird about 2 months ago and since have been on a mission for POWER! I've been doin some research on this site for about a week now and decided too join and did further research. So far i've decided to go with a top swap and maybe a lil more since i will have the whole top of the motor off anyways. I am trying too get as much hp while still keeping the "guts" stock and the tranny (yes its auto)
. i was just looking for some suggestions on what cam too use and injectors and so on. Like a list of what is working for you? lol. I was searching new parts online and they seem a lil pricey. Then I see some of you have just taken parts off other cars like throttle bodies, injectors and such. any information or even thread links i have over looked would be appreciated. Thanks!
Jamal Zulkifli

Jamal Zulkifli